The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 599 If there is no Chu Hao, I have won Chapter 100

Both Zen Master Wuchao and Chu Hao gasped.

Good guy, it turned out to be such a ruthless character!

But it is said that after the Lich War, the human religion flourished, and Xuanyuan Huangdi won many times.

Chi You was defeated, and everyone in the Wu clan suffered terribly.

Because when Xuanyuan was fighting Chiyou, Emperor Haotian sent Jiutian Xuannv to present a book from heaven for support, so the great witch Xingtian wanted to attack the heaven in a rage, and went against the sky.

Xingtian fought against Emperor Haotian, and was beheaded by Emperor Haotian with a sword. Unexpectedly, Xingtian's resentment was too deep, and his violent aura soared to the sky was dead but not stiff!

Even if he is headed by a sword, he still dares to use his breasts as his eyes and his navel as his mouth to fuck Qi Yiwu, even scaring Haotian away!

The super witch, Xing Tian!

Chu Hao could feel the restlessness of Jiufeng in his arms.

Only then did Chu Hao realize that it was no wonder Jiufeng had such a big reaction before.

The existence of this Xingtian is definitely the supreme war god among the witch clan.

In the name of the God of War, there is no one in the world who dares to compete with him!

The super witch who was already extinct back then appeared in Journey to the West.

For a moment, Chu Hao fell into a daze.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this is not accidental.

If it wasn't for suppressing such an existence, who would be willing to allow a top-level powerful Zen master Wuchao who has survived from the prehistoric to the present to practice here?

It turns out that this ratio has always been here to suppress evil spirits, which makes sense.

Zen Master Wuchao wanted to behead with one blow, but he missed. He screamed and retreated again and again.

But Xing Tian, ​​who woke up, stared at Zen Master Wuchao with his chest and breasts wide open!

Enemies are very jealous when they meet each other!

The hatred that lasted for an unknown number of kalpas was originally thought to disappear with time.

No one expected that there would be a hatred that spanned countless calamities in this place!


Xing Tian swung his fist suddenly!

Xing Tian's whole body was entwined with endless evil spirit, and the whole sky was rolling with his berserk|violent punch.

The crimson evil spirit instantly condensed into a cannonball and blasted towards Zen Master Wuchao.

Although Zen Master Wuchao was shocked, he waved his backhand, and the Immortal-Slaying Gourd Spirit Sword stood in front of him.

The huge crimson fist wind condensed by the evil spirit brushed across the top of Futu Mountain, directly smashing half of the top of the mountain!

And the fist wind still bombarded the spirit sword condensed from the Immortal Slashing Gourd unabated.

But Zen Master Wuchao is a supreme power after all.

This punch landed on the spirit sword, but the endless evil energy was scattered in the air, and in exchange for eight hundred miles of evil energy, the wind was raging!

Zen Master Wuchao raised his brows and snorted coldly:

"So it's just a lot of thunder and a little rain."

"It's just a remnant body, I surrender to you, I alone is enough!"

This punch, although it also has the power to shake mountains and mountains.

But Zen Master Wuchao felt Xingtian's real combat power from it.

After all, he was just transformed by Xing Tian's remnant body.

Although I don't know what happened to make this super witch come back to life.

But how can a broken body be called brave?

With a wave of Zen Master Wu Chao's hand, endless golden light shrouded Xing Tian.

Chu Hao could vaguely see ropes in the golden light, which looked ethereal like clouds, but were extremely solid.

"Is it going to end like this? What's the fun in that?"

Chu Hao felt a little sore.

Obviously he came to fish in troubled waters, but now Zen Master Wuchao is skilled, just like Runtu Jixuan, he is going to catch Xingtian with ease.

This is how Chu Hao fished?

But at this moment, Jiufeng in Chu Hao's arms suddenly let out a cry.

This cry pierced through the sky and wiped out all the light between the sky and the earth.

But Xing Tian, ​​who was originally at a disadvantage, suddenly began to tremble when he heard this cry.

In the next second, Xing Tian suddenly looked up to the sky and roared!

Suddenly, from under the abyss, endless evil spirit gushed out again, pouring into Xing Tian's body!

That Xingtian originally only had a body of [-] feet.

Under the filling of so much evil spirit, Xing Tian's body swelled up again!

The muscles are knotted, the height is tall, and even the sharp teeth are exposed in the mouth formed by the belly button!

Just now, endless crimson colors emerged from the body that only had fur, forming streaks of crimson and hard leather armor.

It was as if, suddenly, there was another layer of armor.

The restraint that Zen Master Wuchao was about to fall was broken away by Xing Tian in an instant!

Zen Master Wuchao stared wide-eyed,

"How is it possible! Why did his strength suddenly increase again? What bird did that cry just now, and where did it come from?!"

Zen Master Wuchao was fighting with all his strength just now, and he didn't know where the cry came from.

Startled, he looked around,

But all he saw was Chu Hao with his innocent face spreading his hands.

Chu Hao also said very seriously:

"Zen Master Wuchao must be careful, I'm afraid there are other evil spirits here! Don't take it lightly!"

Zen Master Wuchao nodded and said solemnly:

"Brother Chu, this Xing Tian was supposed to be nothing more than a broken body, nothing to fear, but now his strength has suddenly increased."

"I'm afraid that the mastermind behind the scenes is about to appear. You must be careful. That thing is hidden so deeply that even I can't detect it."

Chu Hao nodded solemnly.

Well, don't look for it, it's in my arms!

Fortunately, there was a sky-shielding talisman, and Jiufeng also concealed his breath in advance.

Otherwise, once Zen Master Wuchao realizes that the battle that was supposed to be won has been wasted, because Jiufeng suddenly screamed and turned into madness, I am afraid that Chu Hao will be saved by Zen Master Wuchao directly!

Chu Hao glanced at Jiufeng secretly, and found that Jiufeng also looked blank,

"Dad, how do you imitate my name?"

Chu Hao: "???"

I am a good person, why did I learn how to call a bird? !

Good guy, Jiufeng has failed in his studies, so let's beat him down first?

"It was obviously you who called me just now!" Chu Hao was a little mad.

Jiufeng shook his head, "It's not me... right?"

Chu Hao was stunned, Xiao Jiufeng lost his memory?

But the bewilderment on Jiufeng's face is indeed not fake. Could it be that there are really two Jiufengs in this world?

Is it true what I said casually just now?

Jiufeng shook his head and fell asleep lazily, "It doesn't matter, I will continue to sleep..."

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows,

"Isn't Xing Tian related to you? The Wu clan family, you should have fought against the ancient heaven together back then."

Jiufeng didn't lift her eyelids,

"But I'm still a child. I'm not as powerful as you said... Besides, I don't think I'm familiar with him anymore."

Chu Hao: "..."


But anyway, Jiufeng really doesn't seem to remember anything.

It was as if the cry just now was just an accident, so small that even Jiufeng himself didn't remember the details.

At this moment, Chu Hao looked back at the field and couldn't help but twitch his lips.

It seems that because of the cry just now, Zen Master Wuchao no longer dared to act so unscrupulously.

He tied his hands and feet, was very strong, and only used three points.

Xing Tian and Zen Master Wuchao fought hard.

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