The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 607 Do you know how I have lived these 5 years!

Tang Sanzang was chatting in Gao Laozhuang.

On the one hand, it also confirmed the thoughts in my heart.

Sure enough, there were thousands of mistakes, and it was still Mr. Gao!

Combined with the things that came all the way to inquire before, Tang Sanzang basically knew the whole story.

In order to find a free young man for the Gao family, Gao Taigong found a door-to-door son-in-law for Gao Cuilan, but on the wedding day, he found out that the groom was a pig demon.

The gossip and gossip of those gossiping women and talkative old men in the marketplace made Mr. Gao feel very ashamed, so he secretly gave his daughter a three-foot white silk.

And after the pig demon rescued Gao Cuilan, he stayed by Gao Cuilan's side day and night, washing and folding quilts for Gao Cuilan, serving tea and water.

Gao Taigong secretly handed Gao Cuilan several times of white silk and daggers. Gao Cuilan committed suicide many times, but was found and rescued by the pig demon.

Since then, the pig demon has been taking care of Gao Cuilan in the backyard.

Tang Sanzang gritted his teeth, hating Mr. Gao,

"How can there be such a dirty old man in the world!"

"Wukong, why don't we save him in the past?!"

Tang Sanzang suddenly looked at Monkey King.

But Gao Cuilan next to her was terrified in every possible way,

"Holy Monk, don't scare me. Those are my parents. There are thousands of mistakes. The fault is that I am a daughter. My father just hates me for being ineffective."

"You must not hurt my father. He has treated me very well. It's the unlucky daughter who hurt the family."

When Tang Sanzang saw that Gao Cuilan was pleading for his father, he couldn't help but get even more furious.

Sun Wu gave a blank look,

"Master, you really dare to say that Mrs. Gao is also Gao Cuilan's biological father. Who would be willing if you said to your face that you want to save her father?"

Tang Sanzang raised his brows, paused his hands,

"Hey, that's the truth, girl, don't worry, I'll go to save you secretly, you don't know anything!"

Gao Cuilan burst into tears, why is this holy monk thinking about saving my own father?

Sun Wukong covered his face.

It's not that Monkey King is smart and sensible, it's because Tang Sanzang can't see clearly.

Even Gao Cuilan sensed her father's malice,

But if the son doesn't say anything about his father's fault, how can she bear it when she is a girl?

Besides, the idea of ​​obeying the father at home, that is, obeying the husband in marriage has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and cannot be changed.

Now that Tang Sanzang came, he not only wanted to accept his husband, but also rescued her own father, how could she bear it?

Seeing this, Tang Sanzang finally understood, cursed secretly,

"Damn rules!"

But he fell into confusion again, and he did not violate the precepts or the law, and even the most advanced Buddhism could not help him.

It would be great if there is a fairy to enlighten me.

Or, it's okay if Sun Wukong can do it secretly.

But Tang Sanzang looked at Monkey King, only to find that Monkey King seemed a little careless.

Tang Sanzang frowned, "Monkey, what are you doing?"

Monkey King frowned, looked at the sky, and twitched his nose, as if he was smelling something.

For some reason, Sun Wukong always felt a little restless.

At that moment, Sun Wukong resorted to the method of catching the wind and said:

"There are strange things, there are strange things in the wind. My old grandson has a way to catch the wind, let me smell what's weird."

Good sage, let the limelight pass, grab the tail of the wind and smell it, it smells a little fishy.

Sun Wukong said: "Sure enough, it's not a good wind! This wind doesn't smell like a tiger's wind, it must be a demonic wind. There may be evil spirits coming here."

Tang Sanzang looked at Monkey King in bewilderment,

"You're called grabbing the wind, I thought you were grabbing farts?"

Monkey King twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not answer.

But Tang Sanzang didn't care, no matter how awesome the monster is, anyway, I have a fairy to protect me.

Chu Hao, who Tang Sanzang misses day and night, is in Fuling Mountain at the moment.

There is a cave in the mountain called Yunzhan Cave.

At this moment, Zhu Ganglian was sitting in front of a tombstone, drinking and crying bitterly.

"I'm useless! I'm useless!"

"Today is the time for the Buddhist monk to come, but I have no way to kill him!"

"They're staring at me, what else can I do?!"

This tombstone is exactly the tombstone of Sister Egg.

Back then, Zhu Ganglian was relegated to the mortal world. After going through untold hardships, he finally became a demon, but he had nowhere to go. He was displaced and desolate.

But it's the second sister of Fuling Mountain, who sees Zhu Ganglu as pitiful, and takes Zhu Ganglu in.

The two depend on each other for life.

Zhu Gangli thought that the years would be quiet after that, but he didn't know that Xitian had never let Zhu Gangli go.

Later, Zhu Gangli found out that it was Xitian who sent people to subdue the demons and kill the second sister Egg.

Zhu Ganglu was forced to come to the mortal world, concealed his identity, but came to Gao Laozhuang again, and fell into Xitian's trap.

Zhu Gangli will always remember Chu Hao's words,

"You can't escape."

Zhu Ganglu has nightmares every day, dreaming of the arrival of Buddhist scriptures,

He dreamed that Xitian arranged for someone to kill Gao Cuilan and forced him to go on the road. He dreamed that on the day he would become a Buddha and become an ancestor, he would go to a deceitful Xitian.

The most terrifying thing is that this is not a nightmare.

If you cooperate obediently, this is your future self.

He saw the future, but found that it was a future worse than death!

But he couldn't help it, he was at a loss.

Everything he cherishes will be destroyed by Xi Tian.

There are only two paths before him,

After being beaten up by Xitian, he obediently became Xitian's dog.

The other way is to kill the fish and break the net!

Death is his only escape.

Zhu Gangli suddenly raised his head, he had already made a choice!

Zhu Gangyan's eyes are full of ferocity,

"My life is up to me! Xitian, your selfish desires will destroy everything about me, old pig!"

"You want to travel to the west, but I just don't want to satisfy you!"

"You have ruined everything about me, and I will destroy everything about you too! We will die!"

Pig just shouted so firmly,

But he also knew how unrealistic it was.

Even so, he has made a choice.

Kill Tang Sanzang, and then explode the true spirit, and let everything return to ashes.

Of course, in this life, it is considered a wrong payment.

After all, fate is never fair.

With the determination to die, Zhu Gangli stood up and decided to go outside.

However, when he turned around, he suddenly saw a fairy in white, sitting leisurely on the chair next to him.

Zhu Ganglian froze in place at that moment.

The ambition just now seemed to be extinguished in an instant.

Zhu Gangli was worried and looked at Chu Hao in panic,

"Your Excellency, Prison God, you... are you here to persuade me?"

"If this is the case, please go back, I am greatly favored by you, but it does not mean that you can let me let go of my hatred!"

Chu Hao didn't answer, but still looked at Zhu Gangli indifferently.

But Zhu Ganglian became more and more excited as he spoke, and even yelled, spitting stars flying around,

"500 years! Do you know how I lived these 500 years! Do you know!"

Chu Hao turned his head away, unable to bear to look at Zhu Gangli.

Zhu Gangguan, where did you learn that?

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