The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 131 Where's My Foen?I am such a big Fern!

The Tathagata Buddha couldn't sit still, he gritted his teeth and looked shocked,

"What's going on? Why did this chaotic storm turn around and run away? It doesn't make sense!"

Tathagata Buddha couldn't accept the reality all of a sudden.

But the truth is so cruel. Before Chaos Storm came to Tianzhu Buddha Kingdom, he took a look at it, spit it out, and then turned and left.

With a wave of his sleeves, he does not take away a cloud.

Tathagata Buddha is in a hurry, you should take it away, even if you go in for a stroll!

I have fully revealed my true body here, and I have told the believers that a miraculous and compassionate storm will rain down today.

However, this great storm of compassion turned around and left under the eyes of everyone. Isn't this pa[pa[pa] twitching on the Tathagata's face?

The big ear photon made a crackling noise!

And in front of countless believers, there are also strong men from the two major forces of Heaven and Styx behind him.

Everyone in Heaven is fine, because of face.

Nezha suppressed his smile: "We have undergone special training. Unless we can't hold back, we won't laugh out loud... Poof..."

Then Nezha laughed so hard that he beat the floor on the ground.

And Styx's side is even more extreme.

Seeing that the Tathagata Buddha was so embarrassing, Tianfei Wumo laughed out loud, and her voice echoed between heaven and earth:

"Hahahaha! I'm laughing to death. He forced the chaotic storm generated by heaven and earth to be a Buddha's grace created by himself, and he was even swayed by this chaotic storm!"

"Duobao Tathagata, I think your shamelessness is really to the point of public outrage, otherwise, why would your Buddha's kindness not work? Hahahahaha! I laughed so hard!"

Tianfei Wumo's voice was not concealed at all, and it was directly transmitted to Tianzhu Buddhist kingdom.

Tathagata Buddha's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly used his supernatural powers to cover up the figures and voices of everyone in Styx.

However, it was already too late.

After hearing the wild laughter, all the believers in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom doubted their ears on the spot.

"Didn't you hear anything just now? It seems that a woman said that the great storm of compassion was created by heaven and earth, and that the Buddha took credit for him..."

"No, it's impossible! We must have heard it wrong! The Buddha controls the three realms and the six realms. The Buddha is talking about the Buddha's grace bestowed by himself. How can the world be born? How could the Buddha be so shameless!"

"But... how can I explain that this great storm of compassion just passed by, and they turned around and left without even being willing to enter our country?"

"Buddhist scriptures say that the Buddha is omnipotent. You also said just now that the Buddha controls the three realms and six realms. But if this is true, why did the storm take a detour?"

"No! Don't question the Buddha anymore! You are going to be condemned by God, and you will go to hell if you question the Buddha!"

"But... it was said by the Buddha himself. Is it what the Buddha said when he bestowed the Buddha's grace without faith?"

"No, don't say any more! I won't question the Buddha. The Buddha can't be wrong. It must be our fault. It's our dishonesty in our beliefs. It's our sinfulness that caused the Buddha to abandon us!"


Tianfei Wumo's words once again added fuel to the fire of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom.

All the believers who knelt down to thank Fern were full of panic at this moment.

They saw the leopard through the pipe, as if they saw something called the truth, which they would never dare to think about on weekdays, and even the idea of ​​questioning together felt sinful:

Could it be... the existence of the Buddha is hypocritical?

In just that moment, cracks appeared in the faith of countless believers.

In the Buddhist scriptures, the Buddha told people in various ways, never to doubt the existence of the Buddha, let alone the nature of the Buddha, because the Buddha is supreme and perfect.

But when the Buddha really appeared in front of them, even if he didn't keep his promise, it was more likely to be deceitful, pretending to be very happy, and all those who saw the truth,

Even the most crazy believer will be shaken at that moment.

The shaking is like a crack appearing from the bottom of a towering building after an earthquake.

Even if it hasn't caused the building to topple, but that crack will exist for a day and for a lifetime, irreparable and irreparable.

It will always expand to the point where the building collapses at a certain inadvertent moment. At that time, believers will become fanatics!

In Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, countless people have begun to disperse.

Before the gate of the country, only a large number of corpses were left.

That is unwillingness to accept the reality, and the fanatics who attribute their mistakes to themselves end their doubts in the form of suicide.

They were unwilling to believe what happened just now, so they chose to die.

Seeing this scene, Tathagata Buddha became anxious,

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, go and stabilize the belief in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, go!"

"Today's events must not be recorded by anyone in writing, and all those who discuss it will be dealt with as Shura's reincarnation."

"Also, tell believers that if you don't practice inside, but only seek outside, hoping to get blessings, there is no use. The heart of seeking Buddha should be strengthened because of this, and you can't rely on external things, and you will be blessed in the future!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did not dare to be negligent, and quickly turned around and entered the Buddhist kingdom of Tianzhu.

Under general control, Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom is like a huge net, as long as a word is spoken at the top, the Buddha's decree will soon radiate to everyone.

Especially the monks will jump out and answer the mazes for those people.

When people no longer see doubts, they will fall into confusion, and then doubts will be quickly diluted.

Especially when everyone around looks the same, doubtful people will feel that they are out of place and less firm, and no matter how determined people are over time, they will no longer question the existence of Buddha.

Even if there is, it is Shura's reincarnation, physical transcendence is enough.

This set of combo boxing has been tried and tested repeatedly in Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom.

So even if there is some wavering, it will be smoothed over time soon.

Tathagata Buddha has already scolded in his heart, he always feels that this chaotic storm is a bit targeted at people.

Turn around and leave when you reach the gate of Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom?You can’t even believe it when you say that no one controls the Tathagata.

But the two sage teachers both said that they couldn't calculate this thing.

Even a saint can't figure it out, so it must not be a man-made target.

After all, Daozu Hongjun is above the saint. Could it be that Daozu will target himself?

Obviously not.

So the Tathagata could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, thinking he was unlucky.

As for the believers who died, there is no shortage of one or two anyway, as long as the overall belief is fine.

Even Tathagata was able to beat back, those dead believers committed suicide due to lack of faith, damn it.

Now that they have lost the momentum of Buddha's grace, everyone in the Western Church can only quickly join the ranks of fishing for the energy of chaos. They have already missed a lot of time just now.

The Tathagata Buddha has not yet realized that this storm is not God's will, but man-made!

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