The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 639 A big deal has happened to the Buddha!We are ambushed!

Tang Sanzang frowned, seeing this huge cave, his face was full of doubts.

next second.

Tang Sanzang suddenly laughed,

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhu Bajie glanced at Tang Sanzang,

"Master, why are you laughing?"

Tang Sanzang said with a smile: "I laugh at that monster without strategy, and ghost with little wisdom! If I want to kill myself and ambush an army here, what will happen?"

Zhu Bajie slapped his thigh, with a joyful look on his face,


"The mountain roads here are rugged and difficult to navigate. In the middle of the night, the only way to get shelter is to enter the cave."

Sun Wukong looked at the side, but he didn't see anything unusual about the cave, he just shook his head,

"Anyway, with my grandson here, no matter how strong the monster is, it will be beaten to death by my grandson!"

Zhu Bajie laughed beside him and said:

"Brother Hou, if you are so powerful, you won't be held down by the Buddha for 500 years."

Sun Wukong has black lines all over his head,

"Idiot, can you not mention my black history, get rid of that matter, your monkey brother will be very capable!"

Zhu Bajie grinned loudly, his newly fattened belly was bouncing,

"Hahahahahaha... hiccup, brother monkey, if you poke my stomach with a stick again, I'll tell the boss!"

Sun Wukong snorted and withdrew his hand.

Zhu Bajie grinned, but suddenly looked left and right, wondering: "Hey, didn't the boss look for someone? Why haven't you found him for a day?"

Sun Wukong was also a little strange: "I don't know, maybe it was delayed by something?"

Hearing this, Tang Sanzang realized that there was no Chu Hao guarding him, coupled with his own speculation just now, he was a little vigilant, and hurriedly said:

"Disciples, why don't we take a detour, this ghostly place looks infiltrating, so don't take this mountain road."

Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong naturally had no objection, so they turned around and took another route.

But this scene was watched carefully by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't think there was a problem with this mountain at first, but now it seems that if Tang Sanzang and others detour because of this.

The mountains are high and the water is far away. According to the footsteps of Tang Sanzang and his group, it will take more than ten days to make a detour. Wouldn't it delay the time for Zen Master Wuchao to preach?

That is a super power, he got angry, who can resist it?

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face was full of entanglements. In this case, Guanyin Bodhisattva chose to throw stones to ask for directions.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva randomly caught a mountain elf and wild monster, skinned and dismantled, turned into an ordinary monster, and controlled the monster to walk obediently into the cave.

In the next second, when Guanyin Bodhisattva saw the mountain, there was a flash of magic energy for a moment, although it was only a flash, it was well hidden.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva had already done some tricks on the monsters, and she instantly felt the terrifying emotion from one of the monsters!

Moreover, in a short time, the monster completely severed any connection with Guanyin Bodhisattva, and even Guanyin Bodhisattva could no longer feel any breath!

Guanyin Bodhisattva was secretly shocked,

I am a dignified and half-step quasi-sage. Although I have just joined, I am far ahead of my peers in terms of strength and vision.

Logically speaking, unless the demons and ghosts scattered in the human world are deliberately arranged by Xitian, there is no way that they can threaten the existence of Guanyin Bodhisattva!

On the road of Journey to the West, everything has been inspected by Xitian, and the control is very strict. How could such a terrifying mountain suddenly appear?

Even his own temptations were silently swallowed up?

Immediately, Avalokitesvara realized the breath of conspiracy.

For a moment, she thought of the demon strongman she had fought with a few days ago.

Guanyin Bodhisattva still remembers the strength of that demon strongman, if that guy hides in this cave, he must be unable to solve it.

Even, if he attacked suddenly, none of Tang Sanzang and his party would be able to escape!

How to do!

Guanyin Bodhisattva's mind was spinning rapidly.


Only this way!

Fortunately, Tang Sanzang and others are still a long way from this mountain, and if there is a detour, Guanyin Bodhisattva still has a few days to deal with these matters.

Guanyin Bodhisattva flew to the sky without saying a word.

Although very helpless, but there is no way, Guanyin Bodhisattva must ask for help.


At this moment, West Heavenly Spirit Mountain.


However, after Chu Hao and the Dragon Clan rioted in Lingshan last time, Lingshan almost collapsed, and the entire Xitian Bliss World was destroyed everywhere.

The wonderful tree of spiritual grass is not very good after being overwhelmed.

Of course, after Longzu and Chu Hao left.

Under the call of the ancient lamp-burning Buddha and Tathagata Buddha, the three thousand Buddhas all joined the ranks of moving bricks to paste walls.

Very shameful, but useful.

Many buildings in Lingshan cannot be repaired by ordinary Buddhist soldiers, especially the Daleiyin Temple whose ceiling was lifted, and even the Buddhas had to move bricks to build it for him.

As expected of the Three Thousand Buddhas in Lingshan, they were unambiguous in their work.

Soon the entire Lingshan took on a new look, and everything seemed to return to the original starting point.

Moreover, since Journey to the West continued, Lingshan seems to have ushered in a short period of tranquility.

It has been a long time without hearing any more bad news.

The three thousand Buddhas were all intoxicated in this quiet and peaceful living environment.

That's right.

We are Buddhas, we obviously don’t need to do anything, we just need to sit here quietly, relying on the power of mortals to make offerings.

At most, we just use some classics to fool them. Anyway, we don't need to save them, and they have to grab their heads and come to the Western Paradise to be Buddhist slaves.

This is our aloof Buddha!

If it wasn't for that Chu Hao who broke our tranquility, we could enjoy this happiness forever and ever!

The Tathagata Buddha thought so too.

For a while, he even went looking for a beautiful futon, which was not made of meat or jade.

The futon, full of acquired treasures, was placed on the damaged stone platform by the Tathagata Buddha. Finally, the Tathagata Buddha no longer had to sit on the dry stone platform.

Although it is not as prestigious as sitting on the ninth-grade lotus platform in front of him, it is okay, at least he does not have hemorrhoids.

The Tathagata Buddha sat comfortably on the stone platform, enjoying the hard-won tranquility.

Even, he said with a little shame:

"It seems that I haven't seen Guanyin for a long time, but I don't know if the person who learns the scriptures is healthy?"

But at this time, suddenly a woman in a white gauze skirt rushed in from outside.

The three thousand Buddhas, who were originally leisurely and leisurely, felt as if their hearts had been grabbed for a moment, and they couldn't breathe for a moment.

Tathagata Buddha swallowed his saliva, terrified in his heart,

No, don't talk about trivial things, don't say that so and so of the four Journey to the West died again!

Master, Qiuqiu, give me a way to survive!

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva did not let Tathagata Buddha succeed,

"Something happened, something happened to the Buddha! We are ambushed!" Guanyin Bodhisattva shouted.

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