The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 109 Pantao wins the meeting, the scene of the annual meeting

Obviously, this time the West lost face again.

Especially in front of the Lingxiao Palace, Buddha's left and right arms were beaten until his head was bleeding, and he was chased all over the ground like a chicken.

The Jade Emperor was in a good mood, waved his hand, and said loudly:

"Preach my will, reopen the Pantao Contest!"

"Go and invite Sanqing, Siyu, Wulao, Liusi, Qiyuan, Baji, Jiuyao, Shidu, Qianzhen Wansheng, come here to attend the meeting, and thank Buddha together."

The Jade Emperor can also bite the word Foen very hard.

Although Tathagata Buddha has a thick skin, he still feels very uncomfortable being ridiculed like this.

God knows how this ghost thing happened, who can tell me why that monkey is so strong?Can anyone tell me why a prison god got in and beat Kasyapa on the ground?

Forget it, it's all over, anyway, Journey to the West is a big success, it doesn't matter if you lose face.

Chu Hao suddenly received a system prompt,

[The company holds an annual meeting, and the rewards are doubled!

[In order to let the host have fun at the company's annual meeting and have a good time, I specially prepared a gift.

[The owner needs to complete the annual meeting, and compete with the rival company at the annual meeting without falling behind

[Reward: Holy Spirit Cloak (Acquired Treasure), a piece of Yazi bloodline containing the supernatural power of killing

Chu Hao's eyes shine brightly, I, Cao, am I so good?

This flat peach wins the meeting, no, is this company's annual meeting so exciting?

Food and drink with public funds, and rewards? !

Chu Hao is full of expectations!


Pantao wins big.

Not only did some great powers appear, but the Jade Emperor also ordered the four heavenly masters and nine heavenly fairies to open the Yujing Golden Palace, Taixuanbao Palace, and Dongyang Yuguan.

These palaces are not open on weekdays, only for big events and festivals.

But today I don’t know why, the Jade Emperor was very happy, and asked people to open all these, and what they served was the cards!

Qiongxiang is lingering, and auspicious mist is colorful.Yaotai is decorated with colorful knots, and Baoge is scattered.

The phoenix zhuluan soars in an ethereal shape, and the shadow of the golden flower and jade calyx floats and sinks.

On the top row are the nine phoenixes Danxia Jie and the eight treasures Zi Nidun.Multicolored gold table, jasper basin with thousands of flowers.

There are dragon liver and phoenix marrow on the table, as well as more golden elixirs, and there are also pots of flat peaches.

The delicacies are as beautiful as the delicacies, and the delicacies of different fruits are delicious [color new.

This time, the Pantao victory meeting is much more luxurious than the one that was intentionally let Monkey King make trouble!

Of course, it's mainly those things.

As the ruler of the west and the master who subdued the monster monkey this time, the Jade Emperor invited Tathagata to sit on the altar of seven treasures, set up seats for each class, arranged dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and jade liquid and flat peaches.

It looks very luxurious, but people with discerning eyes can see that the Jade Emperor is ironic.

If the Tathagata Buddha really showed his supernatural powers and subdued the monster monkey after asking for help in the heaven, then it is not a bad idea to give him such a high position.

But now it is the Western Sect who is being chased and beaten in front of the Lingxiao Palace, and his nose is bruised and his face is swollen.

In the end, Tathagata shamelessly suppressed Monkey King directly, not even cheating.

Just ask, aren't you ashamed to be the top?

The Tathagata Buddha sat upright on the seven-treasure altar, with no joy or sorrow on his face, and he didn't know how to blush.

Anyway, it's okay to suppress Monkey King in the end, it doesn't matter if you lose someone.

Of course, everyone saw through, and no one said anything, but secretly felt that Xi Tian had lost his face and had a thick skin.

Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, Taiqing Daode Tianzun, Five-legged Zhenjun, Wudou Xingjun, Three Officials and Four Sages, Barefoot Immortal, Taiyin Xingjun, Jiuyao Zhenjun, Zuofu, Youbi, Tianwang, which Zha, Xuanxu and many gods, all entered the arena.

