The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 521 What bad thoughts can the little prison god have?

The arena fell into deathly silence.

At the critical moment, Amitabha still spoke.

Amitabha recited the scriptures and said loudly:

"Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Your Excellency Prison God has supreme cultivation and wisdom, but you misinterpret it as adultery. You should introspect yourself, and your mind should not be stained with the world of mortals."

"I also believe that His Excellency Prison God will not say such rude, ignorant and shameless words."

Tathagata Buddha also hurriedly said: "Everyone, nothing happened."

Chu Hao looked at the three thousand Buddhas with disdain.

Good guy, they who accused the most viciously just now are all looking very disappointed at the moment.

The opening method of Xitian is very wrong.

Manjusri and Samantabhadra look slightly better, but only Guanyin Bodhisattva is depressed.


Manjusri Bodhisattva said coldly:

"The Qiushou Immortal is my mount, why should I give it to you if I have been with him for tens of thousands of years!"

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva was also very angry,

"Prison God Chu Hao, don't go too far! Gentlemen don't take what others like!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not speak, and was still immersed in the loss just now.

Chu Hao waved his hands and said:

"Ham, even the golden lotus of the Tathagata Buddha's merit was taken by me, so what are your mounts? Doesn't it make you feel better?"

Tathagata Buddha: "..."


Lie down for no reason!

It wasn't a whim that Chu Hao wanted the mount of the Three Great Masters.

Because Chu Hao suddenly remembered that he still has another identity, that is, the great disciple of Jiejiao.

As the major disciple of Jiejiao, Chu Hao also unfortunately received the favor of Master Tongtian, and took other people's exercises.

And the key is Chu Hao's thoughts about the Madonna of Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao.

Chu Hao needs the power to cut off teaching, but Chu Hao doesn't want to revive the cutting off teaching, this is the general trend of heaven, and the sky is irreversible.

Jiejiao's luck has been exhausted, even if Chu Hao tries his best to revive Jiejiao, he can only get a broken and disorganized Jiejiao.

It's better to use these powers for your own use.

Chu Hao is about to be promoted to the quasi-sage realm, which means that Chu Hao is about to become the Great Emperor Gouchen.

There are not many young men under the emperor who can fight, how embarrassing it is to say it?

Therefore, Chu Hao took a fancy to the mount of the Three Great Masters.

The cultivation bases of Qingshi, Baixiang, and Jinjiu are actually not weaker than those of the three deities, and they all have the cultivation bases of Da Luo Jinxian.

These green lions, white elephants, and golden jiao are not ordinary monsters, they were originally among the Seven Immortals who cut off the teaching and served them.

Qiu Shouxian, Lingya Fairy, Jin Guangxian!

At that time, they were also well-known among the Conferred Gods, but because of the defeat of the Conferred Gods, the Three Demon Immortals were accepted as mounts by the Three Great Masters.

Originally, their status was about the same, but they were reduced to the enemy's mount.

The three demons felt extremely uncomfortable, but they had no choice but to endure it.

Moreover, Xitian has poured his heart and soul into cultivating it, which has given Xitian a lot of strength.

Of course, the control of the three demons is also very good, and they all have the restraint of Amitabha Buddha in their bodies.

There are also the three most important guards, and subduing them is nothing in front of Xitian.

In fact, Chu Hao also thought about serving the eldest brother of the Seven Immortals, but he knew it was unrealistic, so he didn't ask much.

"Three Great Luo Jinxians, exchange for a first-time quasi-sage, plus a Tang Seng dog's life, you earn blood!"

Chu Hao was full of reluctance.

Amitabha twitched his mouth,

If it weren't for this boy Bailian and Tang Seng who belonged to our family, I almost thought it was really a bloody profit.

Manjusri and Puxian Bodhisattva strongly disagreed, and they all angrily said:

"Good idea! We will never agree!"

"Prison God Chu Hao, don't bully people too much!"

Of course, Chu Hao didn't intend to talk long-winded with them.

They are not qualified to decide.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva suddenly remembered something, and whispered to Tathagata Buddha:

"Buddha, the Three Demon Immortals also have arrangements for the four difficulties during Journey to the West. If it is really given to Chu Hao, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Tathagata Buddha nodded, and quietly sent a voice transmission to Amitabha Buddha to inform him of this matter.

However, Amitabha ignored Tathagata Buddha, and instead said to Chu Hao gently:

"Prison God Chu Hao, I promise you the conditions you want!"

"Three Great Masters, please give up your mounts. Don't worry, I will compensate you later."

Tathagata Buddha is in a hurry,

"Teacher, no! This matter is related..."

Amitabha looked at Tathagata Buddha coldly,

There was no more threat.

But the Tathagata Buddha felt the extreme dissatisfaction from Amitabha Buddha.

Apparently, Amitabha is tired of Tathagata Buddha repeatedly challenging his majesty.

Amitabha Buddha has his own measure in his heart, the saint stands above the three realms,

Don't be tempted unless you have merit, and don't sympathize with anything other than yourself.

Even though the Tathagata Buddha has made merits in managing the Western Paradise, he should not commit the same crime repeatedly. This is a big taboo.

The three great men are Tathagata's subordinates, giving up the mounts of the three great men is to give the Tathagata Buddha a warning.

Amitabha said lightly to Tathagata Buddha:

"Journey to the West is a catastrophe. You should think of another way. I believe you can do it as a teacher."

A trace of shame and grievance flashed in Buddha's eyes, but he could only bow his head and accept his fate.

He could see it was intentional.

But there is no way, this is my teacher.

The Tathagata Buddha knew very well that when Lao Tzu transformed into a beard, it was the second Western interpretation who gave him a chance, and he has the position of the master of the central Saha world today.

I suffered a loss and admitted it!

Tathagata Buddha secretly said to the three great masters:

"Three gentlemen, I'm sorry for you..."

The faces of the three great men changed. They were still angrily scolding Chu Hao, but the next second they looked back at Tathagata Buddha in shock and bewilderment.


But the Tathagata Buddha's face is full of vicissitudes, full of forbearance.

Chu Hao glanced at the three great men, and saw the forbearance on the face of the Tathagata Buddha and the gentleness of Amitabha Buddha.

Chu Hao seemed to understand something.

What a Western Paradise world, it is really orderly.

The three great masters were helpless, knowing that the Tathagata Buddha could not keep the three demon immortals, so they could only let them go!

Of course, Chu Hao was not stupid. After confirming that the three demon immortals were all in contact with the restriction, he nodded and gave Bailian Boy and the Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill.

Bailian boy was elated, and wriggled back triumphantly,

"Hahahaha! Master is back again. Sure enough, I am the protagonist of the Three Realms. Auspicious people have their own appearances!"

"The world will be in my shadow! Hahaha!"

Seeing Bailian Boy's proud look, Tathagata Buddha's face darkened again.

Forced to sell the mount of the three great masters, just exchange it for a mentally handicapped child?

Come back to scare me?

Uncomfortable one!

Seeing that the matter had come to a successful conclusion, all the experts of the Dragon Clan greeted Chu Hao.

"Little friend Chu, my Dragon Clan owes you kindness, just ask if you have something to do! Our Dragon Clan will always be your friend Chu Hao!"

The Jade Emperor still wanted to stay and watch the show, but Chu Hao was in a hurry, and hurriedly said to everyone in the nine-story prison:

"Hurry up, hurry up, there is no time to dawdle!"

Chu Hao felt a little bit guilty.

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