The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1095 Liuli Golden Body Pharmacist Buddha, what is common people with me?

Everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall knew very well that the group of defeated generals in Jingliuli World had indeed chosen the most effective path.

Although they are stragglers and rogues, they are not to be feared by the law enforcement hall,

But they are very shameless, and they can kill in the very smelly and shameless lower realms, which is extremely threatening.

At least, everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall knew that even the current Chu Hao couldn't stop this group of defeated soldiers from fleeing.

After all, with such a large base, it can't be intercepted at all!

Chu Hao's face was gloomy. Seeing this group of remnant soldiers and defeated generals propose such disgusting methods, Chu Hao couldn't help being furious.

In the next second, countless magic weapons scattered around Chu Hao, all of which were covered with Chu Hao's sinister killing intent, each guarding a position,

"Despicable | shameless thing, whoever runs the fastest, I will kill him!"

Chu Hao really didn't expect this group of remnants and defeated generals to be so shameless, and Chu Hao was also a little anxious. To be honest,

Even if he sacrificed all the magic weapons to intercept the deserters, Chu Hao was really not sure that he could stop them all.

Even if one escapes, it will be a devastating disaster to Nanzhan Buzhou!

The remnant soldiers and defeated generals in Jingliuli World all showed complacency on their faces,

"Hahahaha! Prison God Chu Hao, do you know you are afraid now? Do you really think of us as vegetarians?"

"To tell you the truth, we people in Jingliuli World are not something you can climb high. Now unless you kneel down and kowtow 1 times to each of us, you will spare the living people from death."

"Otherwise, we are very proficient in rape, adultery, robbery, murder and arson, hahahahaha!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, run, even if he can kill one, he can't kill all of them!"

"Yes, falling into his hands is also a dead word, it's better to go to the world for a while!"

These remnants and defeated generals really understood that they knew that they would definitely not be accepted by the Law Enforcement Hall,

Even if Chu Hao really pretended to accept it, there must be a backhand.

Wouldn't it be better to go to the lower realms, burn, kill, loot, commit crimes, and even water can't control them in the world, wouldn't it be beautiful?

In an instant, the 70 remnant soldiers scattered and fled in all directions.

In all directions, there are all these defeated soldiers.

Seeing the remnants of the defeated soldiers fleeing in all directions, the Asuras and others also rushed to pursue them actively.

It's not that they have a sense of justice, it's because they know that if they can really stop them, they can sell Chu Hao a favor.

Or even if they can't be stopped, let this group of people really run away, and Nanzhan Buzhou will suffer at that time, and even the Hall of Law Enforcement may be restrained, which will be of great benefit to the Asura clan.

Regardless of success or failure, the Asuras naturally pursued them with all their strength.

However, even if the Asura tribe tried their best to chase and kill them, it was really limited.

They couldn't kill many of them face to face just now, let alone now.

Chasing and killing is just a play for Chu Hao.

Seeing this group of defeated generals fleeing, Chu Hao was furious, and the spiritual power in his body surged endlessly, and the sacrificed magic weapon seemed to have eyes, chasing and killing them.

Killing God Spear, Shennong Ding, Measuring Heaven Ruler, Kyushu Ding, Nine Nine Red Clouds Scattering Soul Gourd, Winged Sword, Blood Eye Sword, Taiyi Teng Snake Scissors, Muni Dingguang Bead...

All the magic weapons are emitting endless brilliance, chasing and killing this group of remnants and defeated generals,

Not only that, Chu Hao who was in a rage also used many of his supernatural powers at the same time:

72 Transformations of the Earth, Rainbow Art, True Fire of the Sun, Buddha Kingdom in the Hand, Law of Heaven and Earth, Immortal King Kong, Pushing Mountains and Reclaiming Seas, Mastering the Five Thunders, Promising Black Ice, Nothingness and Wind, Chaos God Thunder, Circle Light Mirror, Star Shifting , the universe in the sleeve...

There is always a killing technique for you!

For a time, in the sky, there was a strong wind, with wind, fire, thunder and lightning, as if it was the end of the day.

Under such chaos, even the ground, feng, shui and fire of the entire Jingliuli world are in turmoil, and the entire Jingliuli world is shaking.

Seeing this, all the Asuras and the five Buddhas of the Pure Glazed World couldn't help but secretly startled,

I didn't expect Chu Hao to hide such a huge power!

This Chu Hao really hid something!

However, even if Chu Hao tried his best to attack, those remnant soldiers who were defeated were really cowardly.

They didn't even resist, they just kept drilling down to the lower world,

Even if some of them were slaughtered by magic weapons and magical powers, causing the entire Jingliuli world to be bloody and bloody, many people still escaped the death net compiled by Chu Hao.

Chu Hao was impatient and wanted to chase after him.

However, at this moment, light was emitted from the glazed pagoda, and a big hand made of colored glaze flew out of the glazed pagoda and grabbed Chu Hao!

At this moment, when Chu Hao was massacring the defeated general, he didn't have any extra strength to defend.

In the next second, Chu Hao was directly restrained by that big hand, and all the magic weapons that Chu Hao sacrificed also lost their support and fell down, as if a rain of treasures had fallen.

At this moment, the magic weapon fell|falls everywhere,

Everyone in the Asura clan was jealous, any one of these magic weapons would be coveted,

Even the demon kings and generals, their magic weapons are not as fragrant as Chu Hao's!

Chu Hao was strangled by the big glazed hand, struggling frantically in the air, his eyes were about to burst,

"Ahhh!!! Damn Medicine Buddha, how dare you bully me!"

Chu Hao was extremely furious. Seeing the hundreds of thousands of remnants and defeated generals rushing to the world, Chu Hao's face was full of despair.

It is conceivable that if nothing is stopped, the defeat of this group of remnants of the Jingliuli World will bring disaster to the entire world!

Nanzhan Buzhou will fall, and the people will be devastated!

Originally, it was the Law Enforcement Hall who entered the Jingliuli World to eliminate harm for the people, but they never expected to end up like this!

In the glazed pagoda, one can see half body of glazed brilliance casting, half body bloody Medicine Buddha walking out of the glazed pagoda,

Victory was written all over his face, and he just sneered and said:

"Prison God Chu Hao, you lost."

"Whether you win or lose today, I will send them to the lower realm to slaughter Nanzhan Buzhou. I will take revenge on Nanzhan Buzhou a hundredfold for the slaughter you did to my Jingliuli world!"

"Hahahaha! My Medicine Buddha is definitely not something you can bully at will!"

The five Buddhas couldn't help being overjoyed to see Medicine Buddha coming out!

"Welcome the Medicine Buddha Buddha back!"

The five Buddhas could feel that the aura of Medicine Buddha was not weak at all,

The forbidden move just now was to use the glazed pagoda to radiate the glazed phantom light, turning all living beings into nourishment, and casting the glazed golden body of the Medicine Buddha.

It can make Medicine Buddha recover his strength in a short time.

Although the forbidden move was interrupted by Chu Hao just now, the golden body of Medicine Buddha is half completed.

The strength has been restored to the rank four quasi-sage!

In the field, no one is invincible!

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