The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 160 Daluo Jinxian, Ancestral Dragon Bloodline, Invincible Lolita!

"Brother, this is it!"

Xiao Qiong recognized the existence of Zulongzhu at a glance.

Not only Xiaoqiong, but even Xiaomei and Xiaonuan who had been guarding the door were a little restless.

But every creature will be moved by this extremely precious Zulongzhu, because this thing is too precious!

Who is Zulong?

In the past, Pangu created the world and established the four innate elements, water, fire, and wind, to stabilize the prehistoric space. The four innate elements gradually evolved into the acquired five elements and five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

In the process of evolution, the four innate elements fused and infected each other, and finally gave birth to digital chaotic beasts like chaos bred Pangu, one of which is the ancestor dragon.

This is a super power that has dominated a calamity, and its existence is a kind of belief for all living things.

At the beginning of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and kylin stood together.

Relying on their natural and tyrannical physical bodies, the Dragon Clan was invincible without fear of ordinary attacks. They swept across the entire Dragon and Han Dynasty, and beat the Phoenix Clan and Qilin Clan on the ground!

Zulong is the supreme leader of the Dragon Clan, the ancestor of all dragons!

The Phoenix family relied on their innate rebirth ability to support them. Although the Qilin family had no special abilities, they multiplied quickly and could barely maintain it.

But after a long time, the dragon clan is slowly declining, because the dragon clan's reproductive ability is too weak, the war casualties are heavy, and the combination of the phoenix and the unicorn, the dragon clan is at a disadvantage in numbers, so the leader of the dragon clan, Zulong, decided to fight to the death and launched the last war .

That is to say, the Long Han killing robbery. This battle was extremely dark and extremely tragic. In the end, one after another fell, and the battle spread widely.

After this catastrophe, there will be a chance for Lich to fight for heaven and earth.

However, in the first robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, how terrifying is the dragon clan who can control the world and beat up violently according to the other two clans!

And the Ancestral Dragon Orb in Chu Hao's hand is exactly the essence of the Ancestral Dragon that year.

Any monster clan, or prehistoric monsters, as long as they can get this ancestral dragon ball, they can improve their bloodlines, and the road leads directly to quasi-sages!

Of course, back then, it was rumored that there were seven Ancestral Dragon Balls, which were scattered across the world. If all seven Ancestral Dragon Balls were collected, the Ancestral Dragon could be summoned to call the wind and rain, and control the world.

Although Chu Hao only had one in his hand, it was enough to completely improve Xiao Qiong's bloodline.

"Eat, I'll protect you." Chu Hao tenderly handed the Zulongzhu to Xiaoqiong.

Xiaoqiong's big watery eyes were full of mist, "Brother, you are really... so kind to me... Woohoo, I'm so happy!"

While talking, Xiaoqiong ate the Zulongzhu.

Suddenly, God, changed!

If you look from the outside, you can see the sky above the Star Dou Palace, covered with dark clouds, covering thousands of miles!

This is within 33 days, and there will be no existence that can change the world easily.

But at this moment, the moment Xiao Qiong swallowed the Ancestral Dragon Ball, the entire sky was blackened!

28 Chong Tian Xiu Le Ban Goes to Heaven, It's Dark!

For a moment, the entire heaven was in chaos.

Immortals everywhere stared wide-eyed, looking at the sky and screaming.

"What the hell is going on! The 28th Chongtian Xiule is forbidden to go to the sky, this is already the sky in the sky, why is it dark even here?! Could it be that there is a big demon in the 28th Chongtian?!"

"It's horrible. I've lived in Heaven for tens of millions of years, and I've never seen such a terrifying sign. Who did this?"

"28 Chongtian Xiuyue forbidden to go to heaven? As far as I remember, there are only a few big palaces on that floor, Star Dou Palace, Guanghan Palace, Baihua Palace... Wait, the prison god is on that floor, could it be..."

"If it wasn't the great demon who came into the world, could it be the breakthrough of the prison god?"

"Fart, the prison god boss just crossed the catastrophe on the East China Sea a while ago, and even killed two big Luo Jinxians in the western world. Do you think he is a ruthless machine to cross the catastrophe! He can survive the catastrophe every day!"

"But...if it wasn't for the God of Hell, would anyone in the Heavenly Court be able to reach this level?"

"It doesn't matter, I'll slip away first. Whether it's the birth of a great demon, or the escape of a prison god, I can't get involved with any of them."

"Yes, yes, it's better to slip away first."

All of a sudden, the entire 28 Chongtian's fairy family ran to other places.

People in the sky can actually see the darkness.

And this is still the 28th Heaven, and the next few floors are the Lingxiao Palace.

If it's not safe even here, wouldn't they all die on the spot?

For a moment, the entire heavenly court panicked.

However, the scene of the 28th Heaven did not last long, and soon dissipated.

In less than a few days, the entire heaven was stirred up into chaos.

Until the dark clouds cleared, there were still people guessing what happened in the previous scene.


Star Palace.

Xiao Qiong's body was surrounded by a heavy golden light, as if possessed by a golden dragon.

Vaguely, Chu Hao also saw two small dragon horns on the top of Xiao Qiong's head, it seems that the effect is quite good.

Xiao Qiong suddenly opened his eyes, his big watery eyes were full of ecstasy,

Xiao Qiong flew over to hug Chu Hao, rubbed against Chu Hao,

"Brother, I succeeded! I succeeded in promotion!"

Chu Hao rubbed Xiao Qiong's head, his eyes were full of pampering,

"Okay, okay, our silly sister is so good, but... you are too... strong?"

Chu Hao suddenly heard a prompt from the system.

[Congratulations to your entourage for being promoted successfully, you will get additional rewards from Zulongzhu during the promotion process

[Reward 1: The Taotie Tuntian supernatural power evolves into the Zulong Tuntian!

[Reward 2: The supernatural power of the power under the tyrant evolves into the supernatural power of the ancestral dragon!

[Reward 3: Comprehend the coercion of the ancestral dragon, creatures whose strength is lower than your own will be subdued, and the bloodline will be suppressed!

[Reward 4: Obtain the ancestral dragon self-healing supernatural power, rebirth from a drop of blood, and the remnant soul can survive!

[Reward 5: The bloodline of the ancient dragon whale evolves into the bloodline of the ancestral dragon, and the cultivation level goes directly to the quasi-sage, without disaster or calamity!

[Reward 6: The medicinal effect of Zulongzhu will continue to work, and it is estimated that after 300 years, it can break through to the mid-term realm.


A series of reminders bombarded Chu Hao's mind.

Chu Hao himself was stunned.

So many rewards? ! !

This Zulongzhu is so awesome!

Chu Hao couldn't help but feel a little bit pained. When he was promoted, the system only gave Chu Hao so little, and it was just a direct promotion to the middle stage of Da Luo.

Fortunately, Xiaoqiong and Chu Hao's relationship is behind, and he obeys Chu Hao's words and deeds.

The so-called young girl is strong, and the girl supports the wall; the girl is strong, and the boy lies on the bed... probably this is what it means.

When Chu Hao stopped and saw Xiao Qiong's detailed attributes, he couldn't help being stunned!

[Xiao Qiong (Building the blood of the dragon, pointing directly at the quasi-sage!)

【Realm: The Early Stage of Daluo Golden Immortal

[Magic weapon: Demon Emperor Sword (acquired treasure)

[Spells and supernatural powers: Ancestral Dragon Swallows the Sky, Ancestral Dragon Divine Power, Ancestral Dragon Self-Healing,

[Unit position: Law enforcement prison god crotch of the three realms [under the monster beast]

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