The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 127 Heaven, the West, Styx, Big Bosses Gather!

The Jade Emperor felt unworthy for Chu Hao, after all, this time was probably the greatest opportunity in the Three Realms.

However, the Jade Emperor would not bother Chu Hao either.

The Jade Emperor sat upright on the dragon, and ordered in a loud voice:

"In the realm of the Tang Dynasty in the eastern land of the world, a chaotic storm is rolled up, which contains the atmosphere of chaos and the atmosphere of heaven."

"This is the opportunity of the immortal family, and it is also the opportunity of the Three Realms. I order you to go now and grab the opportunity!"

"Taibai Jinxing, you immediately invite Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Changsheng to lead the team."

"Nine obsidian stars, five generals, 28 mansions, 12 yuan chen, five elders of five directions, universal astrology, let's fight for opportunities together!"

All the immortals of the Manchu Dynasty said that they were here, so they went quickly.

The Jade Emperor sat upright on the dragon, frowned, and murmured to himself:

"What's going on? Even a saint can't figure out this spiritual storm?"

"I'm afraid the secrets of the heavens have been messed up. I hope that there will be no murders. If the murders happen together, the lives of the three realms will be ruined."


The Jade Emperor sighed softly, I am too difficult.


At this moment, in the Three Realms, Four Directions, Five Elements and Six Paths, countless creatures and evil things are all going to the Eastern Land and Great Tang.

The Asura clan, the Western Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the Celestial Generals of the Celestial Court, the Great Saint and the Demon King of the Demon Realm...

Countless creatures are all heading towards this chaotic storm.

After all, in this chaotic storm, even a little bit of chaotic air diluted a hundred times can save them from practicing for hundreds of years.

No one wants to let go of such an important opportunity.

It may not be so important to Da Luo Jinxian, after all, Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation is often calculated by yuanhui and calamity.

But for the Taiyi Golden Immortal who is lower than the Daluo Golden Immortal, and the cultivators below the Golden Immortal, a little chaotic aura is a thousand-year practice.

What's more, even if it didn't touch the air of chaos.

This incomparably thick spiritual power can make people practice ten times faster than usual.

Within the Three Realms, Da Luo Jinxian is just a handful of people after all.

For ordinary cultivators, even if they can increase their skill for a thousand years, it is a chance to double their strength.

Even for the Golden Immortal, a bit of chaotic energy and the chance of heaven are precious and unobtainable.

All the people in the Three Realms are fighting for this storm.

However, everyone didn't know that the instigator of this storm was actually a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Even Hongjun Daozu was desperately trying to figure out who the hell was causing this chaotic storm.

The Three Realms became extremely boiling because of this storm.


At this moment, Dongtu Great Tang.

in a mountain range.

A huge chaotic storm mixed with gray light spots is raging between the sky and the earth.

This chaotic storm reached the sky and the earth, and its radius reached nearly a hundred thousand miles.

Where the chaotic storm passed through, the violent chaotic spiritual power ravaged every inch of land and washed away every living thing.

Under this chaotic storm, the flowers, plants and trees became extremely agile.

There are even some monsters who are about to break through and become adults, and they transform on the spot under this chaotic storm.

Not only that, countless treasures of heaven and earth are also growing rapidly in this chaotic storm.

Of course, there are also monsters who have already cultivated spiritual wisdom. Just at the edge of the storm, just a little leftover from the storm, the incomparably thick aura can directly raise the monster to a higher level.

The same is true for human beings. This spiritual power is useful even for immortals, let alone human beings.

Even if it is just a little bit, you can be free from all diseases, feel refreshed, and even open the way of cultivation.

Of course, this is only the outermost edge of the chaos storm.

Inside the storm, it was another scene.

At this moment, above the chaotic storm, the three rays of light present a tripartite state of mind, completely dividing the sky.

The three kinds of light are: red, golden, and white.

The endless Styx blood sea rolled by the Styx River, the blood sea enveloped a small half of the sky in it.

In the sea of ​​blood, there are countless figures standing proudly. The men with these voices are extremely ugly, and the women are extremely beautiful.

Countless warriors in the Styx are out in full force, the Four Great Demon Kings, the Four Great Demon Generals, Zizai Tianbo Xun, Lust Heaven, Brahma, Shiva, Indra, Vishnu, Rutoro, Ghost Mother, and 72 princesses.

These are the top powerhouses in the Styx, and now they are all standing in this sky, and for a while, the whole sky looks evil and red, and there is no light.

The leader is an extremely beautiful, coquettish and charming woman in red dress, tall and cold, with cold eyes, she is the concubine Umo in the Styx River!

Tianfei Wumo squinted her eyes and looked at the golden sky in the distance, and sneered,

"I didn't expect that a small storm could invite Duobao to drive! Heh, it's really rare."

On the other side is the corner occupied by Western religion.

Sanskrit sounds, the Buddha's light is shining.

Layers of golden Huaguang supported countless figures.

Each of these figures is sacred and majestic, with different appearances.

Bodhisattvas are merciful and vajra majestic.

In the middle, the Tathagata Buddha with a golden body of six feet long and a smile on his face, his eyes slightly lowered, looking down at the countless Styx demon generals.

The Tathagata Buddha's voice was indifferent and impermanent, and said indifferently:

"Tianfei Wumo, my Buddha is merciful, and I don't want to commit any crimes. You, the sinful beasts of the Styx River, should retreat right away and repent in the sea of ​​blood in the nether world, so that we can ascend to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss!"

Tianfei Wumo sneered, "Joke! We will definitely ascend to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, but it will be blood-stained Lingshan by then! Or, we can come to compete now!"

The atmosphere on the field was instantly tense and full of gunpowder.

The sea of ​​blood in the Styx River was sent by the Western sect to a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to sit in the Styx River, and has been secretly crossing the Asura tribe in the Styx River to serve as slaves in the Western world.

Styx had long hated the shameless Western world, but now he is extremely jealous when his enemies meet!

For a while, the scene was a little out of control.

If there is a fight, not to mention the human world, even the Three Realms will be involved in this murder.

But at this time, a soft voice sounded,

"The two of you should calm down. They are all seeking some cultivation benefits for the younger generation. Don't be self-defeating and trigger killings. At that time, all creatures in the three realms will be destroyed."

Tianfei Umo and Tathagata Buddha couldn't help frowning when they heard the voice, and looked over suddenly.

Concubine Wumo narrowed her eyes, there was endless salivation in her eyes,

"I don't know who it is? It turns out to be Emperor Ziwei, who is known as the most beautiful in the Three Realms."

"Oh, no, the four great emperors are all here, and there are very few visitors. Since Emperor Ziwei has said so, I will naturally not show you face. I only hope that the emperor will take pity on me as a girl, and don't want to be bullied by this shameless bald donkey in the West. it is good!"

Tathagata Buddha's eyes were also fixed, he didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would invite the four emperors to attack at the same time!

It seems that the Jade Emperor is determined to raise the strength of the Heavenly Court to another level in this chaotic storm.

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