The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 532 Buddha: Tears fell from my eyes when I knew the truth


Tathagata Buddha stood in Daleiyin Temple with helplessness written on his face.

At this moment, the Tathagata Buddha looked at the strong people around him coming and going, with helplessness written all over his face.

Now Xitian Lingshan is undergoing reconstruction work.

Moreover, because the Dragon Clan's attack was really too ruthless this time, it often takes some strong people to repair the collapse of Lingshan.

Amitabha also let go of it, letting Buddha Tathagata take full charge of post-disaster reconstruction work.

But Amitabha didn't feel well either. All the meritorious water in that pool evaporated, leaving nothing behind.

The cruel Chu Hao, in addition to stealing millions of karmic virtues, also evaporated nearly 400 million karmic deities!

Ruthless, really ruthless!

This is all the salary of the three thousand Buddhas. If it is not made up, it is very likely that the three thousand Buddhas will choose to run away.

After all, they were sent to the Western Paradise because they were lucky enough to be in the Western Paradise, and they also had treasures such as meritorious water.

If you tell them that their wages are gone, you will share joys and sorrows with Xitian in the future, and three thousand Buddhas will run away in the next second.

If you don't pay, you won't work.

Especially those buddhas and arhats who didn't participate in the big project of Journey to the West, if they don't get trapped in the merits and gods, they will just run away!

Therefore, Amitabha can only pay out of his own pocket to make up for the 500 million merits and deities.

Amitabha Buddha is so distressed that he bleeds!

However, this alone is obviously not enough.

Xitian's heavy loss was not only caused by the virtuous water, but also the tens of thousands of catties of spiritual source agate in it!

There are also rare and rare treasures in the [-]-foot votive corridor, and those are all top-notch treasures.

Now, all gone!

Moreover, Amitabha also restored Bailian boy's soul and body, but unfortunately there is no Muni Dingguang Bead, so the body can only be restored casually.

But he is still a quasi-sage, don't take the white maggot as a quasi-sage.

Amitabha, out of sight and out of mind, asked Bailian boy to cooperate with Tathagata Buddha to rebuild Lingshan completely.

Then Amitabha put his hands aside and went back to the sky to drink tea.

This makes for a bleak scene.

Although Bai Lian boy said to cooperate, but Bai Lian boy who escaped from death feels more and more that he is the proper protagonist's life!

Such a hidden overlord of the Dragon Clan came to kill him, but he survived!

The Dragon Clan is nothing more than mediocre!

What other law-enforcing prison god of the three realms, the legendary great thief, who can break through the existence of the Ksitigarbha King in the five turbid worlds, can't he not kill himself?

Chu Hao, that's all!

I, Bailian boy, have the qualifications of a saint!

Bailian Boy yelled at the Buddhas and Arhats moving bricks in the arena:

"Hey, what about you, do you hear me? Hurry up, don't be lazy! If you are not active in moving bricks, you have a problem with your brain!"

"What are you looking at? Do you think there is something wrong with what I said?"

"We were able to win a big victory in Xitian this time, and I, Bailian boy, contributed a lot. You can live to this day, and you have to thank me!"

The faces of those who moved bricks to and fro on the field turned black.

Without you Bailian boy, this Lingshan would not know how peaceful it is!

Still won a big victory, a big victory, let's move bricks and build walls here?

Tathagata Buddha also looked very melancholy,

If there is no accident, the Tathagata Buddha felt that he might have been depressed.

This damned prison god, Chu Hao, is he dead or not!

It's fine that you stole so many spirit treasures, I admit it, and I will be the one who suffers!

But why did you leave me with such a mentally handicapped child, what the hell am I going to have to suffer here every day from now on?

However, this animal is still Amitabha's eccentric person, and the Tathagata Buddha can't do anything to him.

Uncomfortable, he|mother is uncomfortable!

Now it is not only the Tathagata Buddha who suffers, there is not one of the three thousand Buddhas who does not feel uncomfortable.

Just when Tathagata Buddha was about to be depressed, Guanyin Bodhisattva came over.

give obituary notice!


"Buddha, something serious happened!"

"The Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms blatantly announced the expansion in the Three Realms, saying that a law enforcement hall would be built!"

Tathagata Buddha's heart is relatively big, and he still didn't change his face when he heard the news.

"Why panic, it's just a trivial matter, talk slowly."

After Chu Hao's torture before, waiting for the bad news, there is no way to make Buddha Tathagata feel sad.

Heh, the Tathagata Buddha has also grown.

It's just being tortured to grow up.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was relieved to find that Tathagata Buddha looked so strong.

"Then let me get to the point. He said that the Great Hall of Law Enforcement built the walls with agate from our West Paradise Spirit Source,"

"We also need to use all the rare treasures and pillars in the [-]-zhang votive corridor."

"Oh, by the way, the construction workers are the [-] million Buddhist soldiers we sent over."

"Buddha... Buddha! What's wrong with you, Buddha!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva found that Tathagata Buddha was a little unsteady, and his face seemed to be full of despair.

Tathagata Buddha felt the strong malice from the Three Realms.

Now it feels like the house is falling apart.

And the collapsed house was pulled away.

He also pulled his own strong men over to build a house for their family.

I still use my home materials!

This feeling is more exciting than my wife running away with Chu Hao!

Tathagata Buddha pinched his own person and said firmly:

"Tell me, I'm fine, I can handle it!"

But I feel wronged in my heart, I really want to cry!

Tathagata Buddha sniffled his nose, always feeling a little sore.

He is a strong adult, even though he was being harassed by a mentally handicapped boy named Bai Lian, and the house collapsed and was used as building materials...

But the Tathagata Buddha is still alive and strong.

Seeing that the Tathagata Buddha was so determined, Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't help but secretly marveled,

After suffering so many beatings from the society, you can still be so strong, you deserve to be the Buddha!

"Then I will continue."

"Now the monsters in the Three Realms are weird, and the strong casual cultivators feel like they have been beaten to death when they hear this news. There are already many monsters plotting to join the nine-story prison."

"Well, including those monsters that we planned to travel to the West."

"The black bear spirit has set off..."

Buddha's face instantly turned black.


Guanyin Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment,

"Buddha, did you swear just now?"

The Tathagata Buddha's face is full of Buddha's light, and his face is filled with despair for the Buddha's life.

"No, you heard it wrong, I am Buddha, Buddha... Mercy."

Black bear spirit, the black bear spirit from Guanyin Temple?

Is it the catastrophe after surrendering the little white dragon?

Exactly, is it really him? Exactly!

There is no such thing as digging a wall!

The Tathagata Buddha was very angry, and the consequences were not serious at all.

"Buddha, there is another bad news." Guanyin Bodhisattva said.

Buddha's heartbeat stopped suddenly.

"Buddha, you forgot to ask the prison god for Sun Wukong, he is still a guest in the nine-story prison."

Tathagata Buddha: "..."

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