The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 193 The truth came out, the mentality completely collapsed!

Sun Wukong was completely stunned by the fright.

His eyes were blank, he shook his head frequently, and only murmured:

"This is impossible, this is impossible! How could this be..."

Chu Hao looked at Sun Wukong's appearance, and the young man's mentality was still firm, and he needed to add a little more information.

So Chu Hao continued:

"How did you go to worship the teacher?"

Sun Wukong hurriedly said:

"I traveled across the ocean and traveled around the world for more than ten years. I just visited Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai and the Three Star Cave of the Oblique Moon. This must be true, right?"

Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"Do you know where Fangcun Mountain is?"

Monkey King frowned: "Isn't it just in Xiniu Hezhou?"

The corners of Chu Hao's mouth twitched slightly, "Have you been to Xiniu Hezhou after you finished your studies? How about it, have you seen the Three Star Cave in Fangcun Mountain?"

Sun Wukong was stunned.

Since Sun Wukong completed his studies, he has traveled a hundred and eight thousand miles in one somersault, and there is nowhere in the world that he cannot go.

However, Sun Wukong searched hundreds of times in that place in Xiniu Hezhou, but he never found Fangcun Mountain.

Monkey King thought that he just met a fairy family, a fairy family who could hide from the world, a fairy family who could hide the mountain gate from the world.

However, when asked again by Chu Hao, Monkey King also felt a little suspicious.

Sun Wukong stared at Chu Hao, and said in an unbelievable tone:

"You mean, Fangcunshan is fake?"

Chu Hao smiled faintly, and said loudly:

"Lingtai to Taoism is the heart. There is an ancient saying: I see the heart of the child: a square inch is empty, and the heart is only a square inch, which is also the heart. Your heart, this is the Lingtai square inch mountain. "

"And the three-star cave on the oblique moon is just a simple anagram. There are three stars beside the moon, which is the heart word."

"The square inch mountain of the Lingtai, the oblique moon and the three-star cave, are the means of a sage, to create a fairyland within the square inch of your Lingtai, and teach you Taoism, not any place in Hezhou, Xiniu."

Monkey King is stupid again.

Feelings have been drifting by themselves for more than ten years, and they didn't see anything at sea, but they went directly to their hearts, and were accepted as apprentices by the sage of Xitian?

Sun Wukong only felt his brain buzzing, and for a while he didn't know how to respond.

Chu Hao also drank lightly. Anyway, Chu Hao was wearing a sky-shielding talisman, which a saint would not know, so he could talk about the dawn freely.

After a long while, Monkey King finally came back to his senses and stared blankly at Chu Hao,

"Brother Prison God, you...why do you know so much? What else do you know?"

Chu Hao smiled mysteriously, but shook his head,

"It doesn't matter what I know, the key is you, do you know what your situation is now?"

"You are the Tathagata Buddha of the Western Paradise who moved to the Pure Land of Saha, and raised him in every possible way. Learning was also taught by Zhunti, the sage of the Western Paradise. You have long been burdened with great karma that cannot be washed away."

"Even being suppressed, it was the Tathagata Buddha who suppressed it himself. Five fingers turned into mountains and suppressed this place."

"Now, do you still think it has nothing to do with Xitian and Tathagata Buddha?"

Sun Wukong's head was already a little blank, but no matter how stubborn he was, the fact that he was sure was in front of him, and Sun Wukong couldn't help but believe it.

"Why did they do this to me? Just to humiliate me? For their fun?"

Sun Wukong asked.

Chu Hao shivered with fright, his face hurt,

"Mom, why do you ask that? Don't you think that group of bald donkeys in Xitian is a pervert who likes to play with monkeys?"

Sun Wukong was really confused by Chu Hao's information, and he even said something like providing them for fun.

"What is that for?" Sun Wukong looked puzzled.

"To play with you... cough cough, no, it's for great merit." Chu Hao felt that he was almost being led astray.

Sun Wukong was even more confused,

Great merit?Playing with stone monkeys has great merit?

Seeing that Monkey King was still full of doubts, Chu Hao explained:

"I won't tell you more about the past. Due to various reasons, the saints decided to travel to the west and decided to let the teachings of the West Paradise spread to Nanzhan Buzhou to reap great merit. Heavenly Court, as a subordinate unit of the saints, naturally fully cooperated and will You are overwhelmed. That's why you rioted in the Heavenly Palace and were suppressed by the Tathagata."

"And you are the person who will learn the scriptures at that time. You bear the benevolence of heaven and earth, and you will be entangled with the cause and effect of Xitian. After you learn the scriptures, Xitian will be able to obtain great merit."

"You mean? They bullied my old grandson like this, and even asked my old grandson to help them?!"

Monkey King roared angrily as if his tail had been stepped on.

Chu Hao shrugged, "Just wait and see, they will come to you soon."

Sun Wukong was furious and roared:

"Impossible, do they think my old grandson is really so kind and easy to bully?!"

"Collude with the heavenly court to humiliate my old grandson like this, and kill countless disciples and grandchildren of my old grandson Huaguo Mountain, and even suppress my old grandson at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, eating copper juice iron pills day and night!"

"How dare they ask my old grandson to do things for them? They are fooling around!"

Chu Hao shook his head faintly, came over with a wine glass, and fed Monkey King a sip of wine,

"You can't run away. If it really happened, what should you do?"

Monkey King swallowed the tea, his face was ferocious, the arrogance unique to Monkey King and the hostility of the Monkey King erupted in an instant.

Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and said word by word:

"Learn the scriptures from the Western Paradise? I want to stain Lingshan with blood, and go to the Western Paradise to take their lives!"

"Brother Prison God, you... um? Brother Prison God?"

Monkey King looked up again, but saw that there was no one around.

And the vivid and beautiful scene of Star Dou Palace just now disappeared, and the surrounding area returned to the boring and lonely scene of Wuzhi Mountain.

Wufang Jiedi looked at Monkey King in the dark, and seemed to see that something was wrong with Monkey King, but he couldn't see anything wrong, so he didn't come out.

Monkey King was a little stunned for a while, not knowing whether it was an illusion or reality just now.

All of this is like the sense of unreality when Monkey King was studying art.

Lingtai, Fangcun Mountain?

Slanting moon, Samsung Cave?

Hell God also has the ability to open up a world in the hearts of others?

Monkey King suddenly felt a little spicy in his throat, and when he felt it carefully, Monkey King's eyes suddenly widened.

This taste is the fine wine of Star Dou Palace!

It tastes the same as the wine that Monkey King drank with Chu Hao in Star Dou Palace back then!

Everything is not a dream, nor an illusion.

Sun Wukong froze in place, suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed,

"Ah! One day, when my grandson goes out, blood will stain Lingshan and kill you!"

This roar really frightened Wu Fang Jie Di.

Sun Wukong still yelled in this way in the first few years after being suppressed, but he hasn't yelled for hundreds of years.

But he didn't expect to suddenly go crazy today, Wufang Jiedi didn't know why, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chu Hao was in the distance, smiling slightly, and the mentality task was completed!

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