The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 117 If the sky wants to change, who can stop it?

This phenomenon directly led to a world of difference in the cultivation base of Chu Hao's body and spirit.

Chu Hao is not a Buddhist, and without the protection of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, his cultivation level of Yuanshen is extremely low. Once encountering some means against Yuanshen, his weaknesses will be easily exposed.

And it's an inevitable end!

Of course, in Chu Hao's previous battles, few people had such means, and no one knew Chu Hao's weaknesses.

But not knowing doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

In fact, Chu Hao only wanted to make up for this part of the shortcoming.

Chu Hao's cheap master, Master Tongtian, also said that if you want to become a saint, you must not lose your body, soul, or spirit.

Sanqing sages are transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, congenital Yuanshen, powerful follower, even so, they must pay attention to the cultivation of Yuanshen and body.

And if Chu Hao wanted to become a saint, he naturally had to make up for this gap.

Although it is said that the Master Tongtian gave Chu Hao the top-notch Yuanshen cultivation method before, [Yuqing Lingbao Da[fa.

But the system had already given an assessment at that time, and Chu Hao didn't need this thing at all.

This made Chu Hao feel very regretful.

Guarding Baoshan but starving to death?

At that time, Chu Hao once thought that the system was tricking him.

But now it seems that the system is a good guy through and through!

Let's look at Chu Hao at this moment.

【Chu Hao

[Realm: Taiyi Golden Immortal Consummation (to be promoted) (Yuan Shen Rou [Body Great Consummation]) (This state can cross the catastrophe, the success rate is 90.00%)

[Cultivation method: Nine-turn Pangu Zhenshenjue (first turn)

[Magic weapon: Xuanyuan Sword (one of the meritorious spiritual treasures), 33-day Golden Linglong Pagoda (acquired treasure), Lingxiu Piaoyi (innate spiritual treasure), sword to kill immortals and gods (exquisite innate spiritual treasure), the head of the god-killing spear, Spear body (heavenly treasure fragment 2/4), Qingyun Golden Lantern (innate spiritual treasure), Qibao Miaoshu (extreme innate spiritual treasure)

[Spells and supernatural powers: 72 transformations of earth evil (full), the art of transforming the rainbow, eight [nine profound arts, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, the law of the sky and the earth, King Kong is not bad, pushing mountains and filling the sea, infinite black ice, mastering the five thunders

Very perfect panel.

The success rate of crossing the catastrophe is 99%.

Within the Three Realms, even Sanqing's promotion does not have such a high success rate.

This is the catastrophe of Da Luo Jinxian, not a small fight.

I don't know how many gods died at the step of Da Luo Jinxian.

But the system clearly arranged everything with Chu Hao, with a 99% success rate, it should be that a pig can beat Da Luo Jinxian!

Chu Hao was ecstatic in his heart. He was worried about being promoted to Da Luo Jinxian for the first time, but he didn't expect that the system would make a move, and the treatment would be good.

"Your Excellency the Prison God? Your Excellency the Prison God?"

When Chu Hao was in a trance, Drifting awakened Chu Hao.

Chu Hao came back to his senses, and smiled awkwardly, "Ahahaha, I'm sorry, I was delayed by a small matter just now, which delayed you from being demoted, are you in a hurry?"

Drifting:? ? ?

Prison God, are you speaking human language?

You said that I seemed to be very happy when I was demoted to the mortal world?

Drifting showed melancholy and mournful expression on his face, "Your Excellency Prison God, please don't bring up this matter again, drive me down from the mortal world quickly, and let me go to atone for my sins."

However, Chu Hao laughed out loud when he heard it, very sarcastically,

"Hahahaha! An innocent person is feeling sad for atonement, you really laughed me to death! Hahahaha!"

Sand Monk's face was ugly, and he glared at Chu Hao, "Your Excellency, Prison God, don't want to humiliate me. I respect you for speaking uprightly, but I can't be humiliated casually!"

Chu Hao waved his hand indifferently,

"Pull it down, it's really easy for General Rolling Blind to show his mighty dignity on such twigs. Why don't you even dare to think about the person who has really wronged you? Why are you bullying the weak and fearing the hard?"

"Or, you are a general of rolling shutters, but you are actually a general who takes the blame?"

There was sarcasm in Chu Hao's words, and the question pierced his soul, which stunned the rolling shutter general for a moment.

That's right, I've always only cared about self-pity and self-pity, but from the beginning to the end, I never thought about why I would suffer this injustice for nothing.

If it's really just breaking the glazed cup, it's fine, but it's clear that he didn't break the glazed cup, why does Guanyin Bodhisattva insist that he molested her?

Before Chu Hao woke up, Drifting was actually avoiding this question in his heart, because he really didn't dare to think about the reason here.

Why would a boss in the western world deal with a little god with no background?

Why, it's me! ?

The sadness in Drifting's eyes gradually faded, and instead there was a flame of hatred.

Chu Hao took a look, oh, it's over, look at what I said, things seem to be developing in a strange direction.

However, it is also fine.

A sinister smile curled up on the corner of Chu Hao's mouth, and he murmured like a devil:

"Do you want to know the answer?"

Drifting Monk's hateful eyes locked onto Chu Hao instantly, looking at Chu Hao as if catching straw,

"Ask His Excellency the Prison God for advice!"

Chu Hao suddenly laughed, "I want to know too, hahahahaha!"

Chu Hao looked like he was deliberately fooling Drifting Monk.

In reality, Chu Hao sent Drifting three points of provocation, three points of guidance, three points of provocation, and three points of solicitation in Chu Hao's eyes, as well as an answer!

I hope this young man Drifting can understand his eyes, after all Chu Hao's eyes are already so obvious.

Drifting: "???"

"Your Excellency, Prison God, don't your eyes look too good? Is it windy today?"

Chu Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, "Forget it, you idiot, if you want to know the answer, think for yourself, and then tell me when you think about it, it's time to get on the road!"

Chu Hao didn't give Drifting a chance to ask more questions, and directly pushed Drifting up to the Immortal Execution Platform.

Zhanxiantai quickly destroyed Drifting's fairy baby and demoted Drifting to the mortal world.

Before Drifting left, Chu Hao saw the strong resentment in Drifting's eyes, as well as a firm intention of revenge.

Chu Hao chuckled, the young man was still smart after all.

"Chu Hao, what did you tell him just now?!"

The cold voice of Guanyin Bodhisattva sounded behind Chu Hao.

Chu Hao was not surprised at all, but looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva playfully,

"Didn't you hear it just now? In fact, I want to ask, how did he molested you? With such courage, he did things that many men can't do. He is a role model for all gods!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva glared at Chu Hao, "Dangtu Prodigal Son, if you dare to destroy my opportunity for great prosperity in the West, you will have to pay the price of eternal doom!"

However, Chu Hao was not afraid at all.

Chu Hao walked past Guanyin Bodhisattva calmly.

Looking at Guanyin Bodhisattva's delicate jade-carved, sacred and flawless face, Chu Hao couldn't help evoking an evil smile, and whispered in Guanyin Bodhisattva's ear:

"You have to watch this day, and don't let this day change."

Guanyin Bodhisattva's face turned ugly instantly.

The meaning of Chu Hao's words is simply the greatest provocation to the Western world.

change of weather?

If the sky is about to change, who can stop it?

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