The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 152 Comparing My Magical Treasure With Me?Boy, you can't!

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattvas are all ascetic monks and strong figures.

Even with the same level of cultivation and the same magic weapon, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva can be a little bit better than others.

Although no one knows the origins of this group of Bodhisattvas, their power is in the Three Realms and Five Elements, and everyone knows it.

Otherwise, Styx would not have been suppressed for several calamities.

However, it is such a fierce Bodhisattva of the Vajra Building that he has an inseparable fight with Chu Hao who has just been promoted.

Even, Chu Hao was able to gain the upper hand a little bit!

Here, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of the Vajra Building once again sacrificed the Vajra Building, and Chu Hao's backhand was a sword that cuts immortals and gods.

The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of the Vajra Building suddenly moved his other three arms at the same time, and it turned out that he sacrificed four magic weapons at the same time.

Buildings of human heads, orbs, tin rods, and diamond buildings!

The lineup was huge, attacking from four directions around Chu Hao at the same time.

However, Chu Hao had a strange expression on his face, and even sneered,

"Compared to me? Young man, you can't!"

Chu Hao really wanted to laugh, there are still young men in the world who dare to compare themselves with him?

In the next second, Chu Hao waved his hand, and magic weapons appeared in the sky!

33 days golden exquisite pagoda (acquired treasure)!

Demon Emperor Sword (Acquired Treasure)!

Xuanyuan Sword (one of the meritorious treasures)!

Qingyun Golden Lantern (Innate Spirit Treasure)!

Jiujiu Hongyun scattered soul gourd (innate spirit treasure)!

Qibao Miaoshu (the best innate spirit treasure)!

Slashing Immortals and Killing Gods Sword (Need for Innate Spirit Treasure)!


In front of Chu Hao, seven radiant magic weapons appeared!

Each one is a long-renowned and powerful magic weapon in the Three Realms, the lowest and lowest are all acquired treasures!

What is this concept?

The incomparably precious pure willow branches in the hands of Guanyin Bodhisattva can be regarded as acquired treasures.

Even the highest magic weapon on the field, the Asura Hell Scythe, is just an ordinary innate spirit treasure.

But in Chu Hao's hands, there are four innate spirit treasures, and two of them are top-grade innate spirit treasures!

You may not know what it means to have four acquired treasures and four innate spiritual treasures.

We generally only use two words to describe this kind of person: awesome!

This is simply more than a magic weapon wholesaler!

Back then, Hongjun Daozu's Fen Baoyan had only a few top-quality innate spiritual treasures, but Chu Hao had two of them directly.

Ordinary immortals would never be able to find one acquired treasure in their entire life, but Chu Hao already had seven of them.

Moreover, this still doesn't count the chaotic green lotus that Chu Hao kept at home, the two magic weapons for Xiaomei and Nuan, and most of the god-killing guns that Chu Hao has collected.

Seeing Chu Hao's seven magic weapons, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's face turned green, and he even cursed,

"My Cao..."

Although Bodhisattva Bodhisattva's Dharma Body is in the state, the face and eyes are originally green.

But seeing these seven magic weapons, his face turned greener!

At this moment, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha regretted that he wanted to fight Chu Hao with a magic weapon.

However, it was too late to regret,

"Baby, suppress it for me!"

With a sudden wave of Chu Hao's hand, the magic weapon all over the sky sent out an infinitely powerful aura, and smashed towards Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Even if it is the simplest, unpretentious smashing, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of the Vajra Building feels suffocated and desperate.

Just kidding, this vajra pillar on his whole body can barely block an acquired treasure.

The combination of others may be able to block an acquired treasure.


Chu Hao, this is not a matter of one or two things.

He has seven or eight problems!

Moreover, all the magic weapons above acquired treasures, especially the four innate spiritual treasures, what can be used to resist them? !

Chu Hao didn't give Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva any time to react.

The seven magic weapons bombed in turn!

At this moment, Chu Hao showed his unique way of attack, called magic weapon flow!

Other people's homes are all crit style, kite style, Chu Hao, magic weapon style!

Nothing special, as long as you smash the magic weapon, as long as you have more magic weapons than the opponent, and you are better than the opponent, you can win no matter what!

Within the Three Realms, probably only Chu Hao has the strength to support this magic weapon flow.

And the Vajra Banner Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was bombarded by these seven magic weapons, and the Vajra Banner in his hand only resisted it.

It suddenly shattered and turned into an aura that filled the sky.

It's over, it's over!

The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's heart felt cold, the only magic weapon that could be obtained was smashed by Chu Hao, wouldn't that be...

Sure enough, Chu Hao's seven magic weapons were merciless.

After crushing the Vajra Banner, they bombarded Bodhisattva Bodhisattva on the Vajra Banner in turn.

Rumble boom!

One after another.

Every magic weapon in Chu Hao's hands is famous.

Xuanyuan Sword is specialized in suppressing and killing physically tyrannical people;

The 33-day Golden Linglong Pagoda can suppress thousands of evil spirits;

The wonderful tree of seven treasures brushes everything;

The endless red sand in the nine-nine red cloud scattered soul gourd can weave a piece of land, trap everything, and can be attacked or defended;

The treasured sword of killing immortals and killing gods is even more aimed at true spirits, killing immortals and killing gods, it is extremely terrifying!

Rao is Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Vajra Banner Ksitigarbha's physical body is strong, and his resilience is amazing, but under the bombardment of this magic weapon, his physical body was smashed into minced meat several times.

But for some unknown reason, after Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva turned into minced meat, there was an invisible force that made him recover again.

Even Chu Hao's Sword of Slaying Immortals and Punishing Gods couldn't see the true spirit when it was cut on it.

But Chu Hao was not in a hurry, and the seven magic weapons bombarded him in turn.

Even if Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is so awesome, let Chu Hao bomb him for a day or two, or a few more months, I don't believe that he will not die!

Therefore, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva in the Vajra Banner jumps back and forth while turning into minced meat and recovering.

The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Vajra Bodhisattva with a majestic and majestic appearance just now has become like a toy in Chu Hao's hands that can be rounded and flattened at will.

The Second Princess Styx was close at hand, she looked at her and shook her head,

"Our husband is really handsome. In order to help his wife who was being bullied, he beat Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to death! It makes my family really happy."

"Chu Hao, he is so strong? Then am I...too weak?"

The two have different ideas.

But no matter what, Chu Hao's strength made them fall in love with him even more, and they chose Chu Hao firmly.

But the Madonna of Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao in the distance were already dumbfounded.

Bi Xiao, who was the youngest, couldn't help screaming out,

"My god, how could Chu Hao be so powerful! That's the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva of the Vajra Building, and he was so beaten that he couldn't fight back!"

Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao were also amazed,

"This strength... the three of us may not be able to defeat him together, right? In the middle stage of Da Luo, he is already invincible."

"I'm starting to have some doubts, are those Nine Rank Great Luo Golden Pills the ones he robbed directly!"

The face of Our Lady of Wudang was full of surprise, and tears of joy flashed in her eyes,

"Too powerful, too powerful, I finally know why I chose him, this is simply a man of destiny!"

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