The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 576 Tang Seng: Report, I want to eat Shura Mietian Pill!

The two peerless pills shone brightly under the sunlight.

In particular, the red pill was full of evil spirits. Just putting it in Chu Hao's palm, it was as if he could hear Shura's roar and common people's wailing!

And the other blue elixir looked so ordinary that Tang Sanzang didn't even take a look at it.

Tang Sanzang was very excited and looked at Chu Hao in shock,

"Master Prison God, what kind of treasure are these two pills!"

Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"The blue elixir is the Pillar of Pillars; the red elixir is the Asura Mietian Pill!"

"This is a elixir that I personally refined, you can choose one and take it."

Tang Sanzang was very pleasantly surprised when he heard this,

"Ah! With such a down-to-earth name as Dong Liang Dan, of course I don't want it! The poor monk wants this red pill!"

"I don't need your introduction. If the poor monk takes this Asura Mietian Pill, can he asura prove the way and seize the scriptures? It's as easy as flipping the palm of his hand!"

Tang Sanzang was very excited, if the Bodhisattva doesn't give me the treasure, then I will take it from the fairy!

If the Buddha does not save me, the immortal will save me!

Tang Sanzang still held grudges in his heart, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva gave Sun Wukong the magic weapon of protection and three hairs.

Those old girls have a bit of a double standard in specifying, they just don't want the poor monk to have the slightest benefit!

However, even if you don't give it to me, Xianjun is fair, strict and compassionate, and will improve my survivability.

Asura Mietian Pill, as soon as Tang Sanzang heard the name, he knew that this pill was a thief.

It is estimated that if you eat it, it will soar into the sky and have boundless power.

However, just as Tang Sanzang reached out to take the elixir, a ray of light suddenly lit up in the sky.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he jumped out quickly,


Guanyin Bodhisattva shouted angrily, which startled Tang Sanzang.

Although he scolded the old lady just now, Tang Sanzang decided to treat the Bodhisattva with respect.

Tang Sanzang clasped his hands together, "Bodhisattva, what's the matter with you?"

Chu Hao also looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with great interest.

Chu Hao really wanted to know, isn't she embarrassed?

I just ran away after pretending to be forced, and now I was forced to jump out again. Do I really think that I am monitoring Journey to the West and no one knows if I keep running back and forth like this?

Guanyin Bodhisattva obviously didn't intend to pay attention to that trivial matter.

She pointed at Tang Sanzang and shouted angrily:

"Tang Sanzang, you are a practitioner, you must not take such forbidden medicine!"

"This kind of elixir, you can tell from the name that it is an evil elixir, which destroys humanity. As a Buddhist disciple, if you take this medicine, you will definitely fall into the evil way!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva is not alarmist.

She is also a knowledgeable person.

The two pills in Chu Hao's hand, Guanyin Bodhisattva saw the clue at a glance!

This blue elixir, Pillar of Pillars, is very down-to-earth, and its essence is a elixir for strengthening the body, which is almost the same as the elixir taken by low-ranking monks in the world.

It should be just some body repair pills.

But the key is this red pill!

Guanyin Bodhisattva felt a great sense of insecurity on it!

The elixir seemed to be condensed from evil spirits, it was extremely terrifying!

Even Guanyin Bodhisattva felt that this elixir was really a elixir directly trained by some powerful Shura, otherwise it would definitely not be so terrifying!

If Tang Seng took this red pill...

The consequences could be disastrous!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva recalled Tang Sanzang's mad appearance at the water and land meeting, and pushed himself to the ground to beat him.

It was also the first time Guanyin Bodhisattva was slapped in the face by a mortal and a Buddhist eminent monk sitting on him.

Tang Sanzang must not be allowed to get this elixir!

At that time Tang Sanzang quit!

"Bodhisattva, you are so unreasonable!" Tang Sanzang shouted angrily.

Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Tang Sanzang coldly, "Why, what do you have to say?"

Tang Sanzang was furious,

"This Shura Mietian Pill can improve the cultivation of the poor monk and greatly increase the survival probability of the poor monk. This is a great help for us to learn from the scriptures!"

"This kind of great good fortune, why don't you let the poor monk accept it?!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva looked indifferently, and said from above:

"As a Buddhist monk, you should be calm. This elixir will only drive you into madness and taint you with demonic nature."

"To learn from the Western Paradise, you need to measure the earth with your feet. This is the karma you planted in your previous life. In this life, you should be honest and get the scriptures."

Tang Sanzang didn't listen at all, and shouted angrily:

"Then what's wrong with me having more survivability?"

"Could it be that you are just trying to save face and want me to be a burden on the road, and you just want me to suffer some torture, so that this journey to the West will look even more arduous!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's complexion suddenly changed, and he angrily said:

"Bold! Tang Sanzang, don't forget your original intention!"

"Learning scriptures for the Western Paradise is the great wish you made before the Buddha. You should go there piously and obtain it by shortcut, which will make you enter a side door."

"On the way to the west, you have been guarded by many disciples. If there is a catastrophe, you should try to overcome it instead of relying on external forces."

"You must know that when you learn scriptures from the west, you will be blessed by all the Buddhas. Don't be stained with dust, and you will be spiritual if you are sincere."

Tang Sanzang was very unwilling, but he gritted his teeth and said:

"I am familiar with the scriptures. My Buddha is merciful. I have no image of myself or sentient beings! Buddhas and demons should only be determined by whether they commit evil or not, not what method they practice!"

"Since all living beings are equal, you are the demon Shura. If you can sincerely yearn for Lingshan, you will be liberated!"

"What's more, the poor monk was inspired by the Buddha and went to the west to seek the scriptures. It doesn't matter if he is a Shura!"

After all, Tang Sanzang is a person who can preach at the Water and Land Conference. His understanding of Buddhist scriptures is actually higher than most people.

In the scriptures, it tells Tang Sanzang how merciful the Buddha is, how tolerant we are, and that even Shura and demons can become Buddhas.

But now, I just want to use some other power to protect myself, and in essence, I want to learn from the scriptures and benefit the West.

Not even this!

"Speak up! Bodhisattva!" Tang Sanzang roared again unwillingly.

"I said no, but I can't!" Guanyin Bodhisattva was unwilling to argue with Tang Sanzang.

The words of the Buddhist scriptures can only exist in the Buddhist scriptures and cannot be reflected in reality.

Even Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva knew that those things were outrageous, but they were all things that depicted the world of nothingness and catered to the inner desires of ordinary people.

If Tang Sanzang was allowed to obtain the Asura Mitecting Heaven Pill, not to mention how weird it would be for an Asura to obtain the scriptures.

What's more, the nine-nine-eight-one disaster, if there is no Tang Monk who has no power to restrain the chicken, how can it appear that my superior Buddhism is precious?

Moreover, it was originally destined by heaven and earth that Tang Sanzang was the one who deserved the catastrophe. If Tang Sanzang could not keep his purity, how could Xitian obtain the merits during this catastrophe?

Therefore, Tang Sanzang cannot have the power to transcend suffering.

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not answer Tang Sanzang, but turned his finger on Chu Hao.

But Chu Hao was joking.

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