The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 528 Listen to Jun 1 chapter, win a year in jail!

When the Jade Emperor left, he gave Chu Hao a deep look.

Obviously, the Jade Emperor has been thinking about Chu Hao's meritorious water for a long time.

Before Chu Hao went out, he has been thinking about it until now.

The Jade Emperor felt that Chu Hao should have more than the [-] merits and divine water.

Of course, the Jade Emperor would not choose to take Chu Hao's things for nothing, and naturally wanted to buy them from Chu Hao, but this is all for later.

After Chu Hao left, Chu Hao was almost overwhelmed by the crowd who came to beg to join the nine-story prison.

However, fortunately, Nezha was sensible, so he arranged the law enforcement army into two teams early on to resist the crowd of gods.

Nezha and Chu Hao were walking on the enclosed road, Nezha's face was full of helplessness,

"Boss, we have tried our best to expand, but the nine-storey sky prison really can't accommodate more people, and we are too busy."

Chu Hao shook his head and sighed,

"Hey, the landlord's family doesn't have any surplus food these days. We are so poor, why do they all want to come in and suffer?"

"Are young people nowadays so dreamy?"

"By the way, what did you mean when you said that there were not enough manpower and the expansion was too slow?"

Nezha sighed,

"We are now fully expanding the office space of the nine-story sky prison."

"But there is no way. The nine-storey sky prison itself does not cover many places, and it cannot be expanded at all, so it can only accommodate that few people."

"Moreover, even if the gods work, there are too few people. Without a large number of people to move bricks, it is really difficult to continue to expand."

Chu Hao suddenly froze,

Several clues flashed through my mind.

Need office space?Need manpower?

Spirit source agate!One hundred million Buddhist soldiers!

There is a place to use it!

Chu Hao immediately said to Nezha:

"There is no need to expand, the sky prison will have a son of the sky prison."

"Build a law enforcement hall next to the sky prison, use this to build!"

With a swipe, Chu Hao took out a pile of Lingyuan agate that was almost as tall as a hill from the Buddha Kingdom in his palm!

Every Lingyuan agate is shining with flawless light, as if announcing its own expensiveness and uniqueness to everyone!

When the audience around heard Chu Hao's words and saw the mountain of spiritual source agates, they were almost shocked to have a heart attack.

"That, that is the unique spiritual source agate of the Xitian Merit Pool!"

"This kind of agate is not a mortal thing. It is the place with the most aura in the Three Realms, the spiritual marrow hidden in the deepest part of the mountain range, and a treasure that can only be formed after tens of thousands of years of squeezing."

"A palm-sized spiritual source agate is enough to fill an area of ​​nearly one square meter with spiritual energy."

"In this... I can't tell my mother, it has to be counted!"

"Hell god, he said just now that he wants to use this to build a law enforcement hall?! Good guy, you are not a human being!"

"Such a luxury?! No, this is too much! Boss, please do me a favor, I am willing to move bricks, you give me a chance, I will scratch the putty!"

"I'm going to die suddenly. The built law enforcement hall is enough to cover dozens of miles!"

I have never seen such a big deal.

Don't say I've seen it before, I don't even dare to think about it!

This is something that even the Jade Emperor dare not think about.

This spiritual source agate is regarded as a treasure in the West, and it is only willing to use it in the merit pool.

Moreover, countless generations of people from Xitian spent their blood to barely exchange for this little bit of spiritual source agate.

What the hell, was it all done by Chu Hao?

Do you want to build a law enforcement hall like bricks?

It's not human!

We also need to have a limit!

This is not human!

Chu Hao is more than that.

Chu Hao threw a bunch of treasures and antiques on the ground. These treasures, which looked very valuable, stunned everyone.

Especially among the crowd of onlookers, there are a few relatively strong existences who are well-informed.

When the strong men saw it, they cried out in surprise,

"I've been to Lingshan, it's the Qingyu glass bottle in Daleiyin Temple! I, Cao, why am I here?"

"That, that, that seems to be the stone pier at the entrance of the [-]-foot votive corridor in the western sky. It is said that after listening to the sermon for many years, it has already been psychic, and can recognize ghosts and gods!"

"Wait a minute, isn't this the floor tile at the corner of the votive corridor? Why is it here?"

"I'm Cao! The exquisite pillars unique to the Wishing Corridor, boss, you carried all the pillars here?!"

"My god, the vases in the Daleiyin Temple, the agates in the merit pool, the floor tiles in the votive gallery, the supporting pillars... have you been demolished, sir?"

"Master Prison God, dare to ask, apart from bricks, what other building materials did you not bring?"

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly slapped his thigh, regretfully saying:

"Oh my Cao, I forgot to take the ceiling!"


The surrounding audience were stunned, the scene was dead silent, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

What the hell, how could it be abominable?


What the hell did the prison god boss do?

Is it really going to be demolished?

So, everyone began to imagining the scene of the evil Chu Hao threatening the Buddhas to hand over the materials at Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan.

Of course, they were only on the first floor this time, thinking that Chu Hao was only on the second floor.

But in fact, Chu Hao is on the fifth floor.

Chu Hao came here for treasure hunting, not extortion.

Chu Hao coughed lightly, and said to the gods very formally and sincerely:

"Don't think too much, everyone, I just happened to have some adventures in Lingshan of the Western Heaven, and I met many treasures who are destined for me."

"As for me, I am not a ruthless person, so I got these treasures easily."

"As for me, I have a little chance to find some special treasures, isn't it reasonable?"

The psychic stone pier jumped out of the treasure pile and shouted:

"I'm obviously in Daleiyin Temple, but you forced it out! How dare you say..."

Chu Hao stepped on Shidun's mouth and smashed it to pieces!

Chu Hao had a gentle smile on his face,

"Shidun can talk, is that reasonable? It's not reasonable."

"Please break the superstition, don't believe in metaphysics, and look at these unscientific things dialectically."

"Be a sensible citizen who doesn't believe in rumors or spread rumors, thank you everyone."

Chu Hao crushed his foot, and the stone pier turned into dust.

The gods were speechless and dumbfounded.

After a long time, there was a clear applause from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, the applause was contagious, and the audience applauded.

"Well done, listening to what you have to say is better than ten years in jail!"

"Yes, everyone, please don't believe in metaphysics, get rid of superstition, start with me!"

"Eating fast and worshiping the Buddha will only make people lose weight, and scientific exercise can strengthen the body! Good!"

Everyone gradually grasped Chu Hao's spirit.

Chu Hao's attempt to break the superstition was physically broken.

If you forcibly demolish Xitian, it will be destroyed naturally!

All the gods gasped in admiration,

The prison god boss is no longer blackmailing, and he has even basically broken away from the low-level fun of cheating and abducting.

Now rely on physics to break the superstition to solve the problem.

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