The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1106 Knowing that the boss is awesome, I really don't know how awesome it is

With a smile on his face, Chu Hao looked at the Buddhas in the Jingliuli World, and at the surrounding Asura people,

Chu Hao has already planned where to eat after the killing...

When Nezha saw Chu Hao walk out unscathed, he couldn't believe it at first, and then he was overjoyed and overjoyed.

"Boss! You're fine, that's great, boss! I'm so worried!"

Nezha's eyes were red, and his nose was sour.

Just now, Nezha already felt that Chu Hao had fallen into a certain death situation, and even Nezha was ready to use his own body to take revenge on everyone present.

However, at this moment, Chu Hao came out alive!

Not only came out alive, but also unscathed!

Nezha's excitement at this moment even surpassed the happiness of getting rid of Li Jing's shackles back then.

Not only Nezha, but also the law enforcement army who are chasing and killing the remnants and defeated generals are also very excited.

Li Yuan golden turtle laughed out loud,

"I'll just say it, Nezha is also the deputy palace master. He did it, and I have always believed in him!"

Taikoo Tianying also had a smile all over his face, very excited,

"Yes, yes. At that time, I could see that little brother Nezha was okay, so I also strongly recommended him. I have always trusted him!"

All the law enforcers also burst out laughing excitedly,

"Our boss is too awesome. Even so many strong men can besieged together without any damage. There is no hope at all!"

"Hahahaha! You are finished, you are finished, our boss is so heartbroken, dare to besiege you and my boss, you are finished!"

"Brothers, the boss is fine, the boss is unscathed, now, it's our turn! Kill all the beasts in this Jingliuli world, and go back to support the boss!"

"I know, the ghost hitting the wall here is the handiwork of the boss, it's the boss hitting the wall!"

"Fuck you, how can the boss hit the wall? Will he talk?"

When the law enforcers saw Chu Hao walk out unscathed, they couldn't help being excited.

It is not the first time that the Law Enforcement Hall has fallen into a desperate situation. As long as Chu Hao is around, he will never be in despair!

At this moment, the energy of the law enforcement hall is soaring, full of energy, and with a more active and active working state, they have entered among the defeated soldiers who slaughtered the world of Jingliuli.

Those remnants of defeated generals are frightening,

What they were most afraid of was Chu Hao, and now, Chu Hao was able to get out of the siege of the Buddhas alive!

This is something they never thought of,

The remnant soldiers and defeated generals desperately wanted to break free, but even if they exhausted all their abilities, they still couldn't escape from the border of Jingliuli World.

Just a short distance away is the end of the world!

Obviously the way to live is in front of them, but they just can't reach them,

This hopeless hopelessness made the defeated soldiers in Jingliuli world feel endless pain,

"What kind of suffering in the world is this? It is obvious that the prison god is just an ordinary quasi-sage, how could he have such means!"

"Run...I can't run out at all, come here, help!"

"Why don't you turn around and fight... I, Cao, forget it, let's keep running, I can't afford to fight..."

Although they knew that there was no hope of escape, they did not dare to turn around and face the challenge, they only dared to continue their boundless escape.

And the law enforcement army is like playing monkeys one by one, watching from the side,

Ever since they knew that Chu Hao was alive, and that this distance was Chu Hao's means, the law enforcement officers became calm!

"Run, let me run 50 meters first, my knife is 100 meters long!"

"You guys run first, let's have a barbecue first."

"I'll come after you after we've finished eating. We've exercised our bodies and you've exercised your courage. Isn't it beautiful to have the best of both worlds?"

"Why don't you write your will first? It's almost..."

All the defeated soldiers in Jingliuli World were about to cry, and the fact that Chu Hao was alive broke their defenses.

However, the massacre here has not yet begun.

Some families were happy and some were sad, the people in the Law Enforcement Hall turned their worries into joy, and everyone else on the field was frightened and frantic.

The five Buddhas are terrified now. This kind of ups and downs makes the five Buddhas feel sincere fear,

"Ah! Didn't this kill that prison god Chu Hao?!"

"Damn it, why isn't he dead yet, why isn't he dead yet!"

" it our turn?"

"Medicine Buddha, didn't you say that the prison god Chu Hao is under your control, and you won't let him escape?!"

The five Buddhas were furious, but when they looked at Medicine Buddha, they all fell silent.

Because, at this moment, the palm of Medicine Buddha's golden body made of glazed glass has been shattered,

The wrist of Medicine Buddha's only remaining right hand is empty...

Yeah, still under control,

It's just that I don't even have a palm, so I can't hold it.

Is this reasonable?

This is reasonable.

Medicine Buddha's face was livid, he swallowed, and stared at Chu Hao with wide eyes.

"This guy... may have some unknowable means, you have to be careful!"

Medicine Buddha is sure that until Chu Hao walked out of the storm, he was always under his control.

But just for a moment, Medicine Buddha suddenly felt an incomparably terrifying force, such an irresistible force, that even Medicine Buddha didn't have time to react.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that his wrist was empty.

In other words, Chu Hao crushed his palm in an instant and escaped.

This is unreasonable!

The palm of Medicine Buddha's hand was cast from a golden body of colored glaze, and it was crushed by Chu Hao all of a sudden. Isn't that too outrageous? !

Even though Medicine Buddha is seriously injured now, the glazed golden body has reached the strength of a four-turn quasi-sage,

Can this be crushed? !

Is this Chu Hao himself a Chaos Demon God?

Medicine Buddha didn't know what happened just now.

But he was observing Chu Hao at this moment, and he always felt uneasy in his heart.

That's a feeling that you only have when facing life and death threats. The last time was when you were facing Zhen Yuanzi,

But this time, he smelled an extremely dangerous aura from Chu Hao!

All he knew was that it was going to be a big deal now!

Medicine Buddha didn't dare to hesitate at all, and roared angrily:


The Medicine Buddha and the Five Buddhas spread out in an instant, trapping Chu Hao in it,

For the current plan, we can only rely on the advantage of numbers to completely trap Chu Hao inside.

After all, they are also strong players in Jingliuli World for many years, and the formations they have laid are indeed very powerful.

However, it was of no use.

Chu Hao didn't even look at the group of people around him, but just looked at Nezha with a light smile,

"Little Nezha, you are impulsive, do you have no confidence in me?"

Only then did Nezha realize that Chu Hao was blaming himself for disobeying orders.

Nezha wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes indiscriminately, and said helplessly:

"I know that the boss is awesome, but I really didn't know that the boss is so awesome."

"It's really not my fault."

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