The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 578 Eating Pillar Pills, the Elegant Tang Monk Becomes a Boxing Man!

It took us two months to travel on the road to peace, and we met small animals, such as jackals, tigers and leopards.

Tang Seng did keep Chu Hao's words in mind.

Along the way, when Tang Sanzang encountered these small animals, he insisted on doing it himself.

Now there are eight tigers who died under Tang Sanzang's hands, if not ten.

At the beginning, Guanyin Bodhisattva used his own methods to prevent Tang Sanzang from killing, but he didn't bother to do it later.

Let him, let him.

Anyway, he is not uncomfortable, as long as he is free, he will not care about my feelings!

Besides, this is not the first time that he has killed animals, and the bottom line of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva has also been doubled. In fact, as long as you don't kill people and set fires, you won't have much karma.

Moreover, Tang Sanzang's true spirit was also contaminated with demon energy, Guanyin Bodhisattva also wanted Tang Sanzang to vent his anger, and stop punching mortals every now and then.

And it does work.

During the two-month itinerary, Tang Sanzang changed greatly, becoming more wild and powerful.

And because of the protection of Sun Wukong and the little white dragon Longwei, the mountain spirits and wild monsters along the way are also more knowledgeable, and they dare not attack Tang Sanzang.

Tang Seng was even more unscrupulous.

Moreover, Tang Sanzang also formulated a strict training plan for himself,

100 push-ups!100 sit-ups!100 squats!Then run 10km around the forest!Stick to these every day!

Now Tang Sanzang, pull up his sleeves, all of them are exaggerated muscles full of wild beauty!

Muscular, broad shoulders, tall, eight-pack abs, curves!

Even the fit wild boars in the mountains and forests don't have the exaggerated muscles of Tang Sanzang.

That shiny forehead made Tang Sanzang look like a bald bandit in the mountains.

Even if one day, the work of learning Buddhist scriptures can no longer be done, Tang Sanzang carries a big banner and goes up the mountain to be king, and he can call a hundred and seven heroes casually, and become a king of one side!

Tang Sanzang also felt the special effect brought by that Pillar Pill, and he was also secretly happy, guessing that unless there were mountain spirits and wild monsters, it would be difficult for ordinary people to hurt him.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Tang Sanzang, who was as fit as a wild boar, and felt that the painting style had changed suddenly. She felt the deep malice of Chu Hao, the pillar of the pillar.

This elixir probably started Tang Sanzang's special life.


let him...

The Buddha said, don't care about the process, only care about the result.

As for making trouble with Chu Hao?

Forget it, now that Chu Hao doesn't come looking for work, Sansheng is already lucky.

Chu Hao didn't bother the young man too much, he kept sleeping around, touched fish when he woke up, and helped monitor the progress of his journey to the west.

Then go back to sleep.

5 minutes of work, [-] hours of sleep.

Chu Hao's always modest, prudent, serious and responsible work attitude towards work has never changed.

Strictly carrying out his task of supervising Journey to the West, Chu Hao has always been strict with himself, earnest and hardworking.

Chu Hao has never seen anyone who works harder than himself.

But even so, Chu Hao's harvest is still very little.

I only know that every time Tang Sanzang passes by, he will preach the scriptures, and then Chu Hao will receive sporadic merits.

There are only 30 left to the real quasi-sage realm.

Alas, this cultivation is really too difficult, even Chu Hao practiced so hard every day, and persisted for... for several months!

But Dao is still ruthless. Even Chu Hao, who cultivated so hard and almost desperately, is so harsh, making Chu Hao's progress so slow.

Really cruel.

Moreover, even the Law Enforcement Hall is almost complete.

At this moment, the prestige of the nine-story prison in the Three Realms has reached a level that cannot be looked up to.

Whether it's Emperor Gouchen's deliberate attempt to build momentum, or the prestige of going to Lingshan to arrest people...

There are countless ownerless monsters in the world, and I heard that even the Shura clan in the Styx blood sea yearn for this supreme heavenly organization!

All the monsters are looking forward to it, waiting for the law enforcement hall to open and recruit monsters.

Everything is waiting for Chu Hao's promotion.

But Chu Hao was not particularly anxious about promotion, and now Chu Hao was thinking about getting more resources.

The so-called children of the poor are already in charge of the family.

Chu Hao is a sensible poor child. Chu Hao, who is from a poor family, knows that to support a nine-storey dungeon, the resources needed are undoubtedly astronomical.

Especially if the Law Enforcement Hall opens, recruiting people must give benefits, right?

Those are all resources.

Chu Hao now has too few magic weapons, maybe dozens of them.

In particular, the number of innate spirit treasures that can hold the three corpses is very small, less than ten.

It also means that the highest can support several quasi-sages with the lowest cultivation.

And there are too few treasures, Dingtian is the treasure given by the Dragon Clan that can make half-step quasi-sages.

Some other flat peaches, ginseng fruit, yellow plums and so on are too shabby, maybe they are just snacks.

Coupled with the thousands of sets of top-level instruments, it can only accommodate three thousand ordinary golden immortals.

Even if Chu Hao's goal is very low, he just wants to live a stable life. After all, ordinary people don't dare to have such lofty ideals.

But even raising a small nine-storey sky prison is still too short of resources.


Whenever Chu Hao feels that he is poor, he always thinks of that good friend.

Every time, he was the one who helped Chu Hao out of the predicament. I don't know if he would still be able to see him.

Brotherly love is deep, each other cares about each other, confidantes in the sea are like neighbors in the world!

Thanks good friend!

These two months have passed, time has passed quickly, and it is early spring again.

But the mountains and forests are green and green, and the grass and trees are green;

Tang Seng and Sun Wukong pushed horizontally all the way, and they traveled a very long way, leaving a trace stained red with blood.

At this moment, the sun is setting in the west again.

Sanzang reined in his horse and watched from a distance, but saw the shadows of towers and towers in the distance in the third middle school, and the halls and pavilions were heavy.

Sanzang said, "Wukong, what do you think is going there?"

Walker looked up and said, "It's not a palace, it must be a monastery. Let's hurry up and spend the night there."

"Alright, let's go!" Tang Sanzang ate a mouthful of tiger leg meat, and casually dropped the tiger meat.

Tang Sanzang frowned, and walked straight towards the narrow mountain without thinking about anything else.

But between the mountains and forests, the road is long and obstructed, and the mountain road is rugged, so it is not easy to ride a horse.

Sun Wukong said: "Otherwise the white dragon horse first..."

"Don't be so troublesome!"

A slight smile appeared on Tang Sanzang's face.

In the next second, Tang Sanzang raised the white dragon horse above his head with one hand,

"I'll carry the horse, let's go!!"

Tang Sanzang moved quickly, and after a few moves, he disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Monkey King looked helpless, "Who is the monkey?"

Soon, Tang Monk Sun Wukong came to the front of the monastery.

Tang Sanzang knocked on the door very gently...


The door burst open!

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