The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1042 When the bright moon is in the sky, the gate of Jingliuli world will open

Chu Hao didn't talk to Nezha too much, but said:

"Is everyone ready?"

Nezha's eyes are firm,

"Boss, everyone is always ready, and we will definitely let Xitian know how powerful we are!"

Chu Hao suddenly remembered, and took out a lot of things at once.

Among them are the elixir and fruit given by the previous system, there are also a lot of standard Houtian Lingbao, and there is also a simplified version of the Zhoutian Star Dou Array,

These things were originally used by Chu Hao to strengthen the Law Enforcement Hall. Now that Nezha can come, Chu Hao is happy to clear away the pile of space-occupied things.

"You take these things back first, there aren't many, but it should be enough to make up a half-week star formation."

When Nezha saw this large amount of resources, he was frightened for a while,

I used to know that Chu Hao got the resources quickly, but I didn't know that it was so fast, it was so fast!

In just a few months, a standard Houtian spirit treasure needed by the Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation was fished out, and it also came with a lot of fresh fruit spirit pills, and another Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation diagram,

This caused Nezha to doubt life for a while, and only felt that Chu Hao's earning speed might really grab a world every minute.

However, Nezha was the one who survived under Chu Hao's hands, and he was already used to Chu Hao's wealth.

Nezha suddenly thought of something, looked at Chu Hao seriously,

"By the way, Boss, the Flood Demon King has gone to the Law Enforcement Hall."

Chu Hao didn't know why when he heard it for the first time, but suddenly he had a flash of inspiration,

"He went? Did he take someone with him?"

Chu Hao remembered this friend, the last time the Flood Demon King gave Chu Hao a guarantee that he would not go to the Law Enforcement Hall until he encountered the six-eared macaque.

Now, since he dares to go, doesn't that mean...

Nezha nodded,

"Yes, I brought a monkey that is exactly the same as Monkey King. If it wasn't for the Flood Demon King, I don't know what happened."

"It's so similar, it's almost the same person. By the way, how to arrange the boss's six-eared macaque? He looks a bit..."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Chu Hao asked in confusion.

Nezha thought for a while, and was a little tangled up, "I don't know how to say it, but it's just a little strange, and it's just a little decadent anyway."

Chu Hao smiled slightly,

"Ignore him, put him in the law enforcement hall first, and don't let him out."

"You go and prepare first, and you are going to give a big gift to Jingliuli World!"

Nezha showed a firm look on his face,


Nezha left with a lot of things.

Chu Hao turned and left, and went to the cave next to Baoxiang Kingdom.

But he saw that in the cave, everyone in the Demon League was already waiting to be fed.

Chu Hao was not in a hurry to show up, but went further to meet Kui Mulang.

When Kui Mulang saw Chu Hao coming, his face showed joy,

"Dijun, you are finally here!"

"They are already preparing, but there is a bad news."

Chu Hao was neither sad nor happy, "What bad news?"

Kui Mulang's face was serious,

"Jingliuli World has raised its defenses. They begged a bunch of Buddhist soldiers in Xitian, and brought a few Buddha Arhats with them. I'm afraid they have already guessed something."

Chu Hao sneered,

"If you have the ability, don't open the door, dare to open and kill!"

Kui Mulang was pleased. Since Chu Hao could be so calm, Chu Hao must be prepared.

Kui Mulang said:

"In the middle of the night, when the bright moon is in the sky, it's time to set off."

"At that time, the Twelve Yacha Gods will personally come and take everyone from the Demon League to the west."

"Oh no, now it's Eleven Yaosha God General."

Chu Hao shrugged,

Not only oh, in a few days, even the whole big world will be turned upside down by him,

If they can't live together, then of course his heaven doesn't exist.

Chu Hao glanced at the hole in the distance,

"By the way, how are they doing?"

Although Kui Mulang has just arrived, but he is very good at hiding, and he can also read words,

He could clearly see the rage hidden deep in the eyes of the monsters in the Monster League, which was a rage that no one could control.

Seeking truth from facts, Kui Mulang said:

"Everyone in the Demon League should have figured out what is going on. They are gearing up secretly, and they seem to be very determined."

"But the strange thing is that their attitude is a little strange..."

"It's like hitting an evil spirit."

Chu Hao frowned,

"Crash? Are you sure you didn't use the wrong word?"

"How can they say that they are also strong above Taiyi, and there are several quasi-sages, can this be against evil?"

Kui Mulang was full of confusion,

"But that's the case, but I don't know what it is, it should be my illusion."

Chu Hao frowned, Kui Mulang is not an unreliable person,

Since he said that he felt this way, maybe something strange happened to everyone in the Demon League, but it was unknown.

But it's not a big problem, even if everyone in the Demon League can open the door to the Jingliuli world, everything is easy to talk about.

"Comfort them, protect yourself, and don't expose it unless it's critical. Remember, don't put yourself in it, your wife and children are waiting for you."

Chu Hao patted Kui Mulang on the shoulder.

Kui Mulang was very moved, when he thought of his wife Bai Hua's shame, her face was full of happiness,

"After this battle is over, I will go back and marry Bai Huaxiu!"

The smile on Chu Hao's face froze, classic fg?

Fellow Daoist, this fg is not up to snuff!

But Chu Hao didn't bother much, turned and left.


But in Baoxiang Kingdom,

Thanks to the return of Monkey King, everything has calmed down.

Sun Wukong first rescued Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing who were eating and drinking in Boyue Cave, and then restored Tang Sanzang to his original state.

Tang Sanzang seemed to be blessed by misfortune, digested all the demon power he had swallowed before, and returned to a refined and easy-going monk with a high normal person.

Even the skin became much fairer, which made Tang Sanzang very happy.

As for Baoxiang Kingdom, Monkey King also explained the situation to the king,

It is revealed that Kui Mulang's identity is a demon in the heaven, and Baihuashao is a fairy in the heavens. In the past 13 years, Baihuashao has not suffered much, but enjoyed happiness.

When the king heard this, a loving and joyful smile appeared on his old face, and the stone that had been pressing on his heart for more than ten years was finally let go.

The people of Baoxiang Kingdom finally recovered their tranquility.

In the dead of night, Tang Sanzang and his party are sleeping in the palace, waiting to leave tomorrow.

But in the middle of the night, Monkey King suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of anticipation and fighting spirit.

Monkey King left the palace, came to the sky, and saw Chu Hao who was waiting in the sky.

Chu Hao didn't look back, but just looked at Dangkong Haoyue with his hands behind his back,

After a long time, Chu Hao suddenly said:

"When the bright moon is in the sky, the gate of Jingliuli World will open. Wukong, are you ready?"

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