The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 163 Just go for revenge, I will take care of it for you if something goes wrong

I'm threatening you. Instead of giving you a little panic, why are you excited?

Don’t you think that the Vairocana Buddha taught by the West is not a human being? !

Taibai Jinxing looked puzzled, "Does Your Excellency the Prison God have any plans?"

People's emotions really can't communicate with each other.

Taibai Jinxing only felt that Chu Hao was in danger, but Chu Hao only felt that the food delivered to his door was simply too polite.

The system just told Chu Hao that the highest reward is to kill one Da Luo and three Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Chu Hao was still worried. After all, what the group of Buddhas liked most was to hide in the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss whenever something happened, so that they could not come out alive.

But now there is a young man who came out to trouble Chu Hao and brought three Taiyi Golden Immortals with him. Isn't that a free gift?

Chu Hao couldn't be more unhappy, someone gave him a pillow when he was sleepy.

Chu Hao waved his hand, "Don't worry about those details, isn't it early court? Let's go to court together."

Taibai Jinxing didn't understand why Chu Hao was very interested when he heard that Vairocana Buddha came to hunt Chu Hao.

But Chu Hao quickly put the matter about Vairocana Buddha to the back of his mind.

When such a rookie came over, he could only deliver food to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao even wanted to make trouble for them, it's a big deal that Xixi dared to come over.

Chu Hao chatted and laughed with Taibai Jinxing and the Barefoot Immortal, and went to court together.


Lingxiao Palace.

When Chu Hao came to the Lingxiao Palace after a long absence, he found that the atmosphere in the Lingxiao Palace had changed significantly.

Especially when everyone looked at Chu Hao, it was like seeing a ghost.

Probably because of what happened a few days ago, everyone felt that Chu Hao was an existence who killed gods and Buddhas at every turn, and he already had two Buddha lives under his hands.

Such a murderous madman is also a well-known law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms.

For a while, all the immortals became more afraid of Chu Hao.

Probably able to reach... the point where Ye Zhixian cries.

Chu Hao felt two fiery gazes, and when he looked up, he met the gazes of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor.

The eyes of the two were equally fiery.

The Jade Emperor's gaze was fiery, and Chu Hao could understand it.

However, there was an inexplicable ambiguity in the Queen Mother's color, showing that she was very interested in Chu Hao, and even had a hint of temptation.

This made Chu Hao feel a little embarrassed, and quickly hid in the crowd.

However, the Jade Emperor said loudly:

"This morning, dear friends, do you know what happened recently?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why the Jade Emperor was so sudden.


Could it be that the Jade Emperor wants to blame the Western religion for preventing Chu Hao from crossing the catastrophe?

The hearts of all the immortals suddenly trembled.

You know, once this kind of thing is put on the surface, it may cause a big war!

Once the Heavenly Court declares war, there may be no peace in the Three Realms!

Immediately, all the fairy families in the field fell silent.

The atmosphere on the field was extremely serious.

But suddenly, Chu Hao stood up calmly,

"Your Majesty, there is indeed a major event in the world recently!"

All the immortals on the field were extremely nervous on the spot.

They all really felt that the western sect's coming to block Chu Hao's promotion was really too much, and they were even suspected of provoking a war.

But if you really start to fight, not to mention that the current Heavenly Court is weak and weak, it is not enough to fight against the West.

What's more, since the conferment of the gods, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is thin, and it is difficult to bear the extremely powerful mana shock.

The end result is that if the western world goes to war with the Heavenly Court, it will only usher in chaos in the Three Realms, and the common people will suffer.

All the immortals looked at Chu Hao eagerly, but they didn't dare to speak out to stop him.

But the Jade Emperor said loudly: "Aiqing, it's okay to say what's the matter! I will definitely make the decision for you!"

And Chu Hao didn't care about everyone's eyes, and said bluntly:

"A few days ago, when I was promoted to Daluo Jinxian, some enemies came to me, but they failed to stop me."

"This enmity is unbearable. I plan to find some trouble with them if I have the opportunity. I also ask Your Majesty for your permission, and please tell the enemy's family to stop meddling in our personal enmity."

When Chu Hao said this, everyone on the scene was shocked.

I, Cao, is the leader of the Prison God so rigid? !

The implication is completely, Boss, I was beaten, I have to go back and destroy them now, Boss, help me stop them.

But after everyone present thought about it, they felt that Chu Hao was simply too thieves, too shrewd!

Now the heavenly court is weak, if it really confronts the Western religion head-on, it will only ask for trouble, and it will cause chaos.

But what Chu Hao is saying now is that this is my personal enmity, as long as the Jade Emperor helps Chu Hao stop the senior leaders of the Western Sect, Chu Hao can retaliate wantonly!

The war that was supposed to have turned into a personal enmity with Chu Hao, and it was a personal enmity that the higher-ups could not intervene.

In other words, under the same rank, as long as Chu Hao can beat him, he will be killed indiscriminately!

The Jade Emperor was also taken aback for a moment. He really didn't expect Chu Hao to make such a request, so he couldn't help but wondered:

"If Aiqing is really obstructed by others, it's the murder of the Heavenly Court Official. I can completely decide for you. Why take that risk?"

The Jade Emperor didn't want Chu Hao to go into danger again. God knows how shameless the Western Church will be this time. If the time comes, they will directly play tricks. Wouldn't Chu Hao suffer?

According to the Jade Emperor's imagination, the general way is to let the Jade Emperor personally bring people there, negotiate with the Western religion, get some benefits, come to subsidize Chu Hao, and then the big trouble can be reduced to a small one.

Especially in this killing and calamity, Chu Hao had no loss at all, and even killed the opponent's two big Luos.

The Western religion has to apologize, and there is no such good thing.

Why did Chu Hao still want to take risks and seek personal revenge?

Naturally, everyone didn't understand the hunting intention in Chu Hao's heart.

If there is a chance to hunt down a big Luo, Chu Hao's Fan Tianyin will be there!

The Jade Emperor was a little uncertain, but the Queen Mother next to him spoke.

The queen mother stared at Chu Hao, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about it. It turned out to be their personal enmity. Naturally, the high-level officials in the Western world should not be allowed to intervene."

"God of Hell, you can just rest assured and seek revenge. Your Majesty and I will persuade the top leaders of the Western Church to stop. No one will dare to intervene in your grievances!"

The sudden utterance of the Queen Mother shocked all the immortals present.

You must know that the queen mother has always ignored these things, especially the affairs of the heavenly court. The queen mother has always been the shopkeeper.

Even the Monkey King made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, the Queen Mother didn't even look at it.

But now, just because of Chu Hao's personal enmity, the queen mother is willing to directly agree to Chu Hao and involve the high-level Western religion?

Such a big matter, the queen mother was taken care of by Chu Hao?

The Queen Mother gave Chu Hao a meaningful look, "Your Excellency, Prison God, please don't let me down."

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth when he saw the Queen Mother, so he was naturally willing to be a favor,

"Just take revenge, I will take care of it for you if something goes wrong!"

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