The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 196 The Western Paradise is in Action

【Chu Hao

[Realm: The Late Period of Daluo Jinxian (15 billion years from the next realm)

[Cultivation method: Nine-turn Pangu Zhenshen Jue (fourth turn)

【magic weapon:……

[Spells and supernatural powers: 72 transformations of earth evil spirits (all), the art of transforming the rainbow, eight [nine mysterious skills...

Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

15 billion years seems to be okay.

At least the previously bluffing 30 billion years of cultivation was completed quickly by Chu Hao, right?

Chu Hao took out the set of yellow plum fruits and fell into deep thought:

One set is equal to one purple fruit, three purple-gold fruits, six golden fruits, and nine yellow fruits.

The addition of all these fruits is enough to create a considerable force.

After all, there is a purple fruit in it that is more powerful than the Nine Rank Great Luo Golden Pill.

Nine-turn Da Luo Golden Pill is just to help break through the boundaries, but this purple fruit can make immortals directly promoted to Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Other fruits can make mortals become immortals instantly.

But the medicinal power of the purple fruit is too powerful, no matter how gentle it is, it can only make the immortal become a Da Luo Jinxian.

But it's harmless, it's still awesome!

But what would happen if these fruits were taken entirely by themselves?

[All the plum fruits in Huangzhong can be transformed to obtain the equivalent number of years of cultivation

[One purple fruit can get one billion years of cultivation, one purple-gold fruit can get one hundred million years of cultivation, one golden fruit can get one million years of cultivation, one yellow fruit can get ten thousand years of cultivation

[Whether to transform?

【yes? 【no?

Still out the button?

But Chu Hao thought about it again and again, and still chose no.

With all the fruits in Chu Hao's hands added up, it is only worth 13 billion years of cultivation.

For Chu Hao, a large number was still needed.

And Chu Hao can have the cultivation base year limit from time to time, especially the system, sometimes it can be hundreds of millions with a wave of his hand.

But these cultivation base years can only be used directly by Chu Hao.

However, these Huangzhong plum fruits are different, they can be used by others, and Chu Hao is a person who is about to have a family.

And Chu Hao's future family will definitely be in groups.

So Chu Hao had to keep some good things, at least as dowry.

As for the cultivation base, just make more money.

However, the betrothal gift naturally cannot be limited to this.

Wouldn't it be better if there was a more awesome dowry gift?


[Young man, don't you talk about martial arts?Even the old system?

[Detecting that Jin Chanzi is about to be born, go to Nanzhan Buzhou to participate in the layout

[Reward: undecided

[Remarks: This task is divided into multiple side tasks, please feel free to stir up shit!

Chu Hao raised his brows, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

The system has never been a stingy person. The last time it said that there were three acquired treasures in a random draw, it gave Chu Hao a big bang with its backhand!

A meritorious treasure, a meritorious treasure, or an enhanced version, and another acquired treasure is crucial.

This is a random draw.

The system is undecided, isn't it...?

Chu Hao raised his brows, okay, okay, I'll go there right away!

Chu Hao didn't know that as soon as things were done here, Xitian had already noticed something was wrong.


Western world, Great Leiyin Temple.

The Buddha lives between the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan.

All the surrounding Buddhas, Aruo, Jiedi, Bodhisattvas, King Kong, monks, monks and nuns are all listening to the Tathagata preaching with peace of mind.

However, Tathagata Buddha suddenly frowned for no reason, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Everyone was at a loss. They didn't know what happened. Why did the Tathagata suddenly stop preaching?

Only Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned. The last time the Tathagata stopped like this was when the heavenly secrets were messed up.

This time, could it be...

But seeing the Tathagata closing his eyes and pinching his fingers, he counted for a long time, but became more and more anxious, with fine sweat dripping from his face.

After a long while, the Tathagata Buddha suddenly stopped from preaching.

Guanyin Bodhisattva hurriedly said: "My Buddha, what happened? Is the odd number acting like a demon?"

Tathagata Buddha slowly opened his eyes, shook his head gently,

"I don't know either. The secrets of the sky are messed up and cannot be calculated."

"But I have a bad feeling. I'm afraid there will be demons making trouble. This time, we can't wait any longer."

Guanyin Bodhisattva frowned, "Buddha, what do you mean?"

The Tathagata sat on the lotus platform and sang loudly:

"I don't know the year and month since Fu Good Ape Antian, but it is estimated that it has been half a thousand years in the mortal world.

In a few decades, it will be meng qiu looking at the sun in the world. I have a treasure basin with a hundred kinds of strange flowers, the same kinds of fruits and other things in it. How about enjoying this Yulan basin with you? "

The surrounding Buddhas, Aruo, Jiedi, Bodhisattva, King Kong, monks, monks and nuns all looked confused.

It took decades before it started, so anxious to divide the fruit?

Isn't it a day or two in advance?

Only those big bosses who participated in the arrangement of the Journey to the West frowned.

According to the previous arrangement, this matter should be brought up during the Meng Lan Pen Festival, and then take advantage of the trend and propose a trip to the west.

But now the Buddha has started making arrangements decades in advance. It seems that the Buddha really can't sit still, lest there will be a change.

However, everyone didn't say much, the secrets of the sky were already in chaos, so they had to prepare early and be prepared.

The Tathagata opened his mouth slightly, explained the Dharma, preached the righteous fruit, and talked about the wonderful scriptures of the Three Vehicles and the Surangama of the Five Aggregates.But seeing the dragon surrounded that day, the flowers and rain are colorful.

It is exactly: the Zen mind shines brightly on the thousand rivers and moons, and the true nature is clear and encompasses thousands of miles of sky.

He preached in advance, and he was speaking about the magic scriptures of the upper class, so he was very willing to win over everyone present.

Everyone also listened with great interest, ten times and a hundred times better than Tathagata's perfunctory preaching on weekdays.

But everyone also knows that if there is nothing to be courteous, it is either rape or robbery. I am afraid that the Tathagata will make a big move!

Sure enough, after the Tathagata finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said loudly:

"The wonderful scriptures of Buddhism just now are only for one collection. I have the Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism, which can surpass the dead and ascend to heaven, can save the difficult from suffering, can cultivate the body of infinite life, and can do things that come and go without coming."

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas froze for a moment, then hurriedly said:

"How can I get it?"

Tathagata shook his head slightly,

"It is passed on to you, only for small merits, behind closed doors, it can only be vulgar and light."

Everyone froze for a moment, what do you mean?

That is, I have it but don’t give it to you?

Except for the big guys who really participated in the Journey to the West, many bodhisattvas and arhats present didn't know what the Tathagata was going to say?

Tathagata sneered in his heart when he saw everyone's greedy look, why don't you obediently follow?

The Tathagata Buddha radiates all over the world, and his Dharma appearance is solemn and benevolent. Finally, he began his performance:

"I look at the four major continents, the good and evil of all beings are different from each other. Those who win the Shenzhou in the east respect the heavens and the earth, and have a clear mind; those in the giant Luzhou in the north, although they like to kill, just because of subsistence, they are clumsy in nature and emotionally indifferent. I don't practice much; I, Xiniu Hezhou, don't be greedy and don't kill, and cultivate energy and potential spirit. The field, the sea of ​​right and wrong."

"Now I have the Tripitaka, which can persuade people to do good. If I can spread it to Nanzhan Buzhou, everyone will be kind to the Buddha, and the world will be great, and you will get great merit. This is the perfect method. Your intentions how!"

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