The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 39 Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, was scolded until he vomited blood

The five directions Jiedi, the three heavenly kings, and the eight arhats all sneered and sneered.

In Chu Hao's eyes, all the information about Dingguang Huanxi Buddha had already appeared.

[Dingguang Huanxi Buddha (relic clone)

[Realm: Taiyi Golden Immortal Early Stage

[Magic Treasures: Seven Treasure Trees (exquisite innate spiritual treasures), Six Soul Banners (heavenly treasures)

[Spells and supernatural powers: six-foot-long golden body, crouching tiger formation, heaven and earth net, relic incarnation, piercing the river into the sea, ever-changing...

[Unit position: One of the thousand past Buddhas of Buddhism

Not only that, but Chu Hao saw the resume of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha... Seeing that, Chu Hao couldn't help feeling secretly angry, and decided to expose this filthy Buddha in the world.

I only heard Chu Hao look at Dingguang Huanxi Buddha coldly, and said with extreme disgust:

"I enforce the law for the Heavenly Court. I am in charge of the law of the Three Realms. I am loyal to justice and faith. How can I be like you? A traitor who everyone can punish! Long-eared Dingguang Immortal!"

Chu Hao's voice echoed between heaven and earth for a long time.

When Dingguang Huanxi Buddha heard this name, he could no longer hold back the hypocritical smirk on his face. He was instantly startled, stared at Chu Hao ferociously, and said viciously:

"I am the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha personally enshrined by Amitabha Buddha. I am the Supreme Vajra Supreme on the Buddhist altar. I don't know what is good or bad. What did you call me just now!"

Chu Hao sneered, then laughed out loud, till the end the world was shaken, even [the battlefield temporarily stopped for it!

All the Tang soldiers and Tang generals over there were worrying about Chu Hao, because they could clearly see that Chu Hao was at a disadvantage. There are so many Buddhists!

Hearing this voice, everyone couldn't help being distracted and listened to what Chu Hao said.

Chu Hao glared at him suddenly, and spoke uprightly, loudly, and scolded angrily:

"Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, you still have the face to talk nonsense here. Do you think being named a Buddha by the Buddhist sect can hide your shameful, hateful, and disgusting past?!"

"You're dreaming! I, Chu Hao, am the god of law enforcement and prison in the Three Realms, and today I will reveal your dirty appearance to the public!"

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's face turned black on the spot, and he shouted anxiously: "Shut up, I'll kill you if you dare to say it!"

He was really scared in his heart, he thought that after the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation passed, no one would know about it.

But when Chu Hao called out his real name, he felt terrified, lest Chu Hao mention his dirty past.

However, it was clear that Chu Hao was not afraid of threats at all.

Chu Hao yelled angrily, choked his voice, and made public the dirty history of Chang Er Ding Guangxian word by word:

"Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, you were originally one of the Seven Immortals who served under the head of the Tongtian Sect. You were favored by your benefactor, so you were able to have Tongxuan cultivation and defy fate."

"But you don't think about your teacher's kindness, you don't care about your kindness, and you even repay your kindness with revenge. During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, the Master Tongtian set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation. It was hoped that with the six soul banners, the decline of the Jiejiao could be restored in one fell swoop."

"He placed all his trust in you, but you betrayed Master Tongtian!"

"In the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, the Master Tongtian wanted to turn defeat into victory with the Six Soul Banner, but he was stolen by you, a traitor!"

Dingguang rejoiced, the Buddha was furious, and all the filth in his heart was pointed out, roaring angrily and turning into a golden body of Buddha, rushing towards Chu Hao:

"Stop talking, I'll kill you!"

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was already furious and shot angrily.

On the battlefield, countless people were listening, and in this world, there were countless immortal Buddhas listening.

If he openly told his dirty deeds of Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha would not know how to mess around in the future.

However, facing Dingguang Huanxi Buddha rushing towards him, Chu Hao was fearless.

Although the Qibao Miaoshu is powerful, how can the magic weapon in Chu Hao's hand be weaker than him?

Chu Hao immediately sacrificed the Immortal and God-Slaying Sword, which is also the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and slashed at Dingguang Huanxi Buddha with his backhand.

Chu Hao himself is a practitioner of the eighth [Nine Profound Kungfu], which is the most powerful technique in the world, and the sword in his hand is one of the best killer weapons among the innate magic weapons.

The Qibao Miaoshu couldn't match Chu Hao's attack in terms of lethality!

Immediately, the Dingguang Huanxi Buddha who was rushing over was directly sent flying hundreds of feet away by Chu Hao's sword. Even if he had a golden body of six feet, he stepped back, his face was like gold paper, and his face was ugly.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha's face is terrified,

"How can you be so strong! Impossible, even my relic incarnation is strong enough to resist ordinary Taiyi Jinxian, how can you be stronger than me!"

"Could it be that you got some magic weapon from Heaven?"

The three heavenly kings, the five-fang Jiedi and the eight arhats turned pale with fright when they saw that Chu Hao had knocked Dingguang Huanxi Buddha away with one blow.

That was one of the Seven Immortals of Jiejiao who had become famous all over the world since the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods. He was a well-known strong man. How could Chu Hao, who had just entered the Heavenly Court for a few days, beat him?

Chu Hao sneered, but he was unwilling to let go, pointing at Dingguang Huanxi Buddha and angrily reprimanded:

"Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, don't you think that everyone in the world is like you, and can only be strong by relying on those dirty methods of treachery and stealing?"

"This seat tells you that there is righteousness in the world, and a despicable and shameless villain like you will always be a dirty rat, and everyone will be punished!"

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha roared, and bombarded wildly with both hands!

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in. What's wrong with me! My master's defeat is only a matter of days, and I just speeded up!"

When this sentence came out, everyone in the world was in an uproar.

This Dingguang Huanxi Buddha is considered to have admitted the guilt of that year.

Chu Hao's eyebrows were even colder, and he slammed loudly, word by word:

"Shameless old thief, don't you know that all the people in the world are willing to eat your flesh alive, how dare you talk here!"

"If you hadn't betrayed the sect and taken away the Six Soul Banner back then, the leader of the Tongtian sect would not have stopped here, and the entire army would not have been wiped out. It was you! Send them to a dead end with your own hands!"

"You are ashamed of the brothers of the Jiejiao, and you are ashamed of your benefactor. You have not done an inch of merit in your life, you only wag your lips and tongue, and help the evildoers. You are a dog with a broken spine!"

"Since you are a flattering minister, you can only hide your head and shrink your head, trying to get food and clothing. How dare you pretend to be your number in front of our army! You are a handsome old man with a gray beard!"

"How dare you bark in front of our army! I have never seen such a shameless person!"

Chu Hao scolded so hard that he could not stop talking.

Countless soldiers couldn't help but stopped their weapons and looked up at the golden Buddha shining golden light, feeling astonished in their hearts.

Is this the true face of the compassionate Buddha?

Even in the eyes of anyone, this is just a dog with a broken spine, a traitor who everyone can punish.

Such a person turned out to be a Buddha?

For a moment, no matter whether it was the generals of the Tang Dynasty, or the soldiers of Tianzhu, or the three heavenly kings, Wufang Jiedi and the Eight Arhats, they could not help but feel contemptuously.

Dingguang Huanxi Buddha was so ashamed and angry, his face flushed, he pointed at Chu Hao and said:

"you you you!"


Finally, Dingguang Huanxi Buddha spat out a mouthful of blood, and it turned out that Chu Hao was so angry that he vomited blood in the air!

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