The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 526 The law enforcement brigade returns with a full load, and the heaven is a sensation!

Naturally, Chu Hao would not disappoint Wu Yunxian.

In fact, ever since Chu Hao stepped into the Daleiyin Temple, Immortal Wu Yun, who was trapped in the merit pool, had already sensed something.

Even when Chu Hao started stealing the meritorious water, Wu Yunxian actually planned to turn a blind eye at first.

At this moment, Immortal Wu Yun knew that he was locked in the pool of merit and virtue, and that people used swords and me as fish and meat, but his heart has always been directed toward cutting off teachings.

Although he is not free to become a Buddha now, he keeps telling himself in his heart that he is Wuyun Immortal, who is the head of the Seven Immortals, Wuyun Immortal!

Therefore, when he talks to the Buddhas, he calls himself Wuyun Immortal.

Even though he was trapped in the merit pool for countless years, and Amitabha Buddha tried countless times to save him, Wu Yunxian never really took refuge in my Buddha.

Sensing the difference between the teaching token on Chu Hao's body and Chu Hao's cultivation method, Wu Yunxian concluded that this was his senior brother!

Although he didn't know what happened, Wu Yunxian was excited!

Trapped in the enemy's camp for tens of thousands of years, tears flowed when I saw my senior brother!

But Chu Hao could also sense Wu Yunxian's plan, Chu Hao intentionally woke Wu Yunxian up.

Could it be that I was greedy for that little bit of divine water that caused Wu Yunxian to wake up?

How can it be?

Of course, after awakening Wu Yunxian, Chu Hao originally planned to slip away immediately.

But Wu Yunxian at that time conveyed his loyalty to Jiejiao through hints between words.

Then, when Chu Hao stole the god water of merit, Wu Yunxian also deliberately reminded him that if the god water of merit was stolen for more than a million, it would attract the attention of the sage.

If Chu Hao couldn't understand Wu Yunxian's meaning at that time, he would be stupid.

So Chu Hao and Wu Yunxian, two fellow students who had never masked their faces, began to act.

The two sang together, and Chu Hao took the initiative to leave a lot of ironclad evidence in order to prevent Immortal Wu Yun from being implicated by the disappearance of the karmic water.

And Wu Yunxian also pretended to be deceived, and gave up all the 500 million merits of the Xitian Merit Pool.

Just like this, back and forth, the inside should be combined with the outside, and the 500 million merits in the merit pool were all squandered by Chu Hao.

Take away the divine water of millions of merits.

He also picked tens of thousands of catties of Lingyuan agate.

He even let the remaining 400 million merits and divine water in the merit pool evaporate by itself.

What Chu Hao wanted was this kind of cruelty.

Even in the end, Wu Yunxian also removed the restriction on her natal magic weapon and let Chu Hao bring it out, which meant self-sacrifice.

Wu Yunxian knew that even if Amitabha Buddha really believed in it, all the Buddhas might directly vent their anger on him and kill him without evidence.

Wu Yunxian didn't want his treasures to fall into the hands of bad guys after his death.

The villain Wu Yunxian said was nothing but Xitian!

And when Chu Hao sold Bailian boy and Jiuzhuan Dahuandan, he didn't mention Wuyunxian's name, which was also a kind of protection for Wuyunxian.

Having said that, it will definitely arouse suspicion.

After all, on the face of it, Chu Haoming didn't know that there was a person with the name of Bukong who became a Buddha. If he said it,

Wouldn't it just tell everyone that I have patronized the merit pool, and I still want to save Bukong and become a Buddha?

Moreover, even if it was true, no one doubted that it would be a ghost if Chu Hao easily replaced a quasi-sage powerhouse in the mid-level realm.

Chu Hao's eyes were firm, and he thought to himself:

"Junior Brother, don't worry, I will rescue you when you break through the Western Heaven Spirit Mountain in the future!"

He couldn't save Immortal Wuyun, but Chu Hao also rescued three of the other Seven Immortals who attended him.

Qiushouxian, Jinguangxian, Lingyaxian...

These are ready-made, extremely powerful combat power!

Chu Hao's harvest from this trip is not insignificant!

Chu Hao hasn't been to the Heavenly Court yet, but the Heavenly Court is already full of Chu Hao's legends.

"Have you heard? The prison god boss has gone to the west to do something!"

"What kind of news do you call that? Listen to me. I have inside information. The Western Paradise is in chaos, and the Dragon Clan is here!"

"What? The Dragon Clan? Didn't the Dragon Clan die out at the time of the Dragon Han Dynasty? How could it still exist?"

"Aren't you stupid? The Dragon Clan is not extinct at all. I heard that this time it was because Xi Tian betrayed his promise and killed the descendants of the Dragon Clan. Nine real dragons slaughtered Lingshan in anger and blood stained three thousand miles!"

"Good guy, is the Dragon Clan so awesome? What about after that?"

"I heard that the prison god boss formed an alliance with the Dragon Clan on the spot, and almost worshiped his brothers, iron buddies!"

"Then I heard that the prison god boss is doing another operation. Anyway, there is no good place in Lingshan now. I don't know what happened after that."

"What about the real show? I just want to hear this, why don't you know? I'll smash your crotch with a sledgehammer!"

When Chu Hao returned to the Heavenly Court with a group of strong men from the ninth-floor prison, he was surrounded by commoner gods who had been watching outside the Nantian Gate.

Now the gods in heaven are starting to become a little outrageous.

Every time they heard that there was an action in the nine-story prison, they would helplessly watch the law enforcement officers go out.

And every time the law enforcers come back, they bring those good things that make people envious.

The onlookers didn't dare to do anything, they just followed behind the enforcers, wanting to pick up some unwanted things.

A defective product to law enforcers is a treasure to them!

As for why the gods are so unscrupulous?

Naturally, they cannot be blamed for this matter.

After all, gods also have seven emotions and six desires.

The little salary paid by the Heavenly Court is really a drop in the bucket for them.

Even many lower-level gods can't wait for a flat peach pit in millions of years.

But if you follow the law enforcement officers, the unwanted pan peach elixir will often be fed to the dogs.

The gods in heaven were also very angry.

Feed the dog better than feed us!

Even if you pick up a little leak, it is more cost-effective than standing on guard for thousands of years. Would you be able to make it for you?

But this time, I heard that the nine-story prison is making a big move!

It was the Prison God Chu Hao who led the team himself.

Those who were still on airs also all ended up.

Just kidding, if Chu Hao, the prison god, can lead the team in person, the scale must be not ordinary.

Last time, when the prison god personally led the law enforcement officers out, it was to trouble the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

That time, the Three Realms were almost overthrown by Chu Hao, and in the end the hidden sage Houtu came out to persuade them to fight, otherwise it would be hard to say what the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's surname is now.

But this time, I heard that the army of law enforcers in the Nine-story Heavenly Prison was kidnapped, so what's the matter?

Even the Jade Emperor ran over. For such a big deal, even if it's not worth it, he would still enjoy eating a melon!

Immortals are also made by humans, who doesn't like to eat a melon?

But at this moment, outside the Nantian Gate, the Jade Emperor and Chu Hao walked side by side.

Behind him is Nezha and the army of law enforcement officers who are majestic, elegant and easy-going.

There are also three demons with extraordinary aura mixed in.

Some gods recognized the three-headed demons at a glance, and were so shocked that their eyeballs fell to the ground!

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