The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 60 Fairy Chang'e's Favor~

All Heng'e blushed a little, but they were afraid that the evil spirit would enter their bodies and damage the fairy body, and they didn't know what to do.

In the end, Fairy Nishang plucked up the courage to look into Chu Hao's eyes,

"Your Excellency, Prison God, I will trouble you..."

Fairy Nishang's voice became quieter, until she couldn't even hear her.

Chu Hao was eager to save people, and without delay, he hurriedly brought the Heng'es to the Star Dou Palace.

The evil spirit can be said to be big or small, if there is no strong person to dispel it, then the evil spirit will remain in the body forever, becoming a hidden disease and polluting the fairy body.

But fortunately, Chu Hao is the Daluo Golden Immortal, and the current Monkey King is only a perfect Golden Immortal, so Chu Hao still has the ability to dispel evil spirits.

Soon, Chu Hao healed the Hang'es and sent them away. They also used Taiyi Pill during the treatment, which made the Hang'es even more unbearable.

Of course, Chu Hao was eager to save people, and he didn't let them refuse.

When Chu Hao came to the Star Dou Palace, the scenery every day is that these Chang'e fairies come and go. Do you think Chu Hao is doing it for justice?Otherwise why are you so nervous?

But everyone was cured, but Fairy Nishang was a little difficult to heal.

Because when Fairy Nishang was facing Sun Wukong's evil spirit, she felt pity for the sisters and bore the brunt of it, bearing most of the murderous spirit.

With great difficulty, Chu Hao practiced with Fairy Nishang in the Star Dou Palace for several days through Jin Yong's relatively simple method of imparting skills. When Fairy Nishang was cured, it was already the time of the moon.

Chu Hao didn't know how long he had been busy, and fortunately, Chu Hao didn't have to clock in for work these two days, otherwise he would have missed the time.

Fairy Nishang secretly watched Chu Hao for three days, but she also knew the smallness in Chu Hao's heart.

After all, it doesn't make sense for such a bit of evil spirit to be dispelled by the prison god himself for several days...

"It's finally cured, and there should be no serious problems." Chu Hao wiped his sweat without blushing.

"Xianjun, should I go?" Nishang Fairy blushed slightly, she knew that she had no reason to stay any longer.

Chu Hao looked at Nishang Fairy reluctantly, but with an upright look,

"If the fairy feels uncomfortable, you must say that since I am the law enforcement prison god of the three realms, I have a duty to do so!"

Fairy Nishang secretly smiled and stuck out her little tongue, "Your Excellency Prison God not only enforces the law, but also works as an imperial doctor?"

Chu Hao was not ashamed to say anything, his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat,

"I know a little about fur, but I'm not very proficient, so your body hasn't recovered yet."

"I still have ten courses of treatment left, and each course of treatment should last for 100 million years."

Nishang chuckled, "According to what you say, then I'll just live here with you."

Chu Hao shrugged, "Yes, I am obliged to take care of patients. After all, my medical ethics are so noble."

Fairy Nishang suddenly seemed to think of something, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she sighed softly.

"That's all, Xianjun accepted it kindly, the rules of heaven are strict, and the little girl dare not go beyond."


When Fairy Nishang was about to go out, Chu Hao suddenly stopped Fairy Nishang,

"Wait a minute. It's all here, bring some gifts back home, and treat it as something for you Heng'e to recuperate."

Chu Hao took out a Nine-Turn Golden Pill, dozens of 9000-year flat peaches, and all his remaining Taiyi Pills.

Fairy Nishang was startled when she saw that Chu Hao had brought out so many precious things.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Xianjun accepted it kindly, this is too precious!"

The heavens are especially pitiful, any of the things in it are more valuable than any angel's net worth.

Even dropping a bottle of fairy wine may make them feel guilty, and this 9000-year-old flat peach is a treasure that countless true immortals can't even hope for.

The most precious thing is the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, even the Golden Immortal would snap his head off when he saw it.

Who would have thought that Chu Hao would spend it so extravagantly for them to recuperate.

Chu Hao thought for a while, but smiled slightly and said:

"Since it is sent out, there is no reason to take it back. It should also be thanked for my help last time, Taiyin Xingjun. Take it."

Fairy Nishang thought that since it was given to Taiyin Xingjun, she had no choice but to accept it.

Finally, under the bright moon in the middle of the sky, Fairy Nishang and Chu Hao reluctantly said goodbye.

She didn't know why, but her face was flushed after she left.


Guanghan Palace.

When Fairy Nishang came back with this huge pile of fairy treasures, all Heng'e stared straight at her.

"Wow, sister Nishang, are you going back to your mother's house with the dowry? How come there are so many flat peaches here? And the Nine Turns Golden Pill!"

"Sisters, think about it, of course it is our Xianjun who has taken a fancy to sister Nishang, otherwise, we will be cured in a short time, and sister Du has been at Xianjun's home for several days."

"I'm so envious, I really hope that there is also a fairy who can see through my weakness."

Fairy Nishang was teased by all the sisters [the face was red from the teasing, and she argued with a blushing face:

"No, this is a gift from Xianjun to Empress Taiyin, not... a betrothal gift..."

All Heng'e laughed excitedly and said:

"It's just to please the mother-in-law first? Then I don't know what magic weapon I will give away when the time comes! Our family's neon clothes are so lucky!"

"Sister, can I be a dowry maid, I'm good at making troubles in the bridal chamber!"

Fairy Nishang was so teased by these Heng'e that she couldn't speak, her face was as red as an apple.

But at this time, a cold and elegant female voice came,

"In the middle of the night, when did you get so excited?"

All Heng'e hurriedly restrained their makeup, and solemnly said in unison:

"Common lady..."

Taiyin Xingjun came over and saw many treasures beside Nishang Fairy, as well as a Nine-Turn Golden Pill, he couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise:

"Nishang, where did these come from? Is it a bride price?"

Nishang was frightened by Taiyin Xingjun's sudden words, and quickly defended:

"No, it's like this..."

Under Nishang's explanation, Taiyin Xingjun knew the reason.

However, Taiyin Xingjun looked at Nishang strangely,

"It turns out that the fairy said it to you first, and then used me as a shield if it didn't work?"

Fairy Nishang shook her head again and again, "No, no, Xianjun has been grateful to the empress for a long time, and often mentioned that he..."

But Taiyin Xingjun interrupted with a smile: "Okay, there is no need to explain anymore, I already understand what Xianjun does, and another day [you go to thank him for his kindness, I will take it."

Taiyin Xingjun waved his sleeves, and the flat peaches flew in front of all Heng'es,

"Since it is a gift from Xianjun, you can enjoy it to your heart's content, and thank you for your kindness."

"in addition."

Taiyin Xingjun handed the Nine-turn Golden Pill to Fairy Nishang, "This is yours, eat it, and I will protect the law for you."

Fairy Nishang was overwhelmed with flattery, "Your Majesty, no, this Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is so precious, I can't stand it."

Taiyin Xingjun shot the elixir directly into the mouth of Nishang Fairy while Nishang Fairy was speaking.

"In the future, there will be opportunities to thank Xianjun."

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