The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1051 I pay my money to shoot my own life?

Everyone in Xitian begged extremely, and expressed their pain to Chu Hao,

Even Guanyin Bodhisattva almost knelt down in front of Chu Hao and flirted with Chu Hao.

But the people of the Asura clan wantonly drive up prices, anyway, they are empty-handed white wolves,

Now the strengths of the two sides are not equal, once Xi Tian loses, the bloodbath of the Asura tribe will follow,

At that time, the Ashura clan can justifiably hand over the things looted from them to Chu Hao, and use it as Xitian's life money.

It was precisely because of this that Xitian had all the good things to say to Chu Hao, and the Asuras were also trying to please him in every possible way.

Chu Hao once again blackmailed both Xitian and Asura.

Everyone in the Demon League next to them was stunned, and couldn't believe their eyes for a moment.

"Is this the world of the boss? Isn't this really powerful?"

"Western Paradise, Great Sun Tathagata, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, used to show all his prestige and aloofness in front of us, but now he has to kneel down to the emperor!"

"Especially that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, that almost made the emperor kneel down, love!"

"It's not just that, look at that Asura clan, the people from the Styx Blood Sea have always been arrogant and domineering, and now they are talking good things in front of the emperor!"

"This is a strong man, whether it is Xitian or Asura, they can easily control them, and they can even blackmail them!"

"Absolutely, really absolutely!"

"Pengpeng, I don't want to be a Buddha!"

Everyone in the Monster League should not be too excited, especially seeing Chu Hao's all-round look, they are even more admirable.

The reverence for Chu Hao was like a torrential river flowing continuously for a while, and like the Yellow River flooding, it was out of control.

In the hearts of the people, they became more determined to abandon the dark and turn to the bright. There is no future in joining Xitian.

Everyone in the Monster League didn't notice that among them, the weakest monster had a dark red flash in his eyes, which was fleeting.

In the scene, Xitian and the Asura clan were still raising prices on Chu Hao, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

Of course, Chu Hao didn't waste too much time for them, after all, tonight's dinner is Jingliuli World,

This auction is just an appetizer.

Listening to the quarrel between Xitian and Asura,

Chu Hao suddenly slapped the legal space and said loudly:

"The first time with five monsters, the second time with five monsters, the third time with five monsters! Deal!"

"Congratulations to Xitian, you bought your own life through the auction, let us congratulate them again,

They got the most precious wealth - their own lives, and only paid five demon yuan and some magic weapons! "

Everyone in the western sky is covered with black lines,

Do you think I will be happy like this?

I pay my money and shoot my own life, is this reasonable?This is unreasonable!

But think about it or forget it, just treat it as a dream, if you give it, you can give it.

Everyone in the Asura tribe could only secretly cry out that it's a pity. Although they didn't pay anything, they wasted a lot of effort in ambush this time.

Even if they don't feel that they can really hunt and kill Da Ri Tathagata just like that, they also look down on the other stinky fish and rotten shrimp.

Chu Hao said to the Asura people:

"You guys wait, I'll send someone to send reinforcements from Xitian right now, and decide whether you want to beat yourself up or not."

The faces of the Asura clan are as black as ink,

Do you think we are such naive people?

If Xitian knew that we were coming to ambush, wouldn't he just mobilize his troops and come over to kill us?

That would be less wonderful.

Thus, the Asura clan retreated individually,

Although Da Brahma lost the auction, he smiled and shouted loudly:

"Since the Xitian Auction has won, we congratulate them and we will leave."

"Everyone, there is no need to shake anyone. If the green mountains don't change, the green water will flow forever!"

"let's go!"

Shiva whispered:

"Remember, if the emperor is not here today, you will definitely die here now!"

"Let go of you today is to save face for the emperor. If you Xitian are more arrogant, you will never be spared!"

Da Fantian turned around gracefully, pretending that he would not come again, and left.

Abijian's legal domain space was also put away.

Once it was put away, the whole night sky was exposed again, and the moonlight also shone on everyone.

Although it was only a few minutes apart, when everyone in Xitian looked at the night sky, it seemed as if they had passed away.

Although I only stayed there for less than half an hour,

But the devastation done to them by the Asura clan was already deep enough.

Da Brahma left, taking all the Asura clan away, waving his sleeves, not taking half of the cloud with him.

It seems that they really gave up.

Everyone in Xitian still seems like a lifetime away.

"It's great, I, the third King Ming, finally survived again!"

"Hmph, I, Bailian boy, saint boy, the proud son of heaven, how could something happen to me!"

"Damn it, all the monsters are gone... just treat it as buying a life!"

Especially after going through another life-and-death crisis, Bai Lian boy is already so nervous that his whole body is sweating, don't panic too much,

When the Asura tribe was about to kill him just now, Boy Bailian almost thought that he was really going to die.

Boy Bailian is sure that Dainichi Tathagata is extremely weak now,

If it hadn't been for Chu Hao's appearance, everyone in Xitian might have been killed by the Asura clan by now, and at most only the great power, Da Sun Tathagata, could leave.

Although Chu Hao pitted away all the Yao Yuan this time, and there are still a lot of Da Ri Tathagata ready to strengthen the resources of the monk soldiers of the Western Heaven,

But in any case, just survive!

Just when the space of Abijian's domain was put away, I saw a large group of Buddhas and Arhats rushing over in the distance.

Among them are Sunlight Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva, the two strong men.

As soon as they rushed over, they chattered and were extremely nervous.

"What's going on? Why is the smell of demons so strong here?"

"Damn it, when is it? This group of damned demons dare to take the initiative to attack, they simply don't know what to do!"

"Hmph, I knew it, just like Medicine Buddha said, these demons are simply too hateful, and they really came to attack us!"

"Fortunately, all of us are very resourceful. We have searched here for a long time, and we found this place!"

Originally, everyone in Xitian was still intoxicated by the beauty of being rescued by Chu Hao and escaping from the dead.

But as soon as he heard this sentence, the whole world fell silent in an instant.

In the next second, Da Ri Tathagata, who was standing upright, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, completely unable to hold back,

"Great day Tathagata, great day Tathagata! What's wrong with you?"

The expression on Guanyin Bodhisattva's face also froze, showing bitterness.

After all, they lost on the same move...

How many times?

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