The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1047 Eat my Sun Heart... Cao, I was robbed!

Da Ri Tathagata is true, it is unexpected that this Bai Lian boy is so capable of doing bad things, this girl|couldn't be intentional, right?

But when Da Ri Tathagata came to see Bai Lian boy, he was so angry that everyone in the Demon League beat his chest, stomped his feet and scolded his mother.

This Bailian boy may not be really smart.

The Great Brahma and Shiva of the Asura tribe are not ordinary figures, both of them are quasi-saint-level powerhouses,

And Da Brahma is even better, his strength is among the four great devil kings, second only to the existence of the great devil Zizai Tianboxun,

What's more, the Abi sword borrowed by Brahma is one of the two best artifacts in the sea of ​​​​Styx blood, and it is even more powerful when fighting.

Da Brahma suddenly swung a sword and slashed at Da Ri Tathagata,

"Da Ri Tathagata, you fight back, weren't you very good before?!"

"Hahahaha, fight back, you Da Ri Tathagata is the God of Light who is most capable of suppressing the Styx Blood Sea. Back then, I was thanks to you to enter the Styx River Blood Sea."

"Today's battle will be a shame!"

Da Ri Tathagata turned around to dodge thousands of feet, and only managed to avoid Da Brahma's attack.

Even though Dainichi Tathagata's cultivation strength was higher than that of Brahma, Dainichi Tathagata did not dare to face this incomparably tyrannical Abi sword.

However, Dainichi Tathagata has rich combat experience. After dodging Da Brahma's sword, Dainichi Tathagata snorted coldly and instinctively released the Sun Heart Rock,

"Hmph, wait for the demons of the Asura tribe to eat my heart of the sun... I'm so sorry, my lord, Cao, I forgot to be robbed by you! Damn it!!!"

Dainichi Tathagata originally wanted to release the Sun Heart Rock instinctively, but at a critical moment, he suddenly discovered that

Ah, my Sun Heart Rock is gone,

Not only is the Sun Heart Rock gone, but I have been to Zen Master Wuchao's lair before, and even all the legacy left by Zen Master Wuchao is gone!

When Da Ri Tathagata thought of this, he became angry and roared up to the sky,

"Ahhh!!! Asura clan, you have repeatedly hurt me, even robbed me of my treasure, and even robbed me of my infinite magic weapon, I am different from you!"

"Today I will kill all of you animals, and I will make you die without a whole body!!"

Da Ri Tathagata was furious in his heart. Even though he was an honest man, he was not honest enough to be bullied by the Asuras and still not hold grudges.

He remembered clearly that the last time it was the Ashura tribe and the witch Ronai who knocked himself out, and took all the magic weapons on him, as well as the treasures in Zen Master Wuchao's lair,

Take them all together!

If it weren't for the righteous and formidable prison god Chu Hao, Da Ri Tathagata might not be able to return to the West Paradise alive!

Da Ri Tathagata didn't expect that he would not go to the Asura tribe to inquire about his crimes, but the Asura tribe would dare to come and harass him repeatedly. This added fuel to the fire and made Da Ri Tathagata furious.

Although Dainichi Tathagata said that there is no magic weapon, but his skills are not bad,

The angry Tathagata relied on his incomparably powerful cultivation base and his frenzied attack of exchanging wounds for wounds, to block everyone of the Asura clan by himself!

Extraordinary bravery!

After all, it was the corpse of the three-legged Golden Crow, the supreme monster of the monster clan, the survivor of the prehistoric clan, and the strongman of the town religion, and his own strength is also extremely domineering and tyrannical.

Everyone in the Asura tribe felt the madness of Da Ri Tathagata, and they were stunned for a moment.

Da Brahma thought to himself, I haven't done anything to him, so why do you say that I robbed him and even robbed the inheritance of Zen Master Wuchao's lair?

Probably not talking about me.

It's not just Da Brahma who thinks so, the Asuras present also feel completely wronged,

It is true that I have never done anything to plunder the Dainichi Tathagata. Why did this Dainichi Tathagata fight so vigorously like eating explosives?

Who was the one in ambush?

We can't fix it all.

But the people of the Asura tribe did not attack aggressively. Instead, they acted like hyenas besieging lions.

Waiting for an opportunity to dig anus!

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

It mainly describes the elegant and calm fighting style of the Asura clan, which is gradually figured out, and it is not a special description of their methods.

During the battle, Shiva's eyes paid attention to everyone in the Demon League,

There was always a hint of cunning in her eyes, as if she was also waiting for something.

In Abijian's domain space, the breath is extremely chaotic,

The gloomy and stern atmosphere that comes with the legal domain space, coupled with the strong bloody smell of Styx Blood Sea piled together,

Coupled with the hot and dazzling light when Da Ri Tathagata moved his hands, the entire space of the Abi Sword's domain has become chaotic, and no one can notice other existences.

There is only confusion here.

It's just that the legal space is closed, although the effect of Da Brahma is not as powerful as Tianfei Umo,

But it is enough to prevent everyone in it from escaping, and even the breath in it cannot be transmitted.

Unless it is broken by Brahma himself, or someone from the outside world breaks it, no one will notice what happened here.

So, Rao is Dainichi Tathagata and Dabrahma,

The two men started fighting, destroying the world, the outside world is still bright and the moon is in the sky, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, and there is nothing strange about it.

Even if they were waiting around Haoyue, those strong men who led everyone into the Jingliuli world didn't notice anything wrong.

Time goes by like this little by little,

In Abijian's legal space, the situation is not very good anymore.

Although Dainichi Tathagata has exploded, he is no match for four hands after all.

Especially since he had been beaten by the witch Ronai before, and he believed that all the treasures were stolen by the Asura clan,

Especially the Sun Heart Rock, the treasure most capable of suppressing the Asuras,

Therefore, Dainichi Tathagata is already unable to do what he wants to fight now, and even has shown signs of decline.

But Guanyin Bodhisattva and the others were even more desperate.

They appear extremely small in front of so many strong men.

Of the four great demon generals, none of them are lower than half-step quasi-sages,

The two demon kings who came here are even more powerful quasi-sages, and Da Brahma can still fight back and forth with Da Ri Tathagata,

Don't be too crazy when all the Asuras come to fight,

Boy Bailian shouted the name of the saint boy [-] times on the spot, except for Vishnu to come up and beat him up, it was useless.

Moreover, at this moment, everyone in the Demon League is determined not to help everyone in Xitian,

Even, they want to beat the dog in the water,

But he was stopped by Kui Mulang.

If it wasn't for the Demon King Peng who remembered that Kui Mulang seemed to have something to do with Chu Hao, the Demon King Peng would have almost dealt with Kui Mulang easily.

Kui Mulang acted sophisticated and tactful, and he told Peng Mowang that the harm outweighed the benefits in his appearance, and it was easy to make mistakes, which made Peng Mowang suspiciously withdraw his hand.

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