The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 172 The strongest luck, extra rewards!

Chu Hao's boldness made even Emperor Fengdu feel panicked.

The two Taiyi Golden Immortals of the Western Sect were sentenced by Chu Hao, at least there was reason and evidence, and the two Taiyi Golden Immortals were not a big problem, he could eat them up by Emperor Fengdu.

But Vairocana Buddha is not a small person, this is the super powerful Luo Jinxian who has been conferred the gods and is now one of the seven attendants.

In the Western world, this figure is also well-known.

This underworld would never dare to accept it, it would be like knocking out teeth.

"Then let's say goodbye here, thank you Prison God for today's gift, and come to the underworld as a guest when you have time."

Emperor Fengdu chuckled, cupped his hands and turned around to leave.

But at this moment, four voices suddenly came from a distance.


Emperor Fengdu was taken aback, because he could feel the four auras from the original way, and they all had the power of Da Luo Jinxian!

All of a sudden came four Daluo Jinxians? !

Could it be that the Western Sect had already set up an ambush to hunt and kill Chu Hao?

The more Emperor Fengdu thought about it, the more dignified he became, and he felt a little nervous for a while, but he still said:

"Your Excellency, Prison God, I'm afraid you won't be able to be kind today, why don't you go down with me?"

Although Emperor Fengdu knew that the Western Sect intended to hunt and kill Chu Hao, it was obvious that Emperor Fengdu did not sell the Western Sect's face.

After all, he is someone who dared to take away even the two Taiyi Golden Immortals of the Western Sect.

However, it is absolutely irrational to conflict with the four big Luos.

Especially now that Chu Hao is alone, how could he be able to defeat the four great Luo Jinxians?

However, Chu Hao looked calm,

"It's okay."

Emperor Fengdu twitched the corners of his mouth, wondering where Chu Hao got his courage?

Yan Luo of the Ten Temples and other little ghosts have completely taken down all the monks and priests on the field. The originally bustling Kunlun Mountains turned into a ghost town in an instant.

Only Emperor Fengdu, Chu Hao, and Xiao Qiong remained on the field.

Emperor Fengdu's face was serious, "Your Excellency, Prison God, I suggest you not to act on your own will, the Western Sect is vicious, and if the four great Luos attack at the same time, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

Chu Hao had a strange face, and said with a smile, "No, no, I think you misunderstood something."

However, Emperor Fengdu didn't listen to the explanation at all, and said bluntly:

"It's normal for young people to be a little angry, but with one against four, if you do your calculations with your heart or your heart, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to run away..."

"I don't dare to say that I can keep you here, but if you are in my dojo in the underworld, I can protect you even if taught by the West, so that there will be no firewood for the green mountains. Let's go."

Chu Hao waved his hands with a wry smile, "No, what..."

However, at this moment, four figures had landed and surrounded Chu Hao.

When Emperor Fengdu saw these four great Luos, he couldn't help but raise his brows. Although he was very determined, he couldn't help but look a little bright when he saw these four beautiful figures.

Among the Three Realms, there are few beauties like this. They are fat and thin, each with its own merits, and there are still four of them!

Even Emperor Fengdu looked a little distracted, which shows the beauty of Our Lady of Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao.

However, the four of them looked at Emperor Fengdu nervously, their eyes full of vigilance.

"Who are you?"

Emperor Fengdu was stunned for a moment, knowing it was too late, he could only sigh, "I am..."

"Chu Hao, are you okay?"

However, when the four big Luos spoke at the same time, Emperor Fengdu was stunned.

Emperor Fengdu stared at Chu Hao, then looked at the four Da Luo Jinxians in surprise, unable to react for a while.

"This... you know each other?"

Chu Hao chuckled, "These are my friends, they came here after they knew I was moving to a new house."

Only then did Emperor Fengdu's tense mood relax, and he looked at Chu Hao slightly angrily,

"Why didn't you tell me, I thought I was ambushed!"

Chu Hao smiled wryly, "You won't let me tell you!"

It's not that Emperor Fengdu made a fuss over a molehill.

Although his strength is top-notch among the Da Luo Golden Immortals, it is extremely dangerous to be attacked by the four Da Luo.

What's more, it is very likely that the person who comes is the Western Sect with a strong army.

Emperor Fengdu is just a quasi-holy and good corpse, and the real Emperor Ziwei can be regarded as two people, with different thinking, ignorance, and even a world of difference in status, which is not enough to make others back down.

He was even afraid that others would beat him too!

After all, he still has two hot potatoes in his hand, the souls of the two Taiyi Golden Immortals that Chu Hao sent.

Chu Hao waved his hand, "Okay, okay, I'm fine at all, but since you're all here, you can still come to my new dojo, let's go in and drink tea!"

Only then did Fairy Sanxiao and Our Lady of Wudang realize that Chu Hao had successfully seized them, and now the entire Kunlun Mountain was deserted.

And this Emperor Fengdu was called up by Chu Hao to take away the group of monks and Taoists.

When Emperor Fengdu saw the messy Kunlun Mountains, he shook his head regretfully,

"It's a pity that Kunlun Mountain is stained with blood. Unless there is a powerful [magic weapon], it may take thousands of years to dissipate these ghost auras. Moreover, there are traces of those people who have lived here for a long time. It will be troublesome to clean up one by one... It's a pity this treasure land."

This Kunlun Mountain, because it has been inhabited by mortals for too long, and because of the absence of saints for many years, its luck has declined.

This is not something that can be done by simple cleaning. It may take hundreds of years for even Emperor Fengdu to restore Kunlun Mountain to one-tenth of the glory of Kunlun Mountain in the past.

"Don't worry, it's easy!"

Chu Hao smiled lightly, not worried at all.

Although Kunlun Mountain is now in a mess, and there is vague blood and ghost aura mixed together, it is not troublesome for Chu Hao to deal with it.

Then he saw Chu Hao take out the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and with a wave of his hand, seven rays of light washed from Kunlun Mountain from top to bottom.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire Kunlun Mountains took on a new look. All the stains, dust, blood and ghosts were swept away, and the spiritual power became much stronger.

Emperor Fengdu seemed to have seen Kunlun Mountain in the time when he was conferred the gods, and even this mountain had a faint trace of luck!

Being able to clear away the blood energy and ghost energy in an instant, and to bring back the luck of the past, even Emperor Fengdu thought he couldn't do it!

The Emperor Fengdu next to him widened his eyes and said in shock:

"Wait, Your Excellency the Prison God, in your hand... Could it be the legendary Zhunti Saint's magic weapon, the Seven Treasure Tree?! Don't you have enmity with the Western world? How could the Zhunti Saint borrow such a magic weapon from you?!"

Chu Hao shrugged, "So I didn't borrow it, I snatched it."

Emperor Fengdu was dumbfounded,

tease me?

Zhunti Saint's magic weapon, you actually said that you snatched it?Is it easy to lie when I'm a fool?

"Let's go, you guys go to drink tea first, I will arrange some tricks."

Chu Hao ignored the surprised Emperor Fengdu, and led the crowd forward by himself.

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