The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 6 The 9th Floor Prison, the Hell God is the Lord!


Avalokitesvara froze, the willow branch in her hand fell to the ground.

The smile she had been pretending for a long time finally couldn't hold on anymore, she lost her temper,

"What the hell is going on! How dare the priests of this heavenly court be so bold! Bad things for me!"

Avalokitesvara took the lead, and the Jade Emperor finally became a little sullen.

"Master Guanyin, how about the priests in heaven, it's not your turn to talk!"

In an instant, the coercion on the Jade Emperor spread like an abyss like an ocean, spreading throughout the Lingxiao Palace.

Avalokitesvara under the seat also secretly called out, no matter what the Jade Emperor is, he is also the supreme of the Three Realms.

Her Avalokitesvara is just like a fox pretending to be a tiger. She borrowed the power of the Western religion to sit and listen in this heavenly court. How dare she really offend her?

Avalokitesvara quickly lowered her head and said timidly:

"Your Majesty, calm down, it's the young monk who is rude, it's the young monk who is rude, please punish the Jade Emperor!"

The atmosphere on the field was stagnant, and Li Jing, the King of Tota, quickly stood up and explained to Master Guanyin:

"Your Majesty, just now, Your Majesty made a slip of the tongue. Please make amends. For the current plan, let's think about how to get this matter back on track."

The Jade Emperor's eyes turned cold and majestic, but he looked at Taibai Jinxing lightly,

"Jin Xing, tell me what happened just now in detail."

The Jade Emperor knew from the bottom of his heart that the western world might also be counted as an anomaly. They are extremely anxious now, but they don't know what to do.

The more anxious the Western religion was, the happier the Jade Emperor was.

During this time of Journey to the West, the Heavenly Court was much worse than the Western powers, and it was reduced to the point where the Western Sect was allowed to be so arrogant.

But now it seems that the number of days has changed.

The Jade Emperor felt a little more appreciation and support for the sudden appearance of the prison god Chu Hao, so naturally he would not easily follow the meaning of the Western religion.

Taibai Jinxing also understood what the Jade Emperor meant, cleared his throat, and said loudly:

"Things are so..."

Under Taibai Jinxing's deliberate and calm delay, everyone finally understood the whole story.

And the Jade Emperor's eyes lit up when he heard Chu Hao's powerful supernatural powers and his righteous spirit.

I thought to myself: What a prison god, I saw you right!

But Guanyin next to her was gnashing her teeth. She really wanted to say that Chu Hao must be the one who stole supernatural powers, but she didn't have any evidence, and she didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of the Jade Emperor.

Taibai Jinxing said loudly:

"Your Majesty, the God of Prison guards the Nantian Gate and is devoted to his duties. He also understands the monster monkey with affection, but it is really that monster monkey who went too far. That's why the God of Prison captured the monster monkey like this."

"I feel that Prison God Chu Hao is loyal, wise and brave, and should be rewarded!"

Avalokitesvara's face turned black on the spot, your uncle, you ruined my event in the west, and you rewarded me again? !

However, Guanyin didn't dare to talk nonsense this time, she was afraid that the Jade Emperor would slap her twice.

Everyone looked at the Jade Emperor respectfully and waited for the Jade Emperor to deal with it.

And the Jade Emperor already had a clear mind, and said calmly:

"I already know the whole story, Prison God Chu Hao has made a great contribution and should be rewarded."

Avalokitesvara's face was as black as ink, and he almost lost his temper on the spot.

But the Jade Emperor also knew not to push too much, so he said loudly:

"But the monster monkey is the person who should be robbed, and it doesn't want to harm the event of the Western Paradise."

Master Guanyin let out a sigh of relief, as long as he can release people, everything is easy to talk about.

But when the Jade Emperor changed his voice, he said lightly:

"However, there are not many people who are free in my heavenly court right now. Master Guanyin needs to find the prison god by himself. You can't force it. Otherwise, it will be bad for the monster monkey to wake up."


The Jade Emperor sneered in his heart, are you in a hurry?Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, I'll arrange for you to kick the ball with one hand.

All the gods withdrew.

But Avalokitesvara gave Li Jing a look and asked Li Jing to accompany him.

Taibai Jinxing could see clearly from the side, but secretly shook his head.


But Chu Hao grabbed Monkey King and quickly flew to the 26th heaven.

Yuantongyuan Dongtian: Sansu Brahma Qi, the name of the Qi is Yinhua, and its color is purple.There is a Dafan hidden saying "Kun does not cover the east, and the shape captures the mystery", which is in the sky of the colorless realm.

This place was originally a treasured place for sages, and it is mainly used to study the personnel of immortals, but in fact it also has a function, that is, the heavenly prison.

Chu Hao flew through the clouds and came to Yuantongyuan Cave, and shouted loudly:

"Quickly open the ninth floor of the dungeon, supercharge the demon king!"

Chu Hao is already the prison god at this moment, so he notified all the gods.

With a loud shout, the immortal soldiers who guarded the prison did not dare to neglect and urged their mana with all their strength.

In an instant, the entire Yuantongyuan Cave Sky seemed to come alive, and the nine-storey sky prison exuded a gloomy light.

The sky prison on the ninth floor even opened its bloody mouth, like a prehistoric monster, terrifying and frightening.

"Go away!"

Chu Hao was already a little out of strength, so he quickly swung his big hand, and the monster monkey in his hand flew to the ninth floor of the dungeon.

"Ah!! Priest Wuna, what have you done to my old grandson!"

Monkey King opened his eyes, but saw that it was pitch black everywhere, with endless black clouds stuck to his body, and he couldn't move.

But it has been completely trapped to death by Yuan Tongyuan Dongtian.

Chu Hao was sweating profusely, and his spiritual power was vain, and he cursed secretly:

"Tuigui, this supernatural power is awesome, but it's easy to squeeze people dry. In less than 40 seconds, my mana has already regressed!"

However, looking at Monkey King who had been imprisoned on the ninth floor of the dungeon, Chu Hao raised a faint smile and said loudly:

"Great Sage, I'm willing to admit defeat, you just stay here."

"I'm not bullying too much. If you can come out with your ability, I will never stop you."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong dared to act, and said angrily:

"When my old grandson goes out, I must let you know how powerful my old grandson is! The law is like heaven and earth!"

Then he saw Sun Wukong's figure widen in anger, and the huge nine-storey prison seemed to be stretched open.

This method is worthy of being a great supernatural power, it is really awesome!

However, Sun Wukong has made his body ten thousand feet in size, but in the nine-storey sky prison, those black clouds wrapped around Sun Wukong's body, but they did not fall off at all.

On the contrary, Monkey King felt even more terrifying pressure, as if he was carrying a piece of sky.

Chu Hao chuckled,

"By the way, I would like to remind you that this nine-storey heaven prison is built on the most central cloud cave in Yuantong Yuandong, just like the handle of No. 20 six heavens."

"If you want to break free from the ninth floor prison, you must have the ability to break through 26 days. I think you should save some effort, Great Sage."

After Chu Hao finished speaking, he ignored Sun Wukong's struggle and left on his own.

Chu Hao is now fully focused on getting his rewards after get off work, so naturally he doesn't want to stay any longer.

However, at this moment, a cold female voice came,

"Bastard, let him out soon!"

Chu Hao raised his head, but saw a pure white Bodhisattva descending from the sky with a jade bottle in his hand, and the Buddha's light behind his head. The one who appeared to be dignified and luxurious was none other than Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Next to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, followed by a long-bearded man holding a pagoda in his hand, with straight eyebrows, it was Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Pagoda.

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