The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 55 Half a year later, Taiyi Golden Immortal Late Stage!

As for the Barefoot Immortal, Chu Hao was also a little strange. In fact, the Barefoot Immortal was not invited, but he didn't know how the Barefoot Immortal came out.

Taiyin Xingjun returned the salute and smiled slightly, "Your Excellency Prison God, you are joking, you and my neighbors should help each other."

Barefoot Immortal chuckled, "Hell God won't blame the old man for coming without invitation?"

Chu Hao waved his hands again and again, "The Immortal is willing to speak out and help me, I am very grateful!"

The barefoot fairy scratched his head and grinned,

"Hey, don't be so restrained. The old Taoist just saw them being arrogant and arrogant in the realm of heaven for so long. He wanted to remind them a long time ago. This time, he just took an opportunity."

Chu Hao nodded,

"My heavenly court has its own laws. Now that the west is rampant, it is easy to play tricks in my heavenly court. Don't you know that the way of heaven is clear and they will not allow them to be despicable."

The Barefoot Immortal gave a thumbs up and laughed, "Okay! I appreciate your spirit. The old man has to leave beforehand, let's talk about it another day!"

After saying that, the barefooted immortal shrank into an inch and left in the air.

And Taiyin Xingjun also bid farewell and left.

Chu Hao looked at the pale Nezha, and handed out a Nine-Turn Golden Pill,

"Thank you for your hard work, Nezha, come on, get your blood back."

Nezha gratefully took the Nine-Turn Golden Pill and swallowed it immediately.

This Nine-Turn Golden Elixir may be nothing to Chu Hao, after all, Chu Hao has practiced the Eight [Nine Profound Arts], and the number of years is several times longer than that of ordinary people.

But for Nezha, this is a great tonic.

The next second, I saw a golden light flashing on Nezha's body, and his breath recovered instantly.

Even, the breath is still surging.

Until Nezha opened his eyes and shouted excitedly:

"I broke through!"

At this moment, when Chu Hao looked at it again, his brows twitched.


【Realm: Golden Immortal Consummation

[Magic weapon: Qiankun Circle, Huntian Ribbon, Hot Wheels, Fire Pointed Spear, Kowloon Divine Fire Cover, Gold Brick, Yin-Yang Sword...

[Spells and supernatural powers: strong body, five elements escape technique, three heads, nine eyes and eight arms, lotus incarnation, samadhi true fire...

Yo, I didn't expect Nezha to be promoted in an instant by a blessing in disguise.

But thinking about it, Nezha has been practicing since before he became a god, and his cultivation has already touched the shackles.

This Nine-Turn Golden Elixir just gave Nezha a chance.

Nezha was so grateful that he fell down and bowed,

"Thank you Prison God! If His Excellency Hell God orders you in the future, Nezha will go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants!"

Chu Hao's generals +1

Chu Hao hurriedly helped Nezha up, "My brother, don't say such things. Go back to practice and consolidate your foundation."

"Yeah!" Nezha was so touched, he turned and left.

Suddenly, Nezha turned around again, took out the 33-day Linglong Pagoda, and handed it to Chu Hao reluctantly,

"Thank you for the Golden Exquisite Pagoda that Hell God borrowed, and I will return it to Your Excellency now."

Chu Hao waved his hands, took out the wonderful tree of seven treasures, the Xuanyuan sword, and the treasured sword of cutting immortals and killing gods, and smiled, "Don't worry, I don't lack magic weapons. You use them first."

When Nezha saw that Chu Hao's hands were motionless innate spirit treasures, and they were two top-quality innate spirit treasures, Nezha felt a little desperate.

Why is there such a big gap between immortals and immortals? !

It's been less than 200 years since Chu Hao went to heaven, and he has changed one magic weapon in his hand!

The two top-grade congenital magic treasures, even the Jade Emperor is not as rich as Chu Hao, right?

