The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 523 The way of indisputable, do not fight externally, and swear at internally?

The three thousand Buddhas shouted wildly in Daleiyin Temple, with tears in their eyes,

"Ahhh!! Damn it, it must be the law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms, it must be him!"

"Dog thief, give me back my magic weapon, give me back my spirit crystal, give me back my holy object!"


"Unfortunate, Buddha, what should we do now? Go to heaven to find that prison god?"

The three thousand Buddhas were outraged, although there is no evidence for them now.

But relying on the simplest emotion and the simplest guess, they concluded that it was Chu Hao!

Although there was no evidence, their intuition must be Chu Hao!

Tathagata Buddha listened to the roar of the crowd, but his face was gloomy and he did not speak.

The Buddhas became even more anxious,

"Buddha, we have been stolen! If we don't chase after this, wouldn't it be a big loss for us in Xitian!"

The Tathagata Buddha remained silent and looked at Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha in the field did not speak, and it took a long while before he spoke:

"Tathagata Buddha, you have made a big mistake!"

Tathagata Buddha's face darkened, but he could only bow his head deflatedly and said:

"Ask the teacher for advice."

Amitabha said coldly:

"Three thousand Buddhas were dispatched in full force, and no one guarded the Great Leiyin Temple, not even a single witness."

"I'm sure, even if you go back to the past, you will never find a clue..."

The Tathagata Buddha didn't believe it, so he tried to use the circular light mirror to find out who stole the Great Leiyin Temple.

But it is useless at all.

Not to mention that Chu Hao himself has a unique status bonus, so he cannot see the past and future.

Even if there was a slight mistake, Chu Hao's sky-shielding talisman would block it with all his strength.

Even if it is Amitabha, unless it is witnessed by witnesses, Amitabha has not traced back.

As a cautious person like Chu Hao, he would naturally not leave any openings for himself when he was exploring.

After all, treasure hunting in Lingshan requires a cleverness.

Tathagata Buddha couldn't calculate Chu Haolai, but he still said with extreme reluctance:

"Teacher, is this the way to go? I'm not reconciled, it must have been stolen by Chu Hao, the prison god!"

"Within the Three Realms, you can't even track down the teacher. This is the only person. In that case, he must be the only one who will enter the Great Leiyin Temple."

"We directly ask the teacher to inquire about the crime and find the prison god Chu Hao. Naturally, we can find the dirt from him..."

The Tathagata Buddha was already a little dizzy with anger at this moment, and he was indeed a little panicked.

Amitabha's face darkened, and he said angrily:

"Shut up, are you going to stir up our confrontation with Heaven again!"

"This time, it was because you, a scoundrel, had no way to supervise, that Bai Lian killed the Dragon Clan and caused a catastrophe."

"The reason why Da Leiyin Temple was stolen is precisely because you didn't guard Da Leiyin Temple strictly, so the little thief took the opportunity to come in!"

"This time, it's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

In front of the three thousand Buddhas, Amitabha pointed to the Tathagata Buddha and reprimanded him.

They even blamed the Tathagata Buddha for all the mistakes made by Bailian boy.

That must be calculated in this way. Could it be that Amitabha wants to say that it was all caused by Bailian boy?

That lack of heart, after all, Boy Bailian was taught by the sage himself, and he was also sent by him to assist the Tathagata Buddha.

Which leader would be an idiot to admit that his cronies are mentally handicapped?

Doesn't that indirectly show that he has no way to rule, cronyism, and cover up mental retardation?

Obviously not!

Therefore, this pot, Amitabha did not hesitate to throw it on the head of the Tathagata Buddha.

Tathagata Buddha was so insulted by Amitabha Buddha, he couldn't help but blushed, extremely ashamed, and even greeted Amitabha Buddha in his heart.

Cao, if it wasn't for the retarded Bailian boy you sent here, how the hell would this happen to me!

King Jiang III Ming and Vajra Yasha Ming Wang I sent over clearly discouraged Bai Lian boy.

But the Bailian boy did not listen to dissuasion because he was a sage boy, so he caused the catastrophe of being held accountable by the dragon clan!

Moreover, it was also because Amitabha Buddha was eccentric and wanted to protect the boy Bailian, which made the Dragon Clan angry and gave Chu Hao an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Now it's my fault?

When he accepted me as his apprentice, he swore that Xitian would be taken care of by me, good or bad.

Now is it time to throw the pot away?

This is your indisputable way?

Do not fight externally, but spout internally?

The Tathagata Buddha was furious in his heart, but he still sensibly chose to bow his head and admit his mistake.

"The disciple knows his mistakes, remember the teacher's instruction!"

Tathagata Buddha almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

The three great men next to him looked very uncomfortable. Although they were also from Xitian, they also knew that Xitian was still the second interpretation.

But that would be unfair.

Amitabha obviously didn't intend to be fair. After he finished throwing the blame, he just waved his sleeves and said coldly:

"I don't care what method you use, rebuild Lingshan and Daleiyin Temple as soon as possible."

"In addition, the most important thing is to restore Westward Journey to the original schedule as soon as possible, and don't make mistakes again!"

Tathagata Buddha gritted his teeth.

Don't make the same mistake again?

At this moment, the Tathagata Buddha has a small change in his mentality.

But at this time, an Arhat suddenly ran over and exclaimed:

"The big thing is not good, the big thing happened!"

"The [-]-foot votive corridor has been robbed by thieves, and the floor has been ripped off!"

"What kind of fake mountains and fake waters, carved beams and painted buildings, have all been evacuated!"

The ancient Buddha burning lamp next to him stared wide-eyed,

"What?! Eight thousand feet long corridor, Xitian collected countless years of incense to fill up the treasure, someone stole it?!"

"It's outrageous!! Want everything!?"

The arhat lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Because he didn't dare to say the more frightening words himself.

Suddenly, Amitabha Buddha thought of something, and shouted in horror:

"He, he, he|mother, where is the merit pool?! Is the merit pool okay?!"

There is only one thing that can make a saint tempted.


Don't be tempted by non-merit.

Now when he heard that there was an accident in the votive corridor for Baqianzhang, Amitabha suddenly became more nervous than anyone else and yelled.

The arhat who reported the funeral lowered his head, and just faltered:

"The merit pool, the merit pool is good, good..."

Amitabha breathed a sigh of relief.

If the merit pool is good, then it will be fine, then it will be fine.

As long as the merit water in the merit pool is fine, everything is fine.

Amitabha looked at the arhat and couldn't help frowning:

"Why do you look like you're hesitant to talk? Finish what you have to say!"

The arhat bowed his head, his voice was as thin as a mosquito,

"The merit pool seems to have been stolen too."

In a word, a needle can be heard in the field.

Amitabha's eyes gradually widened.

The despair in the pupils almost flowed upstream, as if the pupils were about to burst.

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