The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1087 Is it because I, the Asura, can't hold a knife?

Chu Hao's hooligan operation really made everyone unable to guess,

After all, even quasi-sages will have some headaches when facing the mid-to-low-end battlefield with a huge base.

Although the quasi-sage strong is powerful, no matter how powerful he is, he still needs to show it.

Once the hundreds of millions of cultivators on the opposite side scattered like ants, it would be extremely difficult for the quasi-sage to kill all of them in a short time.

It's like an anti-aircraft gun hitting a mosquito. It's so powerful that it has to be hit.

However, the two Zhoutian star formations in the Law Enforcement Hall have a very wide range and take into account defense. As long as they are not attacked by dimensionality reduction or equal confrontation, they are simply meat grinders against normal practitioners.

In just one hour's time, nearly half of the medicine forks and Buddhist soldiers in the Jingliuli World have been killed!

What is this concept?

Every second, a Yaocha whose strength is higher than that of a real immortal dies, and an unknown number of Buddhist soldiers are buried with him!

If this goes on like this, within a few hours, all the mid- and low-end combat power in Jingliuli World will be wiped out by the Zhou Tian Xingdou formation!

In the true sense, not one stays!Kill without mercy!

And this is what Chu Hao wanted.

What Chu Hao emphasized was never the death of one or two Buddhas, nor how much compensation he got.

Chu Hao is a very simple person, he just wants to let everyone in the Jingliuli world die cleanly, that's all.

Even if it is a Buddhist soldier, it is a Buddhist soldier who has been eating people. The entire Jingliuli world is built on endless invisible corpses, which is a real sin.

Chu Hao only planned to leave no one behind!

And the crazy killing in the Law Enforcement Hall was also seen in the eyes of everyone in the Ashura clan.

The simplified version of Zhou Tian Xing Dou in the Hall of Law Enforcement slaughtered like a life mill, elegant and calm, without rush or panic,

And the speed of the massacre in the Law Enforcement Hall was so fast that millions of lives were turned into stars in every minute, dying beautifully.

On the other hand, the people of the Asura clan were scattered, roaring hoarsely one by one, wanting to kill someone and wanting to chop each other into pieces, hacking into pieces, and fighting fiercely.

However, the speed of the Asura clan can't be compared with that of the Law Enforcement Hall. After all, the Law Enforcement Hall has a huge formation, and the killing speed is extremely fast.

On the other hand, the Asura clan themselves, who groaned for a long time, also got blood dripping all over their bodies, but they didn't kill many people at all.

On the contrary, due to the counterattack of everyone in Jingliuli World, they can only come to the Asura tribe, which allows many people from the Asura tribe to join in!

At this moment, the emotions of the Asura people are extremely complicated, and they even doubt whether they are dreaming.

"Are we the Asura clan demons, or the Hall of Law Enforcement is a demon? Why are they slaughtering the Jingliuli world so decisively, so proficiently, and with such a large array!"

"Oh my god, I'm afraid the number of people we killed was less than one-tenth of the opponent's! Is it because I, the Asura clan, can't hold a knife?"

"The Hall of Law Enforcement, aren't they the awe-inspiring enforcers of the law of heaven? Why do these people seem to be very skilled and calm when they slaughtered? We are the demons!"

"The simplified version of the Zhoutian Xingdou formation in the Law Enforcement Hall is the number one killing formation in the world, and there are two more. Does this make people alive?"

"Damn it, those bald donkeys in Jingliuli World are getting anxious, they are coming towards us!"

"Cao, go find them, why are you venting your anger on us! Grandma is a bear! Is it true that demons have no human rights?"

After all, the people of the Asura clan are not so well-trained. Originally, the existence of demons was born in chaos.

Especially the Asura race, this is a race that was originally born in hell, and the killing instinct can easily occupy the high IQ.

Coupled with the fact that they really don't have such an open-ended Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation, it's a pity that they were quickly reduced by the impact of Jingliuli World.

However, no matter how hard Jingliuli World struggles, it's just a dying struggle.

Due to the passage of time, the gap between the combat power of the two warring parties is getting wider and wider, which also makes the battle fall into a one-sided situation.

Of course, it is one-sided in the world of pure colored glaze.

The flames of war also moved from near the gate of the world to the inside of the Jingliuli World, getting closer and closer to the Liuli Pagoda in the center of the Jingliuli World.

The glazed pagoda is extremely dazzling in ordinary times, radiating endless brilliance,

But at this moment, due to the spread of war in the Jingliuli world, the light of this glazed pagoda is getting dimmer and dimmer.

All the Buddhas on the battlefield were very nervous. They knew that if they retreated in front of the glazed pagoda, it would be impossible to retreat.

The glazed pagoda symbolizes the center of the entire Jingliuli world, and it also symbolizes the life of the Jingliuli world.

There is also Medicine Buddha recuperating in it.

Once the colored glaze pagoda collapses, the pure colored glaze world will also be completely shattered!

This is the center of a world, and also the lifeblood of Jingliuli World,

No matter how painful the hearts of the Buddhas are, they can only grit their teeth and stand in front of the glazed pagoda.

The Jingliuli world must not fall, if it falls, the Jingliuli world will no longer be able to rule all living beings, and will no longer be able to harvest the merits and wealth of all living beings.

In particular, what they harvested from Jingliu Li World are many rich countries in Xiniu Hezhou, from Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom to Baoxiang Kingdom, all of which are their territories.

If such a rich land can no longer be reaped, it will be the greatest loss.

And if the glazed pagoda falls, without the blessing of the glazed pagoda, everyone in the already weak Jing Liuli World will not be able to survive.

Moreover, Xitian's strength will also be greatly reduced, they must stick to this glazed pagoda!

Everyone in Jingliuli World is working hard to be able to continue to live and be a Buddha who absorbs merit from above.

Especially the five Buddhas, even in the face of the siege of many strong men, are very strong.

As long as we can win this battle, and wait until Xitian's support arrives, Jingliuli World will be fine after that.

And their buddhas can also get the fruits of victory in the Western Paradise, they will become stronger, and it will not be too late to take revenge on the Asura clan and the Law Enforcement Hall.

Unfortunately, they still ignored Chu Hao's determination to destroy the Jing Liuli World.

At this moment, Chu Hao, who had been mingling in the middle and low-end battlefield, suddenly disappeared.

The Buddhas were in danger, and they didn't notice Chu Hao for a while,

In the middle of the field, Bao Tathagata was fighting fiercely, and he was very lucky in his heart. Although he was shot by Chu Hao and his strength was greatly reduced,

But the quasi-sage is always the quasi-sage. Although Bao Rulai fell into a disadvantage, he finally stabilized the situation by virtue of his tenacious will.


At a certain moment, Bao Rulai suddenly felt an extremely ominous feeling,

The next second, he turned his head suddenly, only to see that Chu Hao's god-killing spear had already stabbed towards his head!

"Bao~ Miss me?"

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