The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 52 Killing people, and punishing them?

Li Jing finally saw someone, his pupils shrank,

"why you!"

Nezha was rebellious, his eyes were full of resentment, and he said:

"Li Jing, in the 30th year of Hedong and the 30th year of Hexi, you bullied me to be weak and powerless, and almost killed me. I should have directly activated the god refining formation and killed you all!"

Li Jing was taken aback by Nezha's words, and hurriedly said:

"You, you, you, dare you! I am not guilty of death. If you kill me, you will definitely be punished by the rules of heaven!"

"Please, don't kill me, don't kill me! I apologize, it was my fault back then, it was my fault, let me go!"

Nezha saw that Li Jing, who used to be domineering, has become so afraid of death, even looking like he is about to kneel down, Nezha couldn't help but feel extremely ironic.

Also at this moment, Nezha seems to have looked away, because such a waste who is greedy for life and afraid of death is not worthy of his resentment.

Nezha smiled coldly and said sarcastically:

"Are you afraid of death? Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you today. Quite the opposite."

"Today, I'm here to let you out."

Li Jing and the others were stunned, with bewildered expressions on their faces.

Especially the Three Heavenly Kings and Wufang Jiedi who were imprisoned just yesterday, I jumped back and forth in the prison?

Nezha couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw the sluggish appearance of this group of people.

"Hahahaha! It seems that you don't know how much Xitian paid to redeem you!"

The eight people were shocked, "What, redeem us?"

Nezha laughed,

"You have committed so many crimes that you should have been put to death, but His Excellency the Prison God is benevolent, merciful, and merciful, so he will spare you the death penalty."

"And Guanyin Bodhisattva couldn't bear to let you fall into the boundless sea of ​​suffering, so he handed over 800 million heavenly soldiers and 800 million sets of standard magic soldiers to the heavenly court to atone for your sins."

"Oh, by the way, there is also the wonderful tree of the Seven Treasures of the Burning Lamp Buddha, which has also become a trophy."

"Everything is thanks to you."

Murder, but also punish!

Li Jing and the others were so angry that their heads were smoking when they heard this.

"This damned Hell God is so shameless! How dare he come to blackmail the Western world!"

"Ah, it's all because of me! Master's wonderful tree of seven treasures was taken away by that shameless Taoist, wait, and my Linglong Pagoda!"

Li Jing hugged his head and cried inside, the Diengdeng Ancient Buddha was not a merciful master, Li Jing couldn't help being afraid when he thought of his methods.

However, Chu Hao made a move and pressed the wool of the ancient Buddha that burned the lamp. The Golden Linglong Pagoda had been taken away 33 days ago, and now Chu Hao has taken away the master's most precious treasure, the Seven Treasure Tree!

Moreover, all this is because of myself!

Li Jing felt that he was destined to return to the Western world, and it would be fine if his master didn't light the sky lantern for him!

Nezha had a grin on his face,

"What are you waiting for? Guanyin Bodhisattva is waiting outside."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that after hearing about the Lantern Ancient Buddha, he has already been waiting for you at the gate of Xitian!"


Nezha chuckled, with a bright smile on his face.

Li Jing was so desperate that his face seemed to be glued together, and he was so uncomfortable that he was dying.

However, no matter how desperate he is, he has to face the reality. Now the Heavenly Court can no longer accommodate him, and even if he dies, he can only go back to the west to die.

Seeing Nezha's smile, Li Jing couldn't help but roared ferociously:

"Nezha, don't be too happy, I am your father no matter what, if I go out, you will be ruined and suffer a hundred times!"

Nezha yawned and let everyone out very naturally.

"Okay then, I'll wait."

Li Jing already had a plan in mind, and later he would take Nezha down and take him to Xitian for a certificate of honor.

Anyway, the Buddhas of the Western Paradise are protective and tyrannical, and if they bring Nezha there, they will definitely make Nezha obedient.

Although it can't make up for the losses, but it's finally worth the effort, and Li Jing himself can continue to mess around with his Golden Immortal cultivation.

As for whether he can beat Nezha, Li Jing knows this very well. Although he doesn't have the Golden Exquisite Pagoda, Li Jing's cultivation is still stronger than him, at least Li Jing is very confident in his heart.

Li Jing had a dark mind, and glanced at the three heavenly kings behind him.

After all, they were Li Jing's former subordinates, and soon they understood Li Jing's intentions.

All of a sudden, the minds of several people were all together, but they didn't show it.

Nezha didn't seem to know, so he led the way ahead.

Soon everyone came to the door.

"After going out, you must change your mind and start a new life. Are you clear?"

Nezha snorted.

Li Jing and the others are so angry that their teeth itch, but they don't want to have an attack now, they are obedient.

But they were thinking in their hearts that when they went out, they must let Nezha know what it means to be evil!

When the time comes to catch Nezha to the West Paradise, we must let Nezha go to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to fight with that Asura day and night, and die without a whole body!

Nezha was fooling around, and brought Li Jing and others to the door.

After finally walking out of the gate of the sky prison, Li Jing and the others looked at each other and immediately attacked!

"Go to hell, son of a bitch!"

Li Jing and the three heavenly kings made a move together, attacking Nezha from behind.

Nezha's hair suddenly floated up, revealing another round head, looking at Li Jing playfully.

"Did Li Tianwang forget my three heads and six arms? I still want to sneak attack, please forgive me!"

Nezha threw back the Qiankun circle, and sacrificed the Huntian Ribbon, aiming to take Li Jing's head straight.

However, Li Jing sneered,

"Don't I know how much you weigh?"

Suddenly, the three heavenly kings stood in three directions, and Li Jing stood in the center. In an instant, the four of them formed a large formation,

"Son, you are my father's heavenly king formation, which specializes in subjugating demons and demons, and I will take you away today!"

Although one heavenly king was missing, Li Tianwang's introduction made the formation of the four heavenly kings even stronger.

The four of Li Tianwang seem to have become a whole, and even their cultivation bases are much higher on average.

Nezha saw the four people besieging shamelessly, so he didn't intend to play the game of cat and mouse anymore, and put away his magical powers.

Seeing this, Li Jing laughed loudly,

"Why, now you know how to surrender? It's too late!"

However, Nezha smiled coldly, and the next second, Nezha suddenly took out a pagoda that looked like it was made of gold.

When Li Jing saw the pagoda, he cried out in fright,

"Nizi, you actually have my Golden Exquisite Pagoda, return it to me!"

Nezha's mana soared, and with all his abilities, he suddenly smashed the exquisite pagoda in his hand at the heavenly kings,

"I'll pay you back, catch it!"

This Golden Exquisite Pagoda is absolutely powerful. In the Golden Immortal Realm, it is easy to tell the winner if there is one more acquired treasure. What's more, the Golden Exquisite Pagoda is a lamp-burning ancient Buddha, and its power is stronger than ordinary acquired treasures.

Immediately, the 33-day Golden Exquisite Pagoda suddenly gushed out ten thousand zhang real fire, from top to bottom, covering the formation of the Four Heavenly Kings.

At that moment, Li Jing felt a terror that he had never felt before!

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