The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 181 Call it a day after work, let's go, what's for dinner tonight?

No one expected this situation.

At the critical moment, Immortal Feather Wing's eyes turned hard, and suddenly changed out of her main body, turning into the Golden Winged Eagle of the Great Peng,

"The situation has changed, so I'll withdraw first! Brother Pilu, please pray for yourself!"

Without hesitation, turn around and run away!

There is only one thought in his mind: this prison god, you can't afford to mess with him!

Feather Wing Fairy is too aware of how powerful the attack he just made is, and he knows even more what kind of power can make his attack bounce back.

Yu Yixian dared to conclude that there must be a quasi-sage in the Kunlun Mountains, and it was an extremely powerful quasi-sage who was able to block his attack and bounce back without anyone noticing.

Originally, he came here today only because he wanted to repay the cause and effect, and wanted to monopolize the blessed land of Kunlun Mountain Cave, but now it seems that the heavenly court has photographed the quasi-sage and strong to occupy Kunlun Mountain, and it is obviously impossible to succeed again.

Even if the Tathagata Buddha knew about it, he would definitely not send quasi-sages to snatch it.

Because the battle between the quasi-sages can easily turn the world upside down, and it will cause a massacre in the world at that time, which is definitely not a good plan.

With just one thought, Feather Wing Immortal made up his mind to retreat, and abandoned Vairocana Buddha without hesitation.

After all, his relationship with Vairocana Buddha has not gone anywhere. When Vairocana Buddha died, the cause and effect would disappear naturally, so there is no need to repay.

Vairocana Buddha was now in despair.

Seeing the blood-colored acid water and the Baili Kaitian sword approaching in front of him, and seeing the Winged Immortal who slapped his ass and walked away, Vairocana Buddha's face turned green with fear and anger.

He didn't know how strong the Baili Kaitian sword was, but Vairocana Buddha was very aware of how much he had spent in the attack just now.

In order to kill Chu Hao, Vairocana Buddha sacrificed his blood to the magic weapon, and overdrawn hundreds of yuanhui's mana to deliver that blow, aiming to kill him with one blow.

But now... not only must he face his own blow with all his strength, but he also has to face the attack of Feather Wing Immortal.

Vairocana Buddha roared angrily like a night owl,

"Ahhh!!! Feather Wing Fairy, you have no shame!"

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the ten thousand feet of bloody acid water and the hundred miles of open sky sword have completely engulfed Vairocana Buddha.

Under the endless dazzling light, all the magic weapons sacrificed by Vairocana Buddha gradually turned into powder like weathering, but they only resisted for less than a second.

In the next second, Vairocana Buddha used his body and soul to bear this terrifying attack.

Then he heard Vairocana Buddha's painful wailing in the light,


"Chu Hao, you don't talk about martial arts!"

These are the last words of Vairocana Buddha.

Then he saw the body of Vairocana Buddha gradually disintegrating and disappearing like powder.

Cruel, too cruel!

In the next second, Vairocana Buddha was directly bombarded until there was not even a scum left.

He became another dead soul of Daluo Jinxian in Chu Hao's hands.

Prior to this, two big Luos had already accompanied him.

Emperor Fengdu, who was watching from a distance, looked terrified, as if he had seen a ghost,

"I cao I cao I cao I cao!!! What happened! Why was such a powerful attack blocked like this, and it bounced back?"

"My mother, am I dreaming, or is that person cheating? Two big Luo Jinxians, one of which is the number one disciple and mount of the ancient Buddha Burning Lamp, was beaten to death and fled!"

"People are more angry than others, alas, I'm so sour..."

Emperor Fengdu watched this miracle happen with his eyes wide open just now, which is simply unbelievable.

The attacks of the two Da Luo Jinxians were unexpectedly bounced back by Chu Hao.

The mighty Vairocana Buddha just now turned into flying ashes on the spot, and even the primordial spirit was evaporated completely!

Not at all!

The result of the mantis' arms being used as a car, is the car crashed and people killed? !

This result made Emperor Fengdu unable to accept this reality at once.

And the four daughters of Jiejiao gasped even more, feeling extremely shocked in their hearts.

They came here by proclaiming themselves as gods, and they definitely saw a lot of peerless geniuses along the way, but someone like Chu Hao is definitely the first person in the world!

They were by Chu Hao's side and knew Chu Hao best.

"Hiss~Chu Hao, what kind of monster is he? I just saw his promotion to Daluo Jinxian a few days ago, and it's only been a few days? How could he even drive away existences like Yuyixian?"

"Is this the apprentice brother who made Master break free from Biyou Palace? He is too strong. If he is lucky enough to be his woman, how happy he would be."

"My senior brother... seems to be a bit too aggressive!"

"If I had my senior brother Chu Hao in Fengshen back then, I would be able to eat ass for any teaching!"

The five great Luo Jinxians all froze in place, frightened by the scene just now.

When all the smoke and dust fell, Chu Hao said indifferently:

"That's it?"

Two words, succinctly summed up Chu Hao's disappointment with this battle.

This battle also allowed Chu Hao to fully see how perverted the enhanced version of the sky-shrouding formation in Kunlun Mountain is.

If only with Chu Hao's power, it is absolutely impossible to kill this Vairocana Buddha easily, not to mention there is a winged fairy watching over him.

But Chu Hao never needs to talk about martial arts in fighting.

In this big formation that shrouded the sky, Chu Hao wanted to kill whoever he wanted, so he tricked the dog into killing him easily.

Just now Chu Hao felt that within the Great Formation, Chu Hao was like the master of this Kunlun Mountain, and Chu Hao could easily mobilize all the spiritual power of the entire Kunlun Mountain.

Under such circumstances, it shouldn't be a problem to hit ten or eight big Luos.

Of course, once an existence like a quasi-sage appeared, Chu Hao couldn't be sure.

After all, the quasi-sage is the existence of the holy word, and he is the ruler between heaven and earth. Even if Chu Hao competes with the quasi-sage to control the spiritual energy with the power of the big formation that covers the sky, I am afraid that he will only be hammered to death. .

However, the quasi-sage of the West would not deal with Chu Hao so easily, and Chu Hao was very calm.

Chu Hao patted and did [Dead a big Luo Jinxian, in a very good mood,

"Come on, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Huh? What's the matter with you, why are you standing there blankly?"

Chu Hao turned his head, but saw the Great Emperor Fengdu, the Holy Mother of Wudang and the Fairy Sanxiao behind him. All five of them looked shocked, and they stood there staring at Chu Hao like a fool.

Chu Hao waved his hand, but the group of people hadn't reacted yet.

Chu Hao coughed twice, "Hey, it's time to eat, what are you thinking about?!"

The five talents recovered in an instant as if their acupoints had been relieved, but at the same time they gasped.

Emperor Fengdu looked terrified,

"Your Excellency the Prison God, to be honest, which incarnation of the quasi-sage are you? I have seen the quasi-sage, but I didn't know that the quasi-sage was face to face, so I was rude. Please forgive me!"

Emperor Fengdu respectfully bowed to Chu Hao on the spot, his face full of respect.

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