The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1097 Asura Clan: Never come again!

Among the demon kings and generals, if anyone is the most treacherous and sinister, it should be Shiva.

She is different from Ghost Mother and Lutoro, who sneakily shot and exchanged places. She has even bitten Medicine Buddha and Auspicious King Tathagata, and she is the one who has fought so far and is the most intact.

She is the one who knows the most about the city and knows how to advance and retreat.

When it was time to do something, she absolutely did not hesitate, even if there was a chance to kill Chu Hao, Shiva would be very happy.

At this moment, it stands to reason that Chu Hao and the Law Enforcement Hall are at the end of the road.

If Shiva speaks, the Asura clan will definitely support them with all their strength, and they will go to charge together, and Chu Hao and the Hall of Law Enforcement will definitely be put to death.

After all, Jingliuli World is not a fool. Although Medicine Buddha is born now, the strength of Jingliuli World has been severely damaged, and it is not necessary to kill all the Asuras at this time.

Therefore, if the Asuras attack Chu Hao, Jingliuli World will be happy to kill Chu Hao together with the Asuras.

After all, on the battlefield, there has never been an eternal enemy,

These three parties all have the same idea, whoever wants to die first will be killed first!

The Asura clan is no exception. If Chu Hao can be killed, they must kill the Law Enforcement Hall.

In particular, if you can get a few of these magic weapons all over the place, the Asura clan will definitely be able to soar into the sky!

Under such tempting conditions, Shiva was also very excited, but she was so stupid that she didn't order a shot.

Brahma, with only one head left, shouted eagerly:

"Shiva, don't come when the opportunity is too late!"

"Now the law enforcement prison gods of the Three Realms have nowhere to go. If we do not kill Chu Hao, we will take away the magic weapons everywhere. This is the chance for our Ashura clan to revive!"

"Even if Chu Hao seeks revenge in the future, my Minghe Xuehai family has a great career, so we don't have to be afraid of him at all. The most we can do is to go back. What's more, whether he can return to the heaven alive today is still a matter of debate!"

Even Vishnu's body was flashing with thunder, his eyes were cold,

"Shiva, what are you still afraid of? Although the Medicine Buddha's strength has not fully recovered now, it is enough to suppress all of us! Including that Chu Hao!"

"He, Chu Hao, is just a lucky kid. Now his luck is exhausted. If we don't make a move, won't we, the Asura clan, be laughed at?"

"Treasures are supposed to be home to the virtuous. His prison god, Chu Hao, is at the end of his rope. So what if I steal his magic weapon? If you dare not go, then let me go!"

The ghost mother also sneered sullenly and said:

"Yes, Lord Shiva, I think you are worrying too much."

"And now that the battle has been decided, so what if the Prison God Chu Hao breaks free from the Medicine Buddha?"

"The 70 Yaksha Buddhist soldiers in Jingliuli World will soon kill the world. This is the most troublesome thing for the law enforcement hall, and he has no time to control us! Lutoro, what do you think?"

Lutoro was silent, he was not a cautious person, on the contrary, he was calm and decisive, otherwise he would not have succeeded in several sneak attacks one after another.

However, at this moment, Lutoro looked at Chu Hao who was held in the palm of Medicine Buddha, but always felt an extreme sense of danger!

This is the assassin's natural sense of smell, and has nothing to do with any cultivation ability.

Lutoro didn't have much contact with Chu Hao, but Lutoro could always feel a kind of coldness from Chu Hao that made him afraid,

If Lutoro is a praying mantis waiting for an opportunity to catch cicadas, then Chu Hao is just playing dead by the side, waiting for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole to catch the praying mantis, and then slowly attack the falcon.

Lutoro's fear of Chu Hao was entirely out of feeling, but as an assassin, Lutoro trusted his own feelings very much, even higher than the judgment of facts.

Vishnu frowned, staring at Rutoro coldly,

"Lutoro, are you timid too? What are you afraid of!"

"Now, that Chu Hao absolutely doesn't care about us, if he doesn't make a move at this time, when will he wait?"

Lutoro didn't respond, and the scarlet eyes in the black mist slowly closed, expressing his attitude of never participating.

The five demon kings and generals of the Asura clan present had a huge disagreement on whether to make a move,

The attitudes of Shiva and Lutoro obviously chose to play it safe and never do anything to Chu Hao.

Brahma, Vishnu and Ghost Mother all think this is the best time.

Da Brahma was very anxious and roared angrily:

"Shiva Rutoro, what are you waiting for! The current situation is actually very clear,"

"Chu Hao was cast into half a glazed golden body, and his strength recovered to the four-turn quasi-sage Medicine Master Buddha, who controlled him and couldn't move at all.

And Chu Hao's mountain-like pile of magic weapons fell on the ground, within our reach, what are we waiting for! "

"Even if Chu Hao breaks free, the 70 Yaocha and Buddhist soldiers are about to descend, and no one can stop them. This is the crisis that the law enforcement hall is most concerned about.

So even if we really make a move|rob Chu Hao, we can definitely go back safely, which will greatly increase the strength of our Asura clan!

This is the ending of returning home with a big victory and a rewarding experience. What are you waiting for! !tell me! "

Da Brahma was so anxious that he roared again and again,

As the person with the highest status in the field, he is also qualified to scold him.

However, Shiva and Lutoro still did not change their faces,

Shiva sighed and said in a low voice:

"Brahma, please forgive me, I think this matter is really not that simple."

Shiva recalled all the scenes of contact with Chu Hao before, from the first meeting, to the subsequent assassination of Wuzhuang Temple, and to the previous two assassinations of Dari Tathagata,

Even before the door of the world opened, Shiva was tricked by Chu Hao,

Chu Hao was able to get the most benefits without paying any price, and everything seemed to be under his control.

Shiva only thought that Chu Hao was more insidious and cunning than any sinister old devil he had ever seen, even the Styx Patriarch, who had swallowed his anger for countless years in the bloody sea of ​​Styx, was not as cunning and cunning as Chu Hao.

If the Jade Emperor was in a desperate situation, Shiva would definitely dare to step forward to seize the treasure, and would even bite off the Jade Emperor's head to taste the Jade Emperor's flesh and blood.

But the person in front of him is the Prison God Chu Hao, an extremely cunning and insidious law enforcement prison god,

How dare Shiva attack such a person?

When it comes to loyalty to the Asuras, Shiva is really not low,

But it is precisely in consideration of the danger to the Asura tribe,

Shiva finally shook his head,

"Can't make a move, really can't make a move!"

However, Da Brahma roared angrily,

"If you don't go, then we will go!"

"Vishnu, ghost mother, come with me to win the treasure!"

Da Brahma stopped talking nonsense and rushed over with Vishnu and the ghost mother.

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