Countless Tang soldiers and Tang generals present saw their eyes tearing apart, and they gritted their teeth, wishing to use their bodies to help Qin Shubao block it.

Qin Shubao also thought he was doomed.

However, at this moment, the Buddhist beads that the Muni beads were carrying suddenly stopped in the air, as if they were blocked by an air wall, unable to move forward an inch.

Then, then... just disappeared.

The powerful Muni bead, together with the Buddhist bead, disappeared in place without a clue.


The Buddha, who had been confiscated for a long time, suffered a backlash, and Master Huang Deng spurted out his blood!

However, what scares him even more is that he doesn't know who is behind the scenes. Master Yellow Lantern roars like a wounded mad dog,

"Who the hell is that! If you dare to stop the prosperity of Tianzhu Kingdom, I, the Western World, will never forgive you!"

No response at all.

Because no one present, including the female leader of the Shura clan in the sky, is qualified to see Chu Hao's existence.

After the catastrophe, Qin Shubao hurried to the barracks for the rest of his life, thinking to himself:

"There are gods standing three feet above your head, it must be the trick of the immortal family, no, you have to tell His Majesty quickly!"

The battlefield is still going on.

And Chu Hao has obtained the key things.

Chu Hao used the invisibility method in the 72 transformations, and no one on the field could see him. The person who cut off the Buddhist beads just now was naturally Chu Hao.

Chu Hao looked at the Muni bead in his hand indifferently, sneered and exerted a little force: "I want to see which Buddha is actually interfering in the war."

Chu Hao crushed the Buddhist beads with all his strength, and saw a small golden figure in the Buddhist beads, which turned into a stream of light and wanted to escape.

"Want to go?"

With a wave of Chu Hao's hand, he pinched the little golden man. This is the Buddha's mana attached to the Muni bead. If you get him, you can follow the vine.

The Buddha's magic power is obviously not low, and the little golden light man still struggled in Chu Hao's hands, but Chu Hao only used his magic power a little, and restrained the little golden light man.

It was only after he fixed the shape that Chu Hao could clearly see the appearance of the little golden man.

"It turned out to be him!"

Chu Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and frowned slightly.

But Chu Hao thought about it, but suddenly felt relieved,

"It should be just a remote control. He shouldn't be here. But at least he's one of his subordinates. Heh, don't even think about leaving once you're here!"

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth raised a ferocious smile. Now that he has caught the vine, he naturally doesn't have to worry about catching the melon behind him!

Immediately, Chu Hao escaped into the air, went to the barracks of Tianzhu Kingdom, and captured the thief and the king!


But it is said that Qin Shubao fled back to the barracks.

Go directly to the city wall and meet Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

Qin Shubao panicked and said: "Your Majesty, it's too late to explain. Please move the holy car back to Chang'an. Tianzhu Kingdom has already mobilized millions of Asura soldiers. Once defeated, the city will be destroyed soon!"

However, Li Shimin stood on the city wall, looking at the battlefield, without looking back at Qin Shubao.

At this moment, on the battlefield, the Tang soldiers and generals of Tang Dynasty and the generals of Tianzhu were fighting together, blood staining the battlefield.

What's even more frightening is that the millions of Asura demon soldiers seem to have the intention to attack, and the blood-red Styx in the sky is slowly descending.

Millions of Asura soldiers are about to attack, and the city will be destroyed soon!

Qin Shubao hurriedly urged: "Your Majesty, hurry up, it's too late!"

Li Shimin suddenly said indifferently:

"Go? You can go anytime, I, don't go."

Qin Shubao's eyes were about to burst, "I swear to protect the mountains and rivers to the death, so why not die! Your Majesty, you must not be injured in any way. You are the Ninth Five-Year Honor, and the world needs you!"

Qin Shubao's words seemed to touch a certain nerve in Li Shimin, and Li Shimin turned around.

His face was full of tears, and his heart was dripping with blood!

At this moment, Li Shimin raised his head in pain and shouted:

"How do you tell me to go! My soldiers are guarding every inch of land in the Tang Dynasty, and the bastards of the Zhu Kingdom even colluded with the Asura tribe to collect them as weapon souls! You tell me to abandon them now, what do you say? Export!"

"I am so heartbroken, I wish I could go to battle with my sword, and I want to kill that bastard Tianzhu soldier. You tell me to retreat now, so that I will have no peace of mind in the future!"

Li Shimin almost burst into tears. He saw that the soldiers were not afraid of being refined into souls in order to protect the mountains and rivers. Li Shimin's heart ached beyond words.

Qin Shubao couldn't help but burst into tears, but he still gritted his teeth and said:

"Your Majesty, please take care of the dragon's body, and keep the green hills so that you don't have to worry about firewood. We can die, and we are not afraid of death! But what we can't die is worthless. If something happens to you, the country will be ruined, and the Tang Dynasty will definitely be destroyed by Tianzhu. The country is annexed!"

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to the pros and cons. If you are captured, our death will not be worth it!"

Li Shimin kept silent, just looked at the endless demon soldiers with tears in his eyes, howling and roaring in his heart,

"Did Tang deserve me to be trampled by those endless Asura demon soldiers! I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

However, no matter how unwilling, there is no way.

Minghe's million Asura demon soldiers are extremely powerful, and there is no way to be hostile to them at the border of the Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, the sky has been dyed half red with blood, and the Asuras took the lives of the people of a city in the Tianzhu Kingdom, and prepared to enter the battle.

Seeing millions of Asura soldiers enter the arena, countless Tang soldiers and Tang generals' faces were full of death.

But even so, all Tang soldiers and Tang generals showed no fear on their faces.

Only, ferocious fighting intent!

Yu Chigong and the other generals rushed towards the Asura demon soldiers first.

There was a roar and an explosion!

"The ambition to fall into the battle is dead but not alive!!!"

"Brothers, I have no regrets in this life to enter the Tang Dynasty, defend my Tang Dynasty, die well, die quickly!"

"Come on, beasts, even if I don't enter reincarnation for thousands of years, I will never surrender to your filthy country. Great Tang, I will win!"

"Datang will win!"

"Datang will win!"


All Tang soldiers and Tang generals had extremely firm beliefs in their eyes. Even if the sword of Tianzhu Kingdom cut off their hands and feet, they would all be willing to bite and kill each other with their teeth!

Faith is the strength that supports their indomitable progress.

Behind him is the country, a country that must not be touched by anyone.

One fight to the death!

Asura's million demon soldiers already have an advantage in numbers, and these Asura's demon soldiers are inherently evil, and their physical strength is not comparable to that of humans.

Although there were strong practitioners in the army of the Tang Dynasty, they were still at a disadvantage in every possible way.

Seeing that the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Tang Dynasty were rapidly decreasing.

What is lost is not a simple number, but a bloody life.

All Li Shimin can do is pray, pray for a miracle.

If there were no miracles, the Tang Dynasty would definitely be opened by the Tianzhu Kingdom today, and the hundreds of millions of people in the country would be reduced to fish on other people's chopping boards.

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