The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 622 The resurrection of the pig gang hyena, the fist can shake the big Luo!

【Congratulations to Devouring Origin Real Fire!

[You have obtained a great supernatural power: the real fire of the sun

[This supernatural power has supreme power, please use it carefully

[Congratulations, because you have the real fire of the sun, you can raise the technique of turning the golden crow into the rainbow to the highest level!

[Please drink up those two barrels of three-legged Golden Crow blood essence.

Chu Hao scratched his head, and casually drank the blood of the three-legged Golden Crow.

next second.

[Congratulations, the technique of turning the golden crow into a rainbow has been promoted to the highest level, your speed is already the fastest in the three realms

Is this the end?

The difficulty of dealing with this ball of real sun fire is similar to that of Xing Tian's heart, because the existence of this thing is basically exclusive.

Obviously, Chu Hao didn't know how to subdue the original fire.

But now you don't have to worry about it at all, and you still need to surrender?

The system shot directly, devoured!

By the way, let Chu Hao raise the supreme treasure technique of the three-legged Golden Crow to the highest level.

Chu Hao didn't react for a long time.

The gap between humans and pigs is really big. Pigs have just surrendered to Xing Tian's heart, and they want to show their sincerity in front of Xing Tian before dying, and they have to eat happily.

And the original real fire, which is more precious than Xingtian's heart, was completely devoured by Chu Hao.

Highlight first-hand hooligans.

Chu Hao is also used to cheating. What does it have to do with me, Chu Hao?

Chu Hao turned his head, only to find that Zhu Gang's mane was already on the ground, ready to bounce.

But the pig just jumped for a while, then suddenly stopped, and said with a blank face:

"Boss, I feel like my heart is a little heavy. What's going on? Do you know?"

Chu Hao pondered for three seconds,

"Let me tell you first, my Chinese is very good."

"After you opened your arms just now, your heart almost jumped out, and you were always happy, and when you were happy, you ate and drank, and even hiccupped happily."

"And then you live."

Pig Gangman: "???"

Where does this follow?

Open minded, heart almost jumping out, and happy all the time, happy to eat and drink?Hiccup?

Zhu Gangli's brain can't understand such a weird usage at all.

Chu Hao looked at Zhu Gangli's bewildered expression, and Chu Hao sighed,

"I won't talk about this matter, my brain is buzzing now, and I am also doubting life."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are alive now, can you feel anything strange?"

Zhu Ganglian felt it quietly for 3 minutes before opening his eyes and saying:

"I always feel that he has his own ideas about this heart. He seems whether he likes to jump or not."

Chu Hao laughed awkwardly,

"Drink fake wine, probably."

Zhu Gangguan laughed loudly,

"Boss, how can you be joking, how can you drink fake wine with your heart?"

Chu Hao laughed even more embarrassingly,

"Hahahaha, that's true, I don't believe it either."

But he |damn| it's true!

He|mother even swallowed my plate!

Zhu Gang stayed in place, adjusted to his body, but suddenly excitedly said:

"Boss, I feel my cultivation has taken off!"

"I am now, the Great Luo Jinxian!"

Chu Hao: "!!!"

Chu Hao stared at Zhu Ganglu, but he couldn't see a big Luo Jinxian at all.

Chu Hao: "Where are your three flowers? Where are your five qi? Da Luo Jinxian's three flowers gather at the top, and the five qi are in full swing!"

Zhu Gang held back for a long time, then suddenly said:

"Where's my primordial spirit? Where did my great primordial spirit go?"

Chu Hao: "..."

Believe it or not, your primordial spirit is hiding in your heart.

I strongly suspect that Yuanshen participated in the cheating of eating and drinking just now!

Zhu Gangli smiled naively, with a delicate smile on his face,

"Forget it, mere Yuanshen, don't get in the way."

Chu Hao: "..."

Well, very energetic!

Zhu Gangguan was very excited,

"Boss, look at this!"

Zhu Ganglian punched the air, and there was a sound of explosion in the air, and then saw that the entire Yunzhan Cave was almost collapsed!

Chu Hao: "!!!"

With that punch just now, Chu Hao could clearly feel that the strength of that punch could really threaten Da Luo Jinxian!

Chu Hao began to doubt his life.

This is the physical strength of the Great Witch!

According to the rumors, the body of a great witch can hold the moon in nine days and pick up the stars day by day, and is omnipotent.

Now the heart of the great witch that Zhu Ganglian possesses directly possesses the shadow of the witch clan back then.

It seems that that heart allowed Zhu Gangli to possess both the identities of the monster clan and the witch clan.

What's even more outrageous is that Zhu Gangguan's primordial spirit is still there.

Chu Hao always felt that some outrageous plot happened to Zhu Ganglu, and this plot might involve a huge amount!

However, it seems to be very good.


Zhu Ganglian was obviously also very excited, punching wildly on the spot.

Chu Hao hurriedly said:

"Calm down, isn't this the cemetery of your second sister Egg? Do you want to dance on the grave?"

Zhu Gangli hurriedly stopped, and then smiled innocently.

Ever since Zhu Ganglian died once, his whole face was radiant, and many things were relieved.

Of course, this is also related to his feeling that his strength is enough to kill Da Luo Jinxian.

Although it looks like a golden fairy in terms of cultivation base, his real strength may have surpassed Monkey King!

And, this is just the beginning.

The Heart of the God of War is extremely powerful.

Moreover, Zhu Ganglian is still a demon clan at the same time, and there is a soul in his body.

The existence of this pig's head has obviously reached a state that has never been seen in ancient times.

It is conceivable that if Zhu Gangli is allowed to practice for a few more years, the growth rate of this guy can be imagined.

Zhu Gangli suddenly stood in front of Chu Hao,

Chu Hao twitched the corner of his mouth,

"Show your abs?"

Zhu Ganglian shook his head, and suddenly knelt down in front of Chu Hao with a plop.

Chu Hao was shocked and wanted to help Zhu Ganglu.

But the strength of the Zhugang hyena was so strong that Chu Hao couldn't help him immediately.

Zhu Ganglian took advantage of the situation and knocked his head a few times, whimpering and saying:

"Master Prison God, I have just received your great favor to have this good fortune, and to be able to come back from the dead!"

"Whether you recognize it or not, I am just a pig in this life, and you are the only one who will follow me!"


Chu Hao sighed,

"as long as you are happy……"

Thinking of being happy, Chu Hao thought of that outrageous scene.

Chu Hao shook his head, but suddenly thought of something, and said to Zhu Gang:

"Young man, if you are rich and honored, you will never return to your hometown. It is like walking around at night in a brocade."

"Gao Laozhuang seems to be a bit troublesome now. It just so happens that your strength is almost the same. When you go back to Gao Laozhuang, you have to choose what to do!"

"You still can't get away from the path of learning, but we will break free from their control step by step."

Chu Hao thought it would take a while to convince Zhu Gangli.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Gangli nodded without thinking,

"Boss, my old pig knows it well, I'll go back now!"

The pig just turned around and left.

But Chu Hao hesitated at the same place, and after a long while, he suddenly made up his mind.

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