The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1104 Yaocha: Could it be... a ghost hit the wall?

If Shiva could look back, he would surely find that the sky behind him had changed.

The originally auspicious world of Jingliuli has become a wonderful night sky surrounded by sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire and wind.

The silence is the silence of life and death when the pause button is pressed.

But even if Shiva saw it, with her meager knowledge, she couldn't recognize what it was.

What's more, it's too late to escape, who still has the courage to turn back?

And it turns out that Shiva's escape was indeed a wise choice.

In the current Jing Liuli world, everyone began to feel the strange atmosphere,

Especially the group of remnants and defeated generals who have been preparing to slaughter in the lower realm, they are still shouting excitedly:

"Hahahaha! The hot chickens of the Law Enforcement Hall, catch up, kill us, please, come and kill us! Hahahahaha!"

"It's nothing, and you still want to enforce the Three Realms like this? When we go to the lower realms, we will grab everything we want. Women, wealth, and resources are all ours!"

"Go fart, from Jingliuli World to that world, my journey is only half an hour at most, half an hour, you won't be able to see me, hahahaha!"

"Yeah, everyone will be in the lower realm soon. You law enforcement halls don't know what to do. If you hurt me, let the common people be buried with you!"

"Soon, we will go to the lower bound, everyone hold on... soon..."

"It's coming soon, why is the time so slow today? Normally we have already flown there..."

"It doesn't make sense, it's been half an hour, why haven't I seen the territory of the world? Could it be that the opening method is wrong?"

"Why... I always feel like we're standing still..."

When the first voice of doubt sounded, this group of remnants and defeated generals who were frantically fleeing already felt that something was wrong.

Although some hindsight.

When they started to question, they looked around, and suddenly their faces turned pale,

They were just burying their heads and fleeing just now, until they reacted at this moment,

The surrounding scenery has never changed!

They have already reached the border of the Jingliuli world just now, and they can fly out of the Jingliuli world with only a little distance, but they just can't fly out for half a minute!

When they realized the problem, they already felt the panic,

"No way, could it be that you haven't slept well recently? Are you hallucinating?"

"It doesn't make sense that you didn't sleep well and we also had hallucinations, and we also felt as if...we didn't fly out at all!"

"This... ghost hit the wall?"

All the remnants of the defeated generals will go crazy,

What the hell hit the wall!

How can you say that you are also a dignified Yaocha Buddhist soldier, or someone who has enjoyed higher education in the Jingliuli world, is it appropriate to say that ghosts hit the wall?

But this description is also very suitable. He is clearly running away with all his strength, but he doesn't move at all, which is very scary.

And everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall slowly came back from their haste to chase,

Just now they were worried about what kind of crisis this group of defeated generals would cause if they went down to the realm, but now they looked at it, eh, it's strange, why didn't they fly out?

Not only did the remnants of the defeated generals not fly out, even everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall felt the scene of ghosts beating the wall.

Fortunately, everyone in the Hall of Law Enforcement has learned the basics on weekdays, and they have learned everything about prosperity and civilization very deeply.

Moreover, there are not one or two ghosts caught on weekdays. Even if you go to the Law Enforcement Hall of the Underworld, you are the most distinguished guests among the distinguished guests. It is not unreasonable to be afraid of ghosts hitting the wall.

As a result, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall gradually came to their senses,

They try to slow down, even if they slow down, the distance between them and the group of defeated soldiers will not change.

Even if they stopped, it had no effect at all, and the remnants of the defeated soldiers did not move forward.

That's it!

In an instant, everyone in the law enforcement hall came back to their senses, with a look of surprise,

"What's going on? Did we also encounter ghosts hitting the wall? What the hell?"

"Could it be... the boss!"

"What are you talking about! Boss is not a ghost!"

"I mean, the boss arranged it!"

"But, isn't the boss already under siege? Could it be Nezha who won?"

"That's not right... Nezha is beside me with a dazed look on his face right now!"

"Mom? What's going on?"

Everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall looked over, only to suddenly realize that Nezha, who was supposed to rescue Chu Hao and was about to self-destruct just now, was scratching his head beside him.

It seems that even Nezha is full of question marks.

On the field, the group of Buddhas and Asuras were still attacking Chu Hao, and even stepped up their efforts.

For a moment, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall, who were originally very eager, became more confused.

"what's the situation?"

"Win or lose? Give me a letter!"

"What is Nezha doing there? Is there something wrong with the boss?"

"Then what are we doing now? We can't catch up, and we can't go back..."

"Ah this..."

For a moment, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall froze in place.

The only thing they were sure of was that Chu Hao hadn't been killed by those Buddhas and Asuras, at least not until now.

Looking at this group of defeated generals who were still running forward, facing the cold eyes and ridicules, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall suddenly had a clear understanding in their hearts.

It is estimated that the boss did it!

At this moment, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall looked towards the battlefield,

Wanted to see what happened.

At this moment, Chu Hao, who was under the siege of the five Buddhas and the Asura clan, raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and murmured to himself:

"Shiva, Rutoro, have a good trip."

"Next, it's up to you..."

Chu Hao, who was in the midst of the storm, was not in a hurry to make a move,

He glanced at the Thunder Spear in his hand. Although it was only an inch away from Chu Hao's heart, this inch was a minefield that the Thunder Spear couldn't cross.

Being pinched to death by Chu Hao,

Even, the thunder spear full of violent|violent energy didn't even cut Chu Hao's white and immature palm, it was still so smooth,

Chu Hao's face was full of calmness,

"Oh, by the way, there are five of you who have been biting for a long time, aren't you bothered?"

Chu Hao looked helplessly at the five little devils who were eating his eyes, ears, nose, nose and brain, his face was full of calmness,

Why calm down?

Because you can't bite at all.

The five ghosts have been biting Chu Hao's face for a long time, but they didn't even rub off a piece of Chu Hao's skin.

Not to mention devouring the five senses.

Chu Hao felt that the time was almost up, so he slowly pulled up the Thunder Spear in his hand, and grabbed the eye ghost who had been lying on his eyes and biting,

The eye ghost was still struggling desperately, but it was of no use.

Chu Hao casually pierced the thunder spear from the eye ghost's head,

Just like candied haws!

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