The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 191 Go for the mentality of the next one, Monkey King!

After a long time, the rolling shutter general opened his eyes and looked up to the sky to shed a tear.

Immediately afterwards, the rolling shutter general laughed loudly, laughing incomparably miserable, laughing incomparably resentful, and all the deep hatred surged out.

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! What a consummation of merit! What a consummation of merit!"

"I am a human being. I search for immortals and visit Taoism without restraint. I was invited to go to heaven, but it was for me to be robbed."

"Cut me off the fairy baby, and I will be responsible for 400 years. I will suffer 400 years of loneliness under the quicksand river, [-] years of suffering from thousands of arrows piercing my chest, and endless suffering that I shouldn't have to suffer!"

"Just because of your merits of Journey to the West, should I suffer this?!"

"Your position as an Arhat in the Western Paradise is so precious! Destroy my life, make a wedding dress for you, and only donate a piece of bone, what a Western Paradise! Ah!!!"

The rolling shutter general burst into tears from laughing, knelt on the ground and screamed in pain.

Until, at this moment, the obsession in his heart was completely magnified.

The demon king in my heart has been suppressed for more than 400 years, but it is completely released at this moment.

Chu Hao was by the side all the time, silently looking at the rolling shutter general.

After a long time, General Rolling Blind recovered, with a calm expression on his face.

He bowed to Chu Hao respectfully, and said respectfully:

"Thank you, Prison God, for pointing out the maze. Even if I die, I will die in peace."

Chu Hao chuckled, "No, no, why do you want to die? Don't you think that if you die, you can take revenge on Xitian, so that this Westward Journey can't go on?"

General Shulin was stunned for a moment, "How does Your Excellency Prison God know? You don't need to stop me, I have made up my mind! He wants me to be robbed, but I won't let him do what he wants!"

Chu Hao shook his head, "You are too naive. Without you, there is a curtain rolling general, a curtain opening general, a door opening general, and a window opening general. Your death, at most, just brings a little trouble."

The shutter general lowered his head and laughed at himself,

"People speak lightly, what can I do?"

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "Didn't you just say you wanted revenge?"

In a word, the roller blind general seems to go straight from hell to heaven.

"Your Excellency, Prison God, please guide me! Your Excellency, Prison God?...Your Excellency, Prison God!"

However, the rolling shutter general looked left and right, but he couldn't see where Chu Hao was.

Chu Hao had already left.

The rolling shutter general's face instantly became lonely, as if he had fallen back into hell again.

However, after Chu Hao left, a deep voice rang in the ears of General Shulin.

The murmuring sound reached the ears of General Rolling Curtain, and his eyes lit up instantly.

Once again, flames ignited in the eyes of General Shulin, and at this moment, he seemed to have been reborn.

In the next second, I saw all the fragments of the glazed cups collected by General Rolling Curtain, crushing them to pieces!

"Xi Tian, ​​I want you to pay in blood!"

General Rolling Shutter turned and left, leaving Liusha River.


"Next stop, um, Five Elements Mountain! Go get Monkey King mentality!"

After Chu Hao left Liusha River, he went straight to Wuxing Mountain.

Marble Mountain is a place that Western religions attach great importance to.

At that time, the Buddha cut off his own palm, turned his palm into the Five Elements Mountain, and personally suppressed Monkey King.

This is not enough, the Buddha also personally ordered the five directions to reveal the truth, just around the Five Elements Mountain, keeping a close eye on Monkey King.

Different from everyone else, Monkey King is a person with great karma in Journey to the West, and the Tathagata Buddha will never allow problems on Monkey King's side.

The five directions reveal the truth, everyone is a true immortal, and his cultivation base is strong, and there is also a magic weapon bestowed by the Buddha himself.

Even if it is a golden fairy, or even a Taiyi golden fairy, they can find it.

Even if you can't beat it, you can even notify Xitian.

Even if there is no notification, the Five Elements Mountain is the Buddha's Five Fingers Transformation Mountain, and no one can pry this mountain, so Monkey King is basically foolproof.

If Chu Hao doesn't come...

Since Sun Wukong was suppressed by the Buddha, he still struggled a little at first, but the more he struggled, the more he found that the Buddha's light in the Five Elements Mountain became more intense, and he wanted to wash away his breath.

In order to prevent the Buddha's light from infecting his nature, Monkey King could only restrain himself and concentrate on practicing.

And there are earth gods around him, who teach him to eat iron pills when he is hungry, and drink copper juice when he is thirsty.From ancient times to the present, people cannot die from cold and hunger.

And Sun Wukong didn't care about that, even if it was copper juice and iron pills, it didn't affect him much, he just kept thinking.

Although he was just a monkey who didn't know much about the world, after all, he had been friends with Chu Hao for a while, and he knew how to think when Chu Hao pointed it out intentionally or unintentionally.

"Why did Tathagata have to suppress my grandson in that great war? It's been 500 years, what is he going to do? Did my grandson offend him?"

"Hey, when will I be able to go out? I must practice more when I go out. I will dry up the mountains and kill that Tathagata! I will get angry when I see him!"

"Those Western bald donkeys, every good thing, my old grandson remembers you, if you have the ability, wait for me to go out!... I don't know when I will go out?"

"If I had listened to Brother Prison God's words at that time, it wouldn't have come to this..."

Although Sun Wukong is also thinking, but his mind is relatively simple, and what he thinks is just what to do.

Thinking over and over again, at a certain moment, Sun Wukong suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly said to himself:

"That bald donkey pressed me, isn't it trying to threaten me?"

Suddenly, out of thin air, I remembered a voice,

"You are quite clever."


Monkey King raised his head suddenly, however, he saw the surrounding scenery completely changed.

At this moment, Monkey King seems to have returned to the days when he was free and unrestrained in the heavenly court.

Surrounding him is the beautiful scenery of Star Dou Palace, carved beams and painted buildings, and clear water in the courtyard, which made Monkey King a little obsessed for a while.

And in the middle of the courtyard, a fairy in white was drinking tea lightly, and slowly turned his head to look at Monkey King.

Sun Wukong's eyes widened instantly,

"Brother Prison God, I'm not mistaken! Why are you here! By the way, did you move the Star Dou Palace down? What's going on!"

Chu Hao used the heaven-shading talisman to easily conceal the secret, and put Monkey King and himself in a time and space where the secret was missing.

The surrounding scene was naturally created by Chu Hao.

As for the Jiedi of the five directions, let alone the five true immortals, even the five Taiyi Golden Immortals would not be able to find Chu Hao.

Chu Hao's sky-shielding talisman has a terrifying ability like a bug.

Chu Hao smiled faintly, looked at Monkey King,

"How are you doing these days?"

Sun Wukong's expression dropped on the spot, "Brother, did you come to see my joke? My old grandson has been imprisoned here by that bald donkey for 400 years!"

"Every day is copper juice and iron pills. The Buddha's light in the Five Elements Mountain has been trying to infect my grandson. I hate that Tathagata bald donkey!"

"What did I offend him, that dead bald donkey, that bald donkey with a bald head! And that Jade Emperor old man, I also stopped. I don't know what is good or bad, and I will smash his heaven when I go out!"

Chu Hao shook his head, and said lightly: "Why did you make such a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, but it was Buddha Tathagata who punished you? Besides, you still did it by force. Have you ever thought about it?"

In a word, Sun Wukong's thoughts instantly condensed.

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