The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1073 Auspicious King: It's over, it's time for something serious!

Even so, the disadvantage of the Asura clan is very obvious.

Auspicious King Tathagata has deliberately preserved his strength from the very beginning. Even if all the Asuras are arrogant in front of him, he has been holding back and not making a move.

That's why the auspicious king Tathagata was able to fight against the two demon kings in front of him so calmly, and even firmly gained the upper hand.

"Hahahahaha! Asura clan, you guys are too overconfident. How dare you attack my Jingliuli world with this little ability?"

"The mayfly shaking the big tree is ridiculous!"

"My Jingliuli World may be polluted because of you, but, today | if you lose, the Asura clan will be removed from the Three Realms and Six Paths forever! Hahahahaha!"

Auspicious King Tathagata had a smug grin on his face. He seemed to have anticipated the scene where he would go to slaughter the Asuras after this great battle.

You know, the current Asura clan doesn't have much combat power.

If even the two demon kings, the three demon generals, and so many strong Asuras all died here, then the Styx Blood Sea would basically wipe out the clan!

Moreover, the auspicious king Tathagata firmly believes that today all the strongmen of the Asura clan will confess here,

After all, if no one else intervenes, the group of Asuras will definitely be wiped out in this place!

Auspicious King Tathagata thought of this, his face was full of sneer and sarcasm,

"Great Brahma, you Asuras really don't know how to live or die. I, Xitian, have shown mercy by not asking you to settle the matter,"

"You don't cherish this carefree time, and you still want to resist. You will eventually lead the Asura clan to perdition!"

"After today, there will no longer be any Asuras, hahahaha!"

Brahma and Shiva faced the violent attack and psychological offensive of the auspicious king Tathagata, but there was no sign of wavering on the faces of Brahma and Shiva.

On the contrary, there was a ferocious smile on the corner of Brahma's mouth.

In fact, if Brahma can still maintain its original strength, coupled with the power of Shiva, there is still a very good chance to win the battle,

But it is difficult for Brahma to fight against it now. After all, it is a medical miracle that he can stand now.

However, even so, Da Brahma still had the arrogant and fanatical smile just now on his face, as if he was mocking the self-confidence of King Auspicious Tathagata.

Jixiang King Tathagata saw that Da Brahma dared to be so arrogant, he couldn't help being a little annoyed, but he snorted coldly:

"Damn it, are you thinking about the people in the Law Enforcement Palace outside?"

"Let me tell you, give him a hundred guts in the Law Enforcement Hall, and he won't even dare to touch my people from the Jingliuli World!"

"We, Xitian and Heavenly Court, have always had an armistice agreement, and neither side should take the initiative to provoke a war, otherwise they will be punished by the saints!"

"No matter how awesome Chu Hao is, no matter how courageous he is, he definitely doesn't dare to set a precedent. The people in my Jingliuli World will never go back to touch his Law Enforcement Hall, and they will never give them a chance!"

"In this way, my Jing Liuli World will definitely not be dared to touch by their group of law enforcement halls. Don't think that you can have a little chance, you will die!"

After hearing the words of the auspicious king Tathagata, Da Brahma not only didn't panic a little bit, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more ferocious.

For a long time, Da Brahma showed a smile that seemed to be sarcasm, but even more arrogant,

"Auspicious King Tathagata, don't talk too much, you must know that many things are beyond your control."

"It's as if my Asura clan wants to beat you to Jingliuli World. Killing you is the mission of our Asura clan, and it's our hobby,"

"You Jingliuli World, you are destined to have this calamity long ago, hahahahaha!"

Da Brahma couldn't laugh too wildly, it is obvious that the Asuras are at a disadvantage now, but he doesn't have any fear on his face!

On Da Brahma's face, there was only the usual madness and bloodlust!

The auspicious king Tathagata felt full of threats, and he also felt that the Asura clan must not be simple.

But the auspicious king Tathagata just couldn't figure out what cards the Asuras had.

You know, he Jing Liuli World has already been on guard. In order to prevent the Law Enforcement Hall from intervening, everyone must not be able to do anything to the people in the Law Enforcement Hall during this period.

In this case, you won't worry about the Law Enforcement Hall attacking you at all.

As long as Jingliuli World is determined not to make a move, can Da Brahma be able to make a move according to himself...

At a certain moment, a frightening thought suddenly flashed through the mind of King Auspicious King Tathagata,

Wait, wouldn't it be that idea that the Asuras were fighting? !

Even though the auspicious king Tathagata was in the midst of the chaotic battle, he quickly freed his mind and took a peek at the battlefield.

This glance instantly made Ji Xiang Wang Rulai's heart feel cold, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head!

At this moment, the people of the Asura clan are fighting with the people of the Jingliuli world,

This is a war involving an unknown number of billions of souls. If it weren't for the vastness of Jingliuli World, I am afraid it would not be able to let so many people go.

And the whole world is also in chaos, mountains and rivers are smashing everywhere, glass powder is flying in the bloody wind,

Those bright and shining Buddhist halls were also smashed to pieces as the battlefield moved!

However, the eyes of the auspicious king Tathagata are still scanning the whole world,

Especially in the high-end battlefield, he only saw Vishnu and the ghost mother fighting with the four Buddhas, and the four Buddhas were still guarding against something, which seemed to be a battle of wits and courage in the air.

When the auspicious king Tathagata saw it, his heart went cold for a moment.

It's over, it's really a big deal!

At the moment when the Auspicious King Tathagata was in a trance, Shiva and Brahma instantly bombarded the Auspicious King Tathagata,

Even the auspicious king Tathagata defended hastily, and even got bombarded on his body.

This is harmless to the Auspicious King Tathagata, but the mentality of the Auspicious King Tathagata has collapsed.

Auspicious King Tathagata gritted his teeth and stared at Brahma, almost uttering a voice from his throat,

"Damn Brahma! What are you planning? Don't do so many despicable tricks if you have the ability! Let's start a war with me in Jingliuli World!"

"Tell me, where did that damn little mouse of yours go!"

Da Brahma suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, his face was full of smug grins,

"Hahahahahahaha! Have you finally found out? It's also your clever little head!"

"Also, are you asking Rutoro? He's there!"

Da Fantian pointed very proudly, and did not act at all.

It was this finger that instantly turned Jixiang King Tathagata's face pale with fright, his eyes widened, and his head was about to explode!

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