Not only the heavenly deities, but also a lot of Western Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The most unrestrained one is that among the eight Bodhisattvas, one has not been left behind.

Then he saw a spiritual light flickering outside the hall, and eight figures slowly entered the arena amidst the dazzling golden light.

Manjusri Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Vajrapani Bodhisattva, Void Store Bodhisattva, Earth Store Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva, Obstacle-removing Bodhisattva...

These are all superpowers.

Especially the three great masters, Manjushri, Samantabhadra, and Avalokiteshvara, are all super powerful people who have lived from the calamity of conferring gods to the present.

The strength is extremely strong, Chu Hao also saw it last time.

The three men had also met Chu Hao before, and they were deeply impressed by Chu Hao. In addition, they heard that this time Chu Hao was chasing Anan Kasyapa's explosive hammer in front of the Lingxiao Palace.

The three great men looked fiercely at Chu Hao, full of gunpowder.

Especially Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes are full of resentment.

However, Chu didn't care at all, instead he sneered, "Why is Master Guanyin looking at me like this? Could it be that he misses me?"

As soon as Chu Hao said this, the atmosphere on the spot was completely frozen!

The gods are excited and nervous, I, Cao, is this prison god boss too fierce? !

He even made a speech on this hall [playing Guanyin Dashi?A fierce man, a real fierce man!

However, neither the Jade Emperor nor the Tathagata seemed to have heard it.

Master Guanyin is even more so, with his eyes lowered, he behaved very docilely, and said lightly:

"The poor nun is polite, what advice does Your Excellency the Prison God have?"

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, who would use force in front of the hall just because of a few words of provocation, wouldn't that be stupid?

There was a kind smile on Chu Hao's face, "Hahaha, it's nothing, it's nothing, acquaintances are very jealous when they meet, by the way, why didn't Li Tianwang come?"

Another blow hit the pain point of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Li Jing... a strong Westerner who had already reached the top of the Heavenly Court, but because of Chu Hao's sudden birth, Li Jing has now become a dispensable golden fairy in the Western world.

And his son Muzha, Hui'an Xingzhe under Guanyin... is still imprisoned in the nine-story prison.

Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly became angry, but looking around, he could only hold back his anger and said indifferently:

"Li Tianwang is very good, don't worry about it."

"On the contrary, Your Excellency the Prison God, you must take care of yourself in the future. Don't let your cultivation level be disturbed by the demons when you realize the Dao."

Threat, bare [naked threat.

Guanyin Bodhisattva had already seen that Chu Hao was about to be promoted soon, and threatened Chu Hao directly.

Who knew that Chu Hao laughed, "It's easy to say, I will invite you all to witness my promotion!"

Arrogant, extremely arrogant!

Chu Hao is promoted by the system, and he can survive the external calamity at most, and it is impossible for him to have a demon in his heart.

Not only will Chu Hao not hide his promotion when the time comes, but he will also brazenly announce it to the Three Realms!

Guanyin Bodhisattva's eyes froze, and his chest heaved violently.

At least as powerful as d!

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, turned his head and ignored Chu Hao, and sat on the high platform by himself.

The many gods next to him couldn't help but secretly gave their thumbs up, their faces were filled with admiration!

The hell god is awesome!

The majestic Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the head of the three great scholars, was pouted by Chu Hao, and he didn't dare to make a sound after he was pouted.

Awesome! That's awesome!

In fact, Chu Hao was not such a high-profile person, Chu Hao just counterattacked appropriately.

There were quite a few people at this banquet.

The Jade Emperor has a long face this time, and he has nothing to lose. On the contrary, the West is deflated, so the Jade Emperor intends to spread the news.

The Buddha who came next was also better.

Of course, they are all relatively small and unknown Buddhas.

But those who can reach the Buddha's position must be at least in the realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Buddha of Infinite Life, Buddha of Infinite Appearance, Buddha of Infinite Banner, Great Light Buddha, Great Brightness Buddha, Baoxiang Buddha... many of them are hard to name.

Of course, the Tathagata only has Sakyamuni sitting on the altar of the Seven Treasures, that is, the Tathagata Buddha.

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