The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 633 Gu Yang is Excited!Chu Hao was also excited!

"Hahahaha! Do you think that Journey to the West can be hidden from me? Ridiculous!"

"Today's Journey to the West, I will be buried here. The revenge of that day will be avenged today!"

At this moment, a lonely and flying laughter echoed in the sky.

That arrogant laughter, if Chu Hao was here, he would definitely feel a very familiar feeling.

For many sleepless nights, Chu Hao would always think of that good brother who reached out to help him at the most difficult moment in his life.

It's a pity that Guanyin Bodhisattva is not Chu Hao, and she can't experience Chu Hao's feeling.

At this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is complaining endlessly, she never knew that there is such a strong person in the world!

Gu Yang's strength is very strong, and he even vaguely has the strength to step into the quasi-sage realm!

Of course, this is due to the fact that his heel is of the blood of the Great Desolation, but it is more due to the fact that the leader treats him well.

Always give Gu Yang magic energy.

Of course, there is no other way, after all, the only one who can work outside is Gu Yang.

Although it is said that Gu Yang has wiped out all the fish and demonic energy raised in his family, and was tricked out to work for a long time, he is still a good employee.

So Gu Yang's strength has been skyrocketing.

And today, he was also entrusted by the leader to come out to collect treasures for the next revival of the demon clan.But it was just by chance that he met Guanyin Bodhisattva here.

Of course, he never told anyone about collecting magic weapons.

Gu Yang is a smart person, he knows that there is no impenetrable wall in the world, even if he is sure to kill Guanyin Bodhisattva, but he still insists on not revealing the content of the mission!

No one will know that he has hoarded a lot of magical treasures and elixir, and even a lot of monster mounts that Gu Yang has been searching for for a long time.

This time, after Gu Yang killed Guanyin Bodhisattva, he entered Gao Lao Village again, killed the four people traveling westward, and journeyed westward against the chaos!

After that, my lord will be born and rule the world, just around the corner!

Gu Yang is so excited!

Chu Hao was also excited!

"Good brother, it's really you, good brother!"

Chu Hao had just arrived, and when he arrived, he saw Gu Yang beating Guanyin Bodhisattva, and he was beating ruthlessly.

This is an area between Gaolaozhuang Village and Futu Mountain, so it was safe and sound.

But now it has been pitted and cracked everywhere by the crazy battle between Guanyin Bodhisattva and Gu Yang.

Moreover, this is just Guanyin Bodhisattva and Gu Yang fighting in the sky.

If this was fought on the ground, Hades' table would have been overturned by now.

Of course, Chu Hao was not interested in the battle between Gu Yang and Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The main reason is that Chu Hao was excited when his good brother came.

Although Chu Hao was also a little bit puzzled, shouldn't this young man, Gu Yang, be fired by the leader?

Why is Gu Yang still here?And he fought with Guanyin Bodhisattva, fighting fiercely.

But this doubt was obviously explained by brother Gu Yang himself.

I'm afraid it's because Gu Yang's leader cherishes talents, not only doesn't blame Gu Yang, but also raises Gu Yang's salary, oh no, increase his cultivation base.

At this moment, Gu Yang has reached the cultivation base that is one step away from the quasi-sage.

It's about the same as Chu Hao, which is outrageous.

To be honest, Gu Yang is definitely a genius, even if he is placed in the prehistoric world, he is already a genius in heaven and earth with such a speed of cultivation improvement.

Especially in the period of Journey to the West, when talents are withering, Gu Yang is really a supreme powerhouse!

If it wasn't for Chu Hao...

He is really a domineering, aloof and powerful Demon Race powerhouse.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Yang is a member of the Demon Race, he has become the only spokesperson of the Demon Race in the world, which is already enough.

So Gu Yang's leader appreciates him, it's really not stupid.

Of course, the main reason is that there is no one left.

Chu Hao hid aside and watched the battle between Guanyin Bodhisattva and Gu Yang, thinking to himself,

"Good guy, it turns out that Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't come to Gao Lao Village because of his good brother Gu Yang."

"It's no wonder that Gao Laozhuang suddenly came over with a group of demon-like monsters. It was obviously Gu Yang's handwriting."

"In addition to the answer from my good brother just now, based on my understanding of him, I can basically be sure that he came here to hide the truth. What is he preparing for!"

"Then what is it?"

Chu Hao thought about it, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Is this still worth thinking about?

It must be about Sha Wujing!

Of course, I still can't guess what it is.

Ask directly, this is the best choice!

The main reason was that Chu Hao secretly felt a little sorry when he saw Gu Yang beating Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Because when Gu Yang beat Guanyin Bodhisattva violently, he kept talking about revenge, and your hearts in the Western Paradise are so dark and so on.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also wronged and puzzled.

It doesn't make sense!

I came from Fengshen, don't you remember that I offended this person in Xitian?

And he kept saying that I played with him in Xitian, took away his treasures in the seabed, and even emptied his magic energy. What's more, he tricked him to go out to work!

This thing sounds outrageous!

Of course, Guanyin Bodhisattva didn't take it to heart.

Because she knew that Xi Tian had always made countless enemies, even if someone came to her, she would definitely not be surprised.

Moreover, this member of the Demon Race obviously came prepared, he seemed to have been paying attention to the Westward Journey a long time ago, and he came here to sabotage the Westward Journey!

Guanyin Bodhisattva once heard from the Buddha that the demons might attack the west, so he should pay more attention.

So no matter what Gu Yang said, Guanyin Bodhisattva just ignored it.

After all, they are all enemies, and Guanyin Bodhisattva doesn't care what he says.

Pay attention to one, not afraid of the shadow when the body is leaning.

It's just that now the Bodhisattva Guanying feels great pressure, and the threat of death is coming!

"Today | You will die in the hands of this seat, remember, I am the one who killed you, Gu Yang!"

Gu Yang's long sword suddenly stabbed at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The Guanyin Bodhisattva was shocked, and suddenly sacrificed a pure glass bottle to resist.

However, under Gu Yang's long sword, the pure glass bottle did not see any benefit.

This long sword is a supreme artifact that Gu Yang sacrificed and refined for countless years.

Has the prestige of innate spiritual treasures!

It is his talisman!

This is what he took out specially for this mission.

Even if it has never been taken out before.

Today there will be a bodhisattva's blood sacrifice to the magic weapon, and Gu Yang will sacrifice this natal magic weapon!

Gu Yang stabs out with a sword, and when the devilish energy in the sky pierces Changhong, the situation in the world changes color!

The sword comes out, the sky cracks!

This sword is extremely arrogant and arrogant, indulgent and crazy.

This sword will use the blood of the Bodhisattva to calm the hatred in my heart!

Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't resist, and was immediately forced back by Gu Yang's sword, and his life was about to die!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face is extremely frightened, and he has practiced for thousands of years, and he is gone!

However, at this moment, a handsome profile came into view.

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