The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 636 When staring at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you

In the end, under Chu Hao's exhaustion, he brought another [-] merits and divine water.

The merits and divine water of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva are all in Chu Hao's hands.

And Guanyin Bodhisattva also left with a dark face.

It doesn't matter, just give it if you give it, isn't it just [-] merits and divine water!Cao!

Small meaning, not particularly much at all!

But Guanyin Bodhisattva thought very quickly, as long as the Zhu Gang hyena is subdued, then go over there and subdue the rolling shutter general.

Next, the scripture learning team will be assembled. This is a juncture, and the merits of all previous disasters will also fall.

At that time, I will definitely be able to earn back all the merits, and even take the opportunity to become a quasi-sage!

Guanyin Bodhisattva secretly glanced at Chu Hao, sneered,

Now Chu Hao is riding on his head, when the time comes, Guanyin Bodhisattva will ride on Chu Hao's head in turn!

Chu Hao saw the ambition of Guanyin Bodhisattva, but encouraged him like a father:

"Okay, don't think too much, hurry up and go to work, otherwise you won't be able to deal with me!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva let out a cold snort, and quickly flew to Gao Laozhuang.

Chu Hao originally wanted to find Gu Yang, but he thought that Gu Yang would not be so stupid as to directly reveal the location of the hidden treasure, so Chu Hao was not in a hurry to find Gu Yang.

So Chu Hao was happy to go to Gao Laozhuang to watch the fun.

Moreover, due to the skill of turning golden crow into rainbow, Chu Hao's speed is faster than Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But Chu Hao didn't know, because of Chu Hao's ruthless decision, Gu Yang shot dozens of shots there!

At this moment, Gu Yang is hiding in a cave that no one cares about, with a pair of scarlet eyes staring coldly at the outside of the cave.

He had already expected that Chu Hao might follow him and find out the magic weapon in his hand!

And Gu Yang arranged a feast of demonic energy in this cave early on that could infect all living beings!

Gu Yang even brought all those subordinates who were finally gathered by the demons to this cave, just to ambush Chu Hao!

The entire cave seemed to be calm, but as long as Chu Hao stepped in...


At that time, all the monsters and Gu Yang will attack Chu Hao brazenly, and completely subdue Chu Hao!

Wouldn't it be easy to subdue Chu Hao by then?

Gu Yang was in the cave, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, he sneered in a low, dark voice, his voice was like a night owl,

"Hmph, hahahaha! Chu Hao, are you watching outside?"

"Step in, I can see the greed in your eyes!"

"When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you!"

"You will eventually be dominated by your greed, and you will follow every step, step by step, into the endless abyss. What is waiting for you is my lord Gu Yang, hahahahaha!"

Gu Yang couldn't help laughing out loud, he shouldn't be too high-spirited.

He must suffer!


At this moment, Gao Laozhuang, the lobby.

"Hahahaha, eat and drink well, everyone. This meal is my father-in-law's treat, so you are welcome!"

Zhu Bajie happily entertained the folks everywhere.

That is to say, the banquet.

Naturally, it was Mr. Gao's seat.

Chu Hao sat at the children's table.

Since Zhu Bajie listened to Chu Hao's suggestion, he showed his great strength in front of the villagers of Gao Lao Village, and Sun Wukong secretly helped him.

After all the monsters in Gao Lao Village were eliminated by Zhu Bajie, all the villagers in Gao Lao Village had panic-filled eyes when they saw Zhu Bajie.

It's like seeing Zhu Bajie is like seeing a devil.

All the timid impressions of the past have completely receded, replaced by endless fear!

Just because people outside heard Zhu Bajie's complaint about Gao's mess, the whole village rushed in to clean Zhu Bajie's house.

It was too late for Tang Sanzang to go to the funeral, and the body of Mr. Gao had already been moved out and buried.

Then, the villagers deeply felt Zhu Bajie's grief of losing his father-in-law, and took the initiative to arrange this table for Zhu Bajie, which can be regarded as a gift for the respected old man.

The current Zhu Bajie has been completely reborn, he has completely changed his mind, and is no longer a bad guy who only knows how to give in and endure.

Zhu Bajie understood what Chu Hao said thoroughly, that good people are bullied by others, and good horses are ridden by others.

Especially in this narrow and selfish place where Zhu Bajie can only be respected if he shows his true strength.

Everyone is eating here.

And Guanyin Bodhisattva has just arrived.

When she came down just now, she felt that something was wrong.

How could that soaring evil spirit be possible? Why did Gao Laozhuang attack so many monsters again? !

The whole Gao Laozhuang seemed to be stained red with blood, and there were many incomplete corpses, which were still lying on the side of the road.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked confused,

what's up?

This is not Gao Laozhuang!

And look at Zhu Bajie again...

What about people?

No, what about pigs?

Guanyin Bodhisattva stood on the cloud, looked down at Gaolaozhuang, and saw a group of people eating feasts in the lobby of Gaolaozhuang.

Even Tang Sanzang and Monkey King are eating very naturally.

This is outrageous!

What about Gao Lao Zhuang Xing Zhe who promised to cast down the demons, and Yun Zhan Cave Wu Kong to accept the Eight Precepts?

Why are you eating happily?

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes were full of despair. She always felt that something wonderful happened during her absence.

Blame that Zen Master Wuchao for calling himself out when he was full?

And that devil Gu Yang, he has delayed himself for an unknown amount of time!

So what is the situation now? !

What about pigs?What about my big pig?

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva observed in the field, the only one who looked alike was the pig demon in the field, staring at a pig's head, but naked|naked, full of muscles, and eight-pack abs.

Guanyin Bodhisattva stared at Zhu Bajie for a long time, and then asked with a puzzled look: "Handsome guy, who are you?"

At this moment, Zhu Bajie also seemed to feel the unknown gaze, and raised his head to look.

Guanyin Bodhisattva meets Zhu Bajie's eyes for a moment.

Even from a long distance, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva could only feel that there was endless fighting intent in Zhu Bajie's eyes, and the terrifying flames of war that rose up almost made Avalokitesvara feel his whole body trembling!

Guanyin Bodhisattva was taken aback.

"Who the hell is this? Why does he have such a fighting spirit!"

Zhu Bajie ignored Guanyin Bodhisattva, but walked up to Chu Hao, and asked for instructions with a grin:

"Boss, there is a female Bodhisattva looking at us, what should I say?"

Chu Hao dominated the children's table by himself, and he ate with great joy.

Although it is said that Chu Hao enjoys fine nectar, jade dew, dragon liver and phoenix marrow in his daily life, but that is not fragrant.

Now dominating the children's seat, feeling the children's full of resentment, Chu Hao sincerely felt:

"Ah, it smells so good!"

"Zhu Bajie, don't play with your identity, food must be important! Just ignore him!"


This pig demon turned out to be Zhu Bajie? !

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