The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 595 The Wu Clan in Futu Mountain is in chaos, let's join in the fun!

But he said that Chu Hao got the brocade cassock for no reason, and also took in three young men.

Although it is said that three pieces of Houtian Lingbao were given away, those three young men are also working for themselves, which means that Chu Hao didn't pay anything.

On the contrary, he also got the brocade cassock, two golden immortals, and one Taiyi golden immortal.

Make do with it, Taiyi Golden Immortal is also okay.

Chu Hao held the cassock in his hand, thinking that it would be useless for him to give this thing to himself, but it was not like Chu Hao's style to return this thing to Xi Tian with great difficulty.

Chu Hao breathed out and shook his head, why don't you sell this cassock to someone who collects tatters?Is it useless to keep it anyway?

[Make a toy by yourself, what is Journey to the West?I play games with Xitian!

[Mission: Sacrifice an acquired spirit treasure and transform the brocade cassock

[Reward: Two standard acquired spirit treasures

[Remarks: The modified brocade cassock can possess top-grade abilities, but at the same time it will not change the original state, and will not be noticed by Xitian

Chu Hao frowned,

Ah this?

Is the system so wild now?

He actually started to modify the brocade cassock bestowed by Xitian, isn't that awesome?

Chu Hao was really looking forward to the changes that the modified brocade cassock would bring.


I can't come out with this money!

Chu Hao leisurely took the brocade cassock and paraded past the sky.

And Guanyin Bodhisattva, who was searching for the brocade cassock nearby, suddenly sensed the breath of the brocade cassock, and hurried to catch up.

"Prison God Chu Hao, did you steal my brocade cassock from Xitian!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was very nervous and shouted out quickly.

Chu Hao looked innocent,

"Hey, are you being unreasonable? Am I the sneaky kind?"

"You also said that I stole your brocade cassock from Xitian, you are really deceiving people!"

Chu Hao suddenly found that the brocade cassock inside the package was exposed, so he calmly stuffed it back.

When Guanyin Bodhisattva saw it, he was furious,

"This is clearly in your hands, you just stole my brocade cassock from Xitian!"

Chu Hao waved his hand,

"Don't say such stupid things, how could I take your brocade cassocks, don't dirty people's innocence, I will warn you!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes widened in anger.

How can you be so shameless?

This is considered to be catching a thief and taking stolen goods. Why can Chu Hao be so confident and calmly say that the filthy man is innocent?

This shame is also true, the emperor, he|mom——it's too thick!

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt Chu Hao's rascal temperament, and suddenly didn't know how to pester Chu Hao.

Damn it, is this hell god going to take this opportunity to wantonly trample on his dignity?

When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was dreaming.


A terrifying sound suddenly exploded between heaven and earth!

Chu Hao suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming from the sky!

Chu Hao's eyes widened suddenly, that deep, domineering, and incomparably desolate and vast aura stunned Chu Hao in place for an instant.

This was an aura that Chu Hao had never felt before. It was strange but familiar.

Chu Hao once felt a similar aura in Beiju Luzhou.

However, although the landform and atmosphere of Luzhou in Beiju are desolate and full of ancient aftertaste, there is only a trace of it.

However, the breath that appeared here now has the most primitive taste.

It was as if that was a visitor from Honghuang!

[trigger a new big line

[Limited-time mission: Go to Futu Mountain in the Uzbek border to participate in the boss battle

[Reward: Unknown

Chu Hao was a little confused at the time.

This came so suddenly.

Can't you allow me and little Guanyin to have a big battle between an evil businessman and a poor little girl?

Alas, God is not good.

However, since the system said it was a boss battle, Chu Hao definitely couldn't miss it.

After all, Chu Hao is the prison god of law enforcement in the three realms. If such a big incident happened, Chu Hao didn't intend to miss this opportunity to find, justice!

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva seemed to have received another message and frowned.

She didn't even care about the brocade cassock in Chu Hao's hand, and turned into a ray of white light, flying towards Futu Mountain.

Naturally, Chu Hao also turned into golden light at the same time, rushing towards the Futu Mountain.

Along the way, Chu Hao frowned,

"My good fellow, it seems that something serious has happened. Even Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is on the task of supervising Journey to the West, has passed by?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

Chu Hao suddenly felt itching in his arms, and at some point, Jiufeng opened his eyes in Chu Hao's arms.


Chu Hao almost staggered and fell from the sky.

Chu Hao glanced at Jiufeng, good guy, he still has no clothes on...

Since the last time Jiufeng slipped into Chu Hao's arms to sleep, it has been a few months.

Chu Hao was afraid that Jiufeng would sleep like a pig, but after he felt that Jiufeng's aura was still rising steadily and rapidly, Chu Hao felt relieved.

It should be because he ate a lot of Lingluo Yuehua and is growing his body, so lethargy is very normal.

But I don't know why Jiufeng woke up suddenly.

Jiufeng stared at Futu Mountain in the distance, his eyes were blurred, and he said with some doubts:

"Is there... an acquaintance... seems to be an elder?"

Chu Hao's eyes widened in shock,

"Good guy, don't talk nonsense, it will scare people to death!"

Jiufeng's elder?

Can be called the existence of the elders of Jiufeng, how strong are they? !

Twelve Ancestors?

Dijiang, Zhujiuyin, Shebishi, Rushou, Jumang, Gonggong, Zhurong, Houtu, Xuanming, Tianwu, Qiangliang, Yanzi?

Or those top witches?

Xing Tian, ​​Hou Yi, Kua Fu, Xiang Liu, Dayi, Chi You?

Or is it the great witch of the last period?

Ying Zheng Bai Qi and others exist?


Which one of these is released, it is walking sideways in this era!

Not to mention walking sideways, the entire Three Realms will be messed up!

Chu Hao was so shocked, he quickly touched Jiufeng's little head,

"Good boy, can you tell me more about it?"

"If it's too awesome, we won't go there. This guy, after they finish their busy work in Xitian, it would be an elegant strategy for us to go there to rob us."

Although system tasks are important.

But in any case, taking risks should be left to professionals. Didn't you see that group of guys in Xitian so active?

But Jiufeng suddenly raised his head and said to Chu Hao:

"It's not me, maybe it's just... a little bit of breath."

"What's the situation?" Chu Hao frowned.

Jiufeng looked puzzled,

"I don't know, it's just that the aura is specious, but it is indeed the aura of an elder of mine!"

"No... Where did I come from as an elder?"

Jiufeng suddenly fell into confusion again.

Chu Hao was also stunned,

Chu Hao knew Jiufeng's background, the little guy was tricked by Chu Hao from Luzhou, Beiju, through hard work.

She was born from heaven and earth, how could she have relatives?

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