The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 119 Marshal Canopy's arrogance?

But on the other hand, Marshal Tianpeng always felt dizzy after drinking and eating, as if he had drunk fake wine.

Originally, with his Jinxian strength, even if he drank thousands of times of jade liquid, it was impossible for him to be so confused.

However, Marshal Tianpeng was also presumptuous, taking gossip steps, with a drunken smile on his face, scurrying around like a drunken maniac along the way.

The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one night.

Said Marshal Canopy couldn't be more suitable.

A hundred years ago, he was just a mere mortal, lazy and idle.

Although he is not a big villain, but in the world he has done nothing.

But it was such a person, who one day was enlightened by the gods, and even gave him an incomparably precious elixir.

An elixir, directly transforms Marshal Canopy from a manaless mortal, with three flowers gathered to return to his roots, with five energies thoroughly penetrating, into a golden fairy in heaven!

There is no need to say more about how precious the golden immortals in heaven are.

Once the Marshal of the Canopy ascended to the sky, his pride was indescribable.

Back then, when Chu Hao was promoted to Jinxian in the Tianbing Camp, Liu Xian, the chief captain, had to bring all his subordinates to see him.

As soon as he entered the Heavenly Court, he was directly named Marshal of the Tianpeng by the Jade Emperor himself, in charge of Tianhe, the governor of the Sailor Constitution Festival, and this position was much higher than that of the general captain of the Tianbing Battalion.

After all, the soldiers of Tianhe are much stronger than those of the Tianbing Battalion.

In particular, Marshal Tianpeng knew that the person who enlightened him was the Taishang Laojun who was the incarnation of a saint today, and Marshal Tianpeng walked sideways!

Not only that, Marshal Canopy also received an even more enviable treatment.

That is after being bestowed by the Jade Emperor himself on the Houtian Spirit Treasure, the Shangbaoqin Gold Palladium, that is, the nine-toothed rake!

This kind of treasure is extremely rare among the many gods in the heavenly court. After all, many golden immortals don't have a magic treasure.

Moreover, it is said that the nine-toothed rake was cast by the Taishang Laojun himself.

After so many good things, anyone will be swollen.

What's more, Marshal Canopy, who was originally not very xinxing, was so inflated that he couldn't speak.

But also because Marshal Canopy is too inflated, acts unscrupulously, and is lazy on weekdays, so many gods keep a respectful distance from Marshal Canopy.

Not guilty, but not friendly either.

But Marshal Tianpeng didn't care, he was enlightened by the Taishang Laojun, so it proved that he was talented and had this fairy fate.

No, he even participated in the Pantao Victory!

It is enough to prove how much Heavenly Court values ​​his Marshal Canopy.

Moreover, Taishang Laojun told himself a long time ago that after the Pantao victory this time, he will do as he pleases, and there is a big opportunity waiting for him.

Marshal Peng was even happier that day, unscrupulous!

But he never thought about what qualifications he has to enjoy these things?

In other words, he never knew, what is the price of getting these?

Marshal Tianpeng walked drunkenly, recklessly, and for some reason, he came to Guanghan Palace.

Guanghan Palace is a gathering place for beauties in heaven.

There are so many beautiful Heng'e fairies among them, and I heard that the Nishang fairy who is the head of Heng'e fairies is the most beautiful fairy in heaven!

At this moment, the fairies of Guanghan Palace are chattering at the entrance of Guanghan Palace to discuss the matter of the Pantao Competition.

"It scared me to death. During the banquet, I got into a fight several times! Fortunately, Your Excellency the Prison God is so stubborn, and the West won't get any benefit!"

"Sister Nishang, your vision is really good. If only I had such a handsome Xianjun, how about we go to Xianjun Palace to pretend to be drunk and let Xianjun take us all away."

"I'm not ashamed!"

"Xianjun is so handsome, why should he bring a whip to the door?"

A group of Chang'e chattered about what happened at the meeting.

But they didn't know that behind their beautiful and moving figures, there was a canopy marshal who was drooling.

Marshal Tianpeng had never cultivated his temperament. Now that he drank alcohol, he became even more lustful. He ran towards the fairies with drunken steps,

"Beauties, so many beauties!"

"Chang'e Fairy, the head of the most beautiful Chang'e Fairy in Heaven, Fairy in Neon Clothes!"

"Hey hey hey, all of you come here and have a long talk with me tonight, I, Marshal Canopy, won't treat you badly!"

Marshal Tianpeng rushed in front of the Chang'e fairies, spread his arms, arched his mouth, and hugged the fairies with an indescribably wretched face.

The appearance of Marshal Tianpeng frightened all the fairies in Guanghan Palace instantly.

In the middle of the night, these weak girls were blocked by a wretched old man, and the Chang'e fairies were terrified.

"Sister Nishang, what should I do!"

"This is Marshal Tianpeng, is he drunk? This is going to be drunk!"

"Okay, the empress is not at home today..."

All the Chang'e huddled together in fear.

Among them, Nishang Fairy, who is the strongest, is not enough to beat Marshal Tianpeng, a strong golden fairy.

Fairy Nishang was terrified in her heart, but she still suppressed her anger and shouted:

"Marshal Tianpeng, please respect yourself, this is the Guanghan Palace, and you cannot be presumptuous!"

"Get out now!"

However, Marshal Tianpeng had a lewd and obscene smile on his face,

"It's windy to die under the peony flower and be a ghost."

"Furthermore, I am the majestic Marshal of the Canopy, even if she is the Taiyin Star Lord, she will give me three points."

"Perhaps our good deeds have come to fruition, and Taiyin Xingjun has given us a blessing, hehehehe!"

Marshal Tianpeng laughed so much that it couldn't be called unemotional.

Alcohol strengthens cowardice and lust.

The faces of all the Heng'e fairies were full of disgust, and they glared at Marshal Tianpeng.

"You canopy, you have so much courage!"

"If you leave now, I will spare you from death. If you violate the rules of heaven, you will just wait for death!"

"Guanghan Palace is adjacent to the Bullfighting Palace, don't you want to challenge the majesty of the Prison God?"

All the fairies Heng'e were stern and soft-hearted, although Tianwei was mighty, but if Marshal Tianpeng came to be tough, none of them would be able to stop them.

In the heavenly court, even if they are innocent, they will still be expelled from the heavenly court because of the crime of moving their hearts.

Even if they are not expelled, their chastity is more important than their lives, how can they allow a dirty canopy marshal to defile them?

Marshal Tianpeng woke up a little when he heard the name of the prison god, but when he was drunk, Marshal Tianpeng also became arrogant,

"Even if the prison god is in front of me, I'm not afraid!"

"If you don't follow me, I'll be the overlord!"

Marshal Tianpeng finally showed his ferocious face and rushed towards the crowd.

Fairy Nishang was terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "Run to the bullfighting palace!"

There is no Taiyin Star Lord in Guanghan Palace, and no one can stop the golden fairy canopy.

But if it's a bullfighting palace, if the God of Hell is there, then the canopy will still be a trap.

However, Marshal Canopy is completely in his head at this moment, even if he sees Chang'e fairies running towards the bullfighting palace, Marshal Canopy will chase after them crazily.

Marshal Tianpeng was completely dazzled by the words, chasing all the Chang'e fairies all the way, drooling.

All the Chang'e fairies in Guanghan Palace were so frightened that they shed tears all the way on the spot, weak and helpless.

In the dark night, a pair of ruthless eyes stared at all this.

No one knows.

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