The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 513 The Tragic Bailian Boy Has a Fate

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[Reward Spirit Source Agate Spirit Gathering Formation

Taking advantage of the battle between Xitian and the Dragon Clan, Chu Hao secretly explored treasure hunting in Xitian.

At this moment, the battle situation outside has also undergone tremendous changes.

After all, the dragon clan is still the dragon clan, even if it is only the nine real dragons who came here today, they are overwhelming Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha regretted it a bit. If Patriarch Bodhi was called together, there would be no need for such a great pressure.

But for Amitabha, the good news is that he finally saved Bailian boy.

After all, this Bailian boy is someone close to Amitabha, and Amitabha is more willing to trust Bailian boy than Tathagata Buddha.

Because he is stupid.

Simple people are the easiest to control.

If Xitian wants to be stable and strong, the people below must not go against the wishes of the boss, even if the wishes of the boss are wrong.

This so-called, indisputable.

Three thousand Buddhas cannot compete.

What is given to them is what they want, and what is not given to them must not be overstepped and robbed.

In fact, the three thousand Buddhas also know this way well, especially King Jiang III and Nado Arhat Buddha who followed the boy Bailian to fight the little white dragon.

They also knew that they couldn't go beyond, so the persuasion was ineffective, and no one questioned Bai Lian boy's decision.

This is the eternal rule of Xitian.

No one can go beyond.

Amitabha Buddha is wary of Tathagata Buddha. He is powerful, complex, and forbearing.

Even if he really did everything for Xitian's good, and he could handle things well, but Amitabha didn't confide in him.

On the contrary, the simple and naive Bailian boy is favored by Amitabha.

So even if Chu Hao reported that Bailian boy had escaped just now, Amitabha also left the frontal battlefield and quickly came to rescue Bailian boy.

In fact, Amitabha made up his mind early on, no matter what, he must keep Bailian boy, even if he sacrificed some Buddhas and put Lingshan in crisis.

However, Rao is so...

Bai Lian boy is also quite bleak.

"Prison God Chu Hao, remember it!"

After the boy Bailian was discovered by the Zijin Dragon Emperor, he was chased and beaten by the Zijin Dragon Emperor.

Although Amitabha was such a strong protector, Bai Lian boy's body was riddled with holes, and even his two legs were cut off by the Zijin Dragon Emperor's surprise attack.

Completely lost limbs.

Even Boy Bailian's body was pierced with several holes.

Although the body of the primordial spirit has no blood, no flesh, no heart and no lungs, it hurts!

Bailian boy is like a maggot now,

But even so, Boy Bailian did not give up hope of surviving!

Bai Lian boy lost his limbs, but he was still wriggling wildly on the ground, with a firm goal,

"I want to run back, I want to run back!"

"Amitabha Buddha said, as long as I go back, I can restore my primordial spirit with the merit water!"

"Use the Muni Dingguang Bead to restore the flesh color, and I can restore my strength!"

"Hahahahaha! Who can stop me, who can kill me!"

The Bailian boy was in high spirits, wriggling on the ground like a maggot!

Runaway maggots!

It was not conspicuous on the battlefield, even the nine real dragons were not noticed.

"Hahahaha, I'm going to live, I'm going to live!"

Boy Bailian was so excited that he arched his body and straightened again. He was used to this wriggling posture.

Just a little bit, when he entered the Great Leiyin Temple, he was rescued!

However, at this moment, a pair of feet appeared in front of him.

"Familiar feet, familiar boots..."

From the maggot's perspective, no human face can be seen.

But Boy Bailian always felt that he had seen these feet somewhere before.

"Huh? Isn't this Bailian Boy? Why are you pretending to be maggots on the ground? Is this a special game for you in Xitian?"

Familiar voice!

Bailian boy raised his head suddenly!

The person who came was none other than Chu Hao, the Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms!

Boy Bailian's heart stopped suddenly, it was like seeing a ghost!

What the hell, why is it so difficult to escape, why do I always have to be caught by the prison god!

I am Cao Cao Cao!

Looking at the expression on Bai Lian Tongzi's face, Chu Hao naturally knew what Bai Lian Tong Zi was worried about.

Chu Hao smiled, like a spring breeze,

"White maggot boy? Are you afraid that I will report you to run away?"

Bai Lian boy nodded, then shook his head, just looked at Chu Hao with a mournful face,

"Let me go, okay?"

Chu Hao smiled slightly, a very harmless smile,

"Let me ask you a question, do you think I will report you?"

"Report the wrong answer on the spot."

Boy Bailian went crazy for a moment, the smile on Chu Hao's face was so familiar to Boy Lian

This is definitely going to report me!

Answering the meeting, Chu Hao reported it on the spot.

Answer no, wrong answer is reported on the spot!

Boy Bailian: "Why don't you kill me, and if I fall into your hands, I will die."

Chu Hao chuckled,

"What do you mean, am I that kind of person?"

"The Buddha taught us to respect the old and love the young. You are still young, how could I attack you?"

The expression on Bailian boy's face was very stiff, expressionless,

"Then how are you doing?"

Chu Hao stroked Bailian boy's dog's head,

"Want to screw your head off..."

Boy Bailian sneered.

Kneel directly.

"Father, the child is wrong, my soul is weak, please forgive me."

Simple and rude,


Full of boldness!

Chu Hao was taken aback by Xiao Xiao, did the young man become enlightened?

It's not that Bai Lian boy is enlightened, it's just that he is afraid of being dealt with by Chu Hao. He just wants to live now anyway.

Even Boy Bailian lost the desire to take revenge on Chu Hao, this is the truth.

He figured it out, he would rather ride on the Buddha's head to shit and pee than deal with Chu Hao anymore.

This man is too arrogant.

In Xitian, there is a sage who guides and guides to take care of Boy Bailian, anyway, nothing will happen to him.

But if you offend this law enforcement prison god of the three realms, you may be played to death by Chu Hao at any time!


Amitabha has protected him like this, if he dies now, what a disadvantage!

Bai Lian boy's mind is so simple.

Chu Hao could also see Bailian boy's timidity, he patted Bailian boy's dog's head with a smile,

"You misunderstood me, I really don't want to kill you."

Bailian boy sneered,

Kowtow directly!


"Master Chu Hao, I was wrong, let me go!"

A maggot frantically kowtows on the ground, that picture is not too beautiful.

But boy Bailian really had a psychological shadow on Chu Hao, and now boy Bailian just wanted to confess his guilt to Chu Hao, and live on first.

It was the first time in Bailian boy's life that he felt such humiliation.

But receiving such a great gift from me, even the Tathagata Buddha should let go, right?

The corners of Chu Hao's mouth twitched a little, good guy, why did this Bailian boy suddenly understand the truth?

After all, Chu Hao is not a devil.

Chu Hao smiled slightly, lifted Bailian Boy, and shouted:

"Come here! Boy Bailian is about to run away again! I caught him!"

Boy Bailian: "..."

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