The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 544 Tang Sanbu's Revenge Battle, Wukong Returns

Chu Hao nodded in satisfaction, thought for a while, and then said to Tang Sanzang:

"You are a mortal, and the journey to the West is indeed full of difficulties and dangers."

"But don't worry, you will get the treasure soon, but you have to keep your eyes open, don't miss it..."

After Chu Hao finished speaking, he disappeared in place.

Originally, I came out to help others, so just saying a few words is enough to save face!

Chu Hao didn't want to make the karma of Journey to the West grow stronger so that he could cut leeks.

Chu Hao came to Guanyin Bodhisattva, whose face was as black as ink,

"Are you misleading them with what you just said to them?!"

"Prison God Chu Hao, are you going to mess up Journey to the West again! I warn you, don't mess around!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva knows Chu Hao too well,

The little prison god has a lot of bad intentions!

Chu Hao looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva coldly,

"Pout fart | Butts look at people, you have eyes but no pearls!"

"Am I like the kind of bad guy who cheats every day?"

"I'll take a few days off now and then, okay?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva twitched the corners of her mouth, but she didn't want to argue with Chu Hao any more.

If I can't argue later, I have to call Dad again.

Even if he wins, he will be beaten up by Chu Hao later, and then forced to call him father.

Both are bad, Guanyin Bodhisattva chooses to keep his mouth shut.

Chu Hao shrugged,

Guanyin has nothing to do with me!

Guanyin Bodhisattva turned around, acted according to the plan, and turned into a colorful tiger.

This is a common form-transforming technique. Avalokitesvara is hiding in the tiger's flesh and blood and can escape at any time.

Even if the tiger dies and leaves behind flesh and blood, Guanyin Bodhisattva will remain unscathed.

This is what Xitian originally planned. Now that Sun Wukong has been released, Sun Wukong has to show off his strength in front of Tang Sanzang.

Only in this way can Tang Sanzang's determination to travel westward be strengthened.

Of course, this colorful tiger can only have the strength of a normal tiger.

Scaring people with ordinary tigers is just because they think that the fighting power of colorful tigers is strong enough in the eyes of normal people.

At this moment, Tang Sanzang, who had just been encouraged by Chu Hao, was aggressive and excited.

As soon as he thought of what Chu Hao said just now, being with them, Tang Sanzang suddenly gained confidence and became more motivated to travel west!

He was full of desire to show off, so he wanted to show off well, so that Chu Hao would definitely be able to bestow more good treasures on himself!

Now Tang Sanzang is full of strength, and even feels that he can kill a cow with one punch!

Then, a roar sounded!


Suddenly, I saw a fierce tiger, roaring and rushing out.

Monkey King didn't even bother to raise his eyebrows, although he also found it strange that ordinary beasts did not surrender when they saw him.

But Monkey King didn't think much about it, and was about to kill the tiger with a stick.

But at this time, Tang Sanzang shouted:

"Wukong wait a minute!"

Sun Wukong froze for a moment, then looked at Tang Sanzang suspiciously.

Tang Sanzang looked at the tiger firmly, and said loudly:

"Wukong, you still lack some observation skills. You look at the barren mountains and mountains and the vast plains. Why did a tiger suddenly pop out?"

Sun Wukong also raised his eyebrows,

"What do you mean? Someone made it secretly?"

Tang Sanzang had a smug smile on his face,

"I guessed it a long time ago! This must be..."

Guanyin Bodhisattva heard it in the dark and his heart was pounding. I, Cao, can't really guess it's me, right?

However, Tang Sanzang insisted,

"This must have been transformed by Xianjun!"

"It must have been made by Xianjun to test us!"

Chu Hao stood beside Guanyin Bodhisattva, stunned, what does it matter to me?

Guanyin Bodhisattva also looked puzzled, what did your dad do?Can you think of me?

Sun Wukong was a little puzzled,

"Since it is a test, we should kill it and move on."

Tang Sanzang clenched his fists and slowly stepped forward, his face full of murderous intent,

"Wukong back down, let me save it!"

Sun Wukong was stunned, what happened?

What's wrong with Tang Sanzang?

Tang Sanzang sneered, with a resolute killing intent on his face,

"Immortal Cai has already said that the journey to the west will cause thousands of disasters and calamities."

"Under such circumstances, if the teacher has been hiding behind him, how can he hone his nature?"

"Wukong, on the first day of being your master, I want to teach you some Buddhism. My Buddha has eight precepts."

"There is a precept in the middle, for any creature to kill me!"

"This evil animal actually wants to kill me. It violated the precepts, and the poor monk wants to save him!"

Sun Wukong was stunned for a long time, and it took a long time before he gave a thumbs up.

"Master, your precepts are like this!"

"The apprentice has been taught!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva hid in the body of the tiger, extremely frantic, roaring inwardly:

"Teach you a Tathagata! Who taught you these Buddhist rules!"

"When did Tang Sanzang become like this?"

Chu Hao hid in the dark and watched the show, smiled slightly, but did not speak.

That's right, it's my scumbag.

He has little talent and little learning, and laughs when he laughs.

Sun Wukong was persuaded by Tang Sanzang, and even Sun Wukong vaguely accepted this master.

After all, Tang Sanzang was beaten to death by Monkey King once, so any hatred should be eliminated.

Moreover, all the hatred of Sun Wukong in his life should have been attributed to Xitian, and Tang Sanzang really had nothing to do with Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's mentality changed a little bit, he stepped back half a step,

"Then you go, don't worry, with my grandson, it can't hurt you."

Tang Sanzang took two steps forward and shouted angrily at the colorful tiger:

"Naughty animal, let the horse come over!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva panicked. Although she didn't know what happened, the current situation was very dangerous.

Good guy, if Tang Sanzang really fights against the colorful tiger, it would be a bad thing for everyone to die!

Guanyin Bodhisattva was a little crazy, I remember when I went to break through the half-step quasi-sage, I ordered Wufang Jiedi to stare at Tang Sanzang!

What happened during that time? !

No matter, Guanyin Bodhisattva hurriedly manipulated the tiger to run away, and it would not be good for anyone to die in a fight.

So, under the control of Guanyin Bodhisattva, the tiger gave Tang Sanzang a look, then turned around and wanted to leave.

Tang Sanzang took a look, is that okay?

Tang Sanzang let out an angry roar, and rushed towards the fierce tiger,

"The poor monk Tang San was buried, buried in the sky | buried in the ground and buried all beings! How could you escape?!"

"Come on!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva has changed, hurry up and run,

Don't come here!

However, it is not the first time Tang Sanzang has caught a tiger.

Tang Sanzang, who was very experienced, was so fast that when the tiger got up, he grabbed the tiger's tail!

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes widened, I, Cao, can't I?

Sure enough, she felt a huge force from Tang Sanzang's hand!

The five-hundred-jin colorful tiger was dragged back by Tang Sanzang with one hand!

At that time, Guanyin Bodhisattva was not well!

who I am?where am I?what am i doing?

When did Tang Sanzang become like this!

By the way, what he just said...

Bury the sky | Bury the ground and bury all living beings!

He became Tang Sanbu? !

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