Sure enough, a person like Chu Hao has one thing in front of his face and another behind his back, and there are several sets of magic weapons in the house.

It's like selling by the catty!

If Nezha knew that Chu Hao still had the treasure of chaos, the chaotic green lotus seed in his hand, I'm afraid Nezha would be ashamed to death.

Chu Hao temporarily lent the acquired treasure to Nezha, since he wouldn't need that kind of inferior stuff anyway, heh.

But today's incident reminded Chu Hao that it takes a strong body to strike an iron.

If Taiyin Xingjun and Barefoot Immortal hadn't appeared today, Chu Hao would have been suppressed by these two bodhisattvas in the west today, and Nezha would be taken away face to face.

"No, you have to hurry up and practice!"

Time is extremely precious to Chu Hao now.

Especially for those big bosses who have lived a few Yuan Hui at every turn, and even a few calamities, Chu Hao's past hundred years are not even a fraction of the world.

With a check-in system, Chu Hao believes that he will be able to catch up soon.

Chu Hao quickly clocked out of get off work.

[Reward for clocking in and leaving get off work on time: 5 years of cultivation!

[The latest task release!

[Perfect attendance award task: clock in and go to and from get off work on time every day, and reward 5 years of cultivation every day, and you can get the full attendance award for half a year without interruption.

[Perfect Attendance Award: Qingyun Golden Lantern (Innate Spirit Treasure)

Chu Hao was overjoyed, good stuff, good stuff!

This is a defensive magic weapon. Among the magic weapons, there are not many defensive magic weapons, and Chu Hao is even more scarce.

Although he had a Lingxiu floating garment in his hand, it was women's clothing after all, and the rank was relatively low, so Chu Hao couldn't use it.

But this Qingyun Golden Lantern made up for Chu Hao's shortcomings. With this innate spiritual treasure, at least Chu Hao didn't need to use his body to beat people to death.

I really want what I want.

And Chu Hao had the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, so he also planted the chaotic green lotus seeds in the dormitory.

For a while, the aura in Chu Hao's dormitory skyrocketed again. Even if he didn't practice, taking a breath of aura could have the effect of cultivation.

However, since there is no Sanguang Shenshui, the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is not enough to germinate the chaotic green lotus seeds, nor can it activate the chaotic energy of the chaotic green lotus seeds.

But that's enough. Treasures like the Sanguang Shenshui are hard to come by. They are treasures that can only be carried in the eight-treasure glass bottle of the best innate spiritual treasure.

The key for Chu Hao now is to improve his cultivation, because he will face a greater disaster next.

Immediately, Chu Hao decided to practice and clock in next time, and stop running around.


After half a year.

Chu Hao suddenly opened his eyes in the Star Dou Palace.

[Congratulations on completing the full attendance mission!

[Rewards for full-time work, a total of 9105 million years of cultivation!

[Perfect Attendance Award: Qingyun Golden Lantern, already received.

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth was raised high, he was too excited to speak!

9105 million years, dozens of Yuan Hui!Chu Hao's cultivation has gone up a notch!

【Chu Hao

[Realm: Taiyi Golden Immortal Late Stage (280 years from the next realm)

[Magic weapon: Xuanyuan Sword (one of the meritorious spiritual treasures), 33-day Golden Linglong Pagoda (acquired treasure), Lingxiu Piaoyi (congenital spiritual treasure), sword of cutting immortals and killing gods (exquisite congenital spiritual treasure), 24 Dinghai Shenzhu ( Innate Spirit Treasure), God Killing Spear Head (heavenly treasure fragment), Nine Heavens Breathing Soil (extreme innate spirit treasure), Qingyun Golden Lantern (innate spirit treasure)

[Spells and supernatural powers: 72 transformations of earth evil (all), the art of transforming the rainbow, eight [nine profound arts, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, the law of the sky and the earth, King Kong is not bad, push mountains and fill seas

Comfortable, very comfortable!

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