The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 631 Chu Hao: Zhu Gang Mane, I will give you the dharma name Zhu 8 Jie

When the villagers heard this, their faces turned green with fright.

If the pig just joined the slaughter, would it be okay? !

Immediately, the villagers were like camels crushed by the last straw, terrified and wailing in despair.

One by one knelt down and howled to Zhu Gang:

"Grandpa Pig, Grandpa Pig, we know that we are wrong, it is our lard that has deceived us, please help us!"

"Thousands of mistakes, it's all the fault of my prodigal daughter. She always said that I am not as good as a pig, so I hold a grudge against you!"

"Grandpa Pig, it's that Grandpa Gao, that old bastard who keeps telling us not to give you good looks, otherwise we wouldn't dare to treat you disrespectfully!"

All the villagers kowtowed like pounding garlic, and they all regretted at this moment.

Zhu Gangli saw those gossiping villagers on weekdays, one by one kowtowed and pleaded guilty, but Zhu Gangli was very upset.

There are a few who obviously seem to be following the wind, and will not change their will.

But Zhu Ganglu also sneered, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Monkey King, naming these people.

Of course, there are only a few really savage ones, and the others are just bullying waste, just scaring them.

Zhu Ganglian pretended to be righteous, and shouted to the villagers:

"Stop pretending here, bullying my wife on weekdays, I'm too late to kill you, and you still want me to save you, dreaming!"

Zhu just said a word, which scared all the villagers out of their wits.

Sure enough, Zhu Ganglian is going to join the group of monsters to slaughter us? !


And Sun Wukong also took this opportunity to encourage:

"Come on, kill them all! How can mortals bully monsters, monsters kill people, it's justified! You are dead today!"

Monkey King roared, and all the monsters in the field rushed towards the villagers.

The monsters are strictly disciplined, and the simplest rule is that the weak will prey on the strong, and the strong will respect.

Although Sun Wukong doesn't know when he came, but he is powerful.

Monsters: We don't know, and we don't dare to ask more questions, just be obedient.

All the monsters rushed towards the villagers like crazy, and the evil spirit at that moment made the villagers tremble with fear.

Some even fainted from fright on the spot.

However, at this time Zhu Gangli stood up and blatantly attacked all the monsters.

As soon as the nine-toothed rake struck, it directly smashed dozens of monsters into pieces, and smashed them to pieces on the spot. It's not too strong.

This scene stunned the villagers.

"My good fellow, this pig demon from the Gao family is so powerful, those dozens of monsters are enough to kill tens of thousands of us!"

"This nail rake killed them all?! This Gao family pig demon has powerful mana! It's over, I offended him before, I deserve to die!"

"Thank you Grandpa Pig, Grandpa Pig saved my dog's life, I'm so grateful!"

"Grandpa Pig saved my dog's life, I am so grateful, and I will be a cow and a horse in the future to repay Grandpa Pig!"

"Yes, yes, from now on, Grandpa Pig will be my grandfather. Whoever dares to bully me, Grandpa Pig and Grandma Pig, I will fight him forever!"

For a while, all the villagers knelt down and kowtowed, crying.

Most of them did indeed repent.

Can it work without repentance?

They are not fools, they used to look down on Zhu Gangli and bully Gao Cuilan, all because of Zhu Gangli's cowardice.

In addition, Grandpa Gao didn't support the son-in-law and daughter, rounding it up, it was roughly equivalent to orphans, so it was reasonable to bully them.

But it is different now.

This pig has just hyenaed the feather fan and the scarf, and with a swipe of the rake, the powerful enemy is wiped out in ashes!

In the eyes of the villagers, this is a fairy!

As long as they have strength, they must be respected, and now their lives are all in the pig's trotters.

If you don't admit cowardice to Zhu Ganglu, you are basically asking for your own death.

So everyone really convinced themselves.

Isn't that the case in all barbaric areas?

Zhu Ganglian glanced at it, sneered in his heart,

"Before I also turned my palms to destroy you, but I tolerated you, but you bullied me and humiliated me!"

"It's good now. I said I wanted to kill you, but instead, I kowtowed to me and pleaded guilty?"

"Sure enough, Ren Shan was bullied, and Ma Shan was ridden by others! From now on, I will be stupefied!"

Zhu Gangli originally wanted to kill them all, but as Chu Hao said, Gao Cuilan still needs to live here, and subduing them is definitely more effective than killing them all.

As a result, Zhu Ganglian suddenly raised the nine-toothed rake and killed all the demons,

Zhu Gangguan yelled angrily in disgust:

"People of Gao Laozhuang, remember, I wanted to kill you all, but my wife Lan Lan has a compassionate heart, let me save you."

"Your heads will be placed on top of your heads temporarily!"

"If you dare to disrespect Lan Lan again, I will kill you with my own hands. I will do what I say!"

Zhu Gangman rushed towards the monsters, roared, and opened and closed the nine-toothed rake, killing all monsters!

Pigs go by leaps and bounds!

And the villagers were already frightened, and after hearing this, they agreed again and again:

"I will keep it in mind, Gao Cuilan saved my dog's life, anyone who dares to bully Gao Cuilan in the future will have trouble with me!"

"Yes, yes, us too!"

Sun Wukong dodged the Zhu Ganglian's attack, but directly attacked the villagers who were named,

"Say a fart! I want to kill you, who can stop me!"

Zhu Gangli quickly turned around and came to help everyone.

This comes and goes.

Soon, several of Gao Laozhuang's troublemakers were all killed, leaving no one behind.

And Zhu Ganglian also killed all the monsters.

Sun Wukong consumed the lives of all the monsters, and then he shouted:

"People in Gao Laozhuang, you are lucky today. With this pig demon backing you, I will let you!"

"I will definitely be back!"

Then Monkey King slipped away.

It is the first time that Zhu Ganglu and Monkey King cooperate, and they have a good understanding!

Today's move is to play with this group of Gao family thugs who play with the wind and bully the weak and fear the hard.

The villagers were terrified.

Want to come again?

Wouldn't it be that once Zhu Gangli was not in the village, all these people would be killed?

All the villagers knelt down in front of Zhu Gangli, desperately repenting.

But Zhu Gangli turned around and left as if he didn't even look at them, leaving only a faint sentence,

"I've said it before, it has nothing to do with my wife Lan Lan saving you."

The villagers were filled with remorse, but they also knew the key to survival, to please Gao Cuilan!

But after Zhugang finished killing people, he met Monkey King who had changed back to his original form, and the two happily returned to Gao's house.

At this moment, Chu Hao was also waiting for them to come back.

When Zhu Gangli returned to Gao's house, Zhu Gangli happily shouted to Chu Hao:

"Boss, they have been properly arranged!"

Chu Hao nodded, and the Guanyin Bodhisattva hadn't come back yet, so Chu Hao took his place directly.

Chu Hao sits on the 36th-grade fortune-telling green lotus, his awe-inspiring uprightness pierces Changhong,

"Zhu Gangli, you were originally the Marshal of the Canopy who came down to earth, and now that the calamity is over, I will give you the dharma name Zhu Bajie, and go to learn scriptures with Tang Sanzang, why don't you?"

Zhu Gangman: "Damn it!"

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