The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 178 The Wing Fairy Intervenes, The Cause and Effect of Burning the Ancient Buddha

Vairocana Buddha was so angry that he went crazy, the five-leaf crown on his head was shaking, and his seven orifices were so angry that smoke came out!

Back then when he was in the midst of teaching, he frantically pursued Fairy Sanxiao, and gave all of his magical treasures to Fairy Sanxiao.

But Fairy Sanxiao didn't even look at him in a daze, and even Fairy Pilu didn't even touch him!

After becoming a god, Vairocana Buddha joined the Western religion and obtained the Buddha's honor, but the fairy Sanxiao has been sealed on the list of gods, and she has no freedom, and Vairocana Buddha can't even see her.

Unexpectedly, the three goddesses who had been thinking about it day and night, were all so infatuated with Chu Hao now, and the fire of jealousy in Vairocana Buddha's heart was blazing!

Facing Vairocana Buddha alone, Chu Hao could even see the jealousy in Vairocana Buddha's eyes,

"Are you okay?" Chu Hao was afraid that this guy would die of illness on the spot, which would be bad.

However, Vairocana Buddha seemed to be ignited, and roared angrily:

"You Prison God Chu Hao is just more handsome than me, more chic, more talented, and younger in grade...

Except for those, how can you compare to me! "

"Is Fairy Sanxiao blind? Why did she fall in love with you!"

Chu Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, "Didn't you already tell the reason..."

Furious, Vairocana Buddha suddenly took out a gourd with a ferocious expression, and threw it at Chu Hao.

"This is my companion treasure, which spits out ten thousand feet of acid water and can melt everything in the world!"

"Chu Hao, I want your soul to fly away!"

Vairocana Buddha was originally Vairocana Immortal, and Vairocana, also known as Vairocana, means gourd.

This gourd was accompanied by a magic weapon, and it was extremely powerful. Back then, Fengshen killed countless powerful people.

Now that he sacrificed it, it seemed that he wanted to make Chu Hao never recover.

However, Chu Hao sneered,

"Compared to calabash? I have it too!"

Facing the sour water rushing towards his face, Chu Hao counterattacked and sacrificed the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Scattering Soul Gourd.

From the gourd of scattered souls, endless red sand flew out, condensing into a high wall in front of Chu Hao, firmly guarding Chu Hao within it.

The so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover.

No matter how sour the acidic water is, it's just water. Chu Hao's soul-dispersing gourd is of extremely high quality.

Wanzhang acid water was easily blocked in front of Hongsha.

The Great Emperor Fengdu beside him was a little surprised, "Chu Hao... I heard that he has just stepped into Da Luo Jinxian? You tell me this is a new Da Luo?!"

Emperor Fengdu was surprised, very surprised, he did not expect Chu Hao to be so powerful.

However, the corner of Vairocana Buddha's mouth suddenly raised a sneer.

In the next second, a piercing light suddenly appeared from the sky, and golden, sword-like feathers shot at Chu Hao!

"be careful!"

Emperor Fengdu and the four daughters of Jiejiao all cried out in shock.

No one thought that Vairocana Buddha would still have a back hand, and while holding Chu Hao back, he would be attacked secretly again!

Moreover, this attack was extremely ferocious, and its power was so powerful that even Emperor Fengdu felt it was extremely dangerous.

This attack, I'm afraid it can only be possessed by a strong man who is close to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian!

Everyone was extremely worried. Even if Chu Hao could defeat Vairocana Buddha with such a powerful attack, how could Chu Hao resist this sneak attack?

However, in the next second, something that shocked countless people's jaws happened.

Facing the feathers that shot down from the sky, Chu Hao was not surprised and just sneered.

"Is that so?"

Suddenly, a golden light appeared on Chu Hao's body, completely guarding Chu Hao within it.

The golden sword feathers carried an extremely powerful aura, but when they fell on the shield around Chu Hao's body, they seemed to be melted into it!

In an instant, all attacks disappeared.

As for Chu Hao, he stood calmly in the air, with his hands behind his back, and even the hem of his clothes was not torn.

Everyone present was shocked.

Emperor Fengdu was shocked to the point of being incoherent,

"Aba...why, it took me a lot of effort to block that attack just now, not to mention, Chu Hao had no defense just now, how could he block it so easily?!"

Don't say that Emperor Fengdu didn't believe it.

Even the faces of everyone present were full of surprise.

What happened just now is unbelievable.

It would be impossible for any of the four Jiejiao girls to resist that attack easily, not to mention that Chu Hao was still restrained by Vairocana Buddha.

Under such circumstances, Chu Hao was still safe and sound? !

Vairocana Buddha's eyes widened,

"This is impossible, this is impossible! How on earth did you do it! How do you know that I left someone to attack? Even if you knew, how could you stop it? You are just a new big Luo!"

Chu Hao raised his head lazily, "The big bird above, isn't it tiring to fly like this? I've been staring at me from above, I don't know how I thought you got lost."

Above the sky, a golden light swooped down.

In the next second, there was an extra Taoist beside Vairocana Buddha, with a double bun on his head and a sword tied on his back, he floated towards him with an indifferent expression,

When everyone saw this Taoist, they couldn't help being shocked and shouted in unison:

"Wing Fairy!"

Chu Hao frowned, thinking to himself.

The Winged Immortal turned out to be a Dapeng Golden Winged Eagle, which came from Penglai Island.

He is the disciple and mount of the ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng, and he has a deep relationship with Li Jing. During the period of conferring the gods, he also assisted Taoist Dieng Deng to fight against the general Kong Xuan of the Shang Dynasty.

King Kong Xuanfa is not a simple person, but now he is the king of Peacock Daming of the Western religion, with the highest and unrivaled status!

Although it is said that Immortal Yu Yi fought back and forth with King Peacock Daming in the past, and the situation has changed, and the strength of people has changed very quickly, but it also shows how powerful this person is!

As for the attack just now, I'm afraid it wasn't an all-out attack.

Chu Hao muttered to himself, "Golden Winged Eagle of the Dapeng? Could it be the Dapeng from Journey to the West? Oh, no, I remembered that the Dapeng in Shituoling is Brother Kong Xuan. The two should be feuding."

Chu Hao was just arguing about the relationship a little bit. This Immortal Winged Wing was only a disciple of the ancient Buddha, not the one from Journey to the West.

Chu Hao looked at Yuyixian, and Yuyixian also looked at Chu Hao.

Feather Fairy said coldly:

"You are the prison god Chu Hao who snatched my junior brother's magic weapon and imprisoned my junior brother's son? I heard that you are arrogant and indulgent. I saw you today, and it is indeed so."

"I am an old friend with Vairocana Buddha. Now Vairocana Buddha invites me to kill you, to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Come here quickly and die. Don't waste my time."

Feather Wing Fairy shouldn't be too arrogant when speaking.

He is different from others, his heels are extremely strong, no matter what he said back then, he also fought back and forth with Kong Xuan.

Seeing a mere junior now, Feather Wing Fairy really doesn't take it seriously.

Even though he still hasn't figured out how Chu Hao dodged his attack.

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