The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1033 Schrödinger's Tang Sanzang, dead but not completely dead

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was furious,

"But, that monster kills people!"

Chu Hao hummed questioningly again, "Well, what does it have to do with him, Tang Sanzang, when monsters kill people?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva stomped his feet angrily, "But isn't he Tang Sanzang?!"

Chu Hao hummed with a strange face, and his voice was drawn out.

"But he is a monster now, and Tang Sanzang's identity no longer exists, do you know that?"

"Come on, let me tell you the story of Schrödinger's Tang Sanzang, who locked Tang Sanzang in a container with a small amount of demonic and demonic energy.

The eruption of demonic energy has a probability, if the demonic energy decays, it will arouse the demonic energy, and Tang Sanzang will die; if the demonic energy does not explode, Tang Sanzang will survive. "

Guanyin Bodhisattva went crazy and waved his hands again and again,

"Stop, stop, emperor, what are you talking about, and what is decay..."

Chu Hao was not interrupted by Guanyin Bodhisattva, and continued to popularize science:

"According to the theory of quantum mechanics, since the radioactive magic energy is in the superposition of the two states of decay and non-decay, Tang Sanzang should be in the superposition state of the dead Tang Sanzang and the living Tang Sanzang."

"Now Tang Sanzang has turned into a tiger, no matter whether it is demonic or demonic energy, he will let Tang Sanzang die on the spot at any time,"

"Hey, so now it is not clear that this dead and alive Tang Sanzang is the so-called Schrödinger's Tang Sanzang, and it is more complicated,

He may be a dead Tang monk, he may be a living Tang monk, he may become a dead tiger, or he may still be a living tiger. "

"So now you can't say he's a Tang Sanzang, understand? I'm trying to reason with you."

Guanyin Bodhisattva has been completely dazzled by Chu Hao, and his mind is full of those strange nouns that Chu Hao just said, but they are nowhere to be guessed.

However, when Avalokitesvara was limped by Chu Hao, Tang Sanzang killed more than half of the generals and generals,

After all, with Tang Sanzang's cultivation strength, even if he becomes a fierce tiger, he is still a super strong man.

These generals and ministers are like rotten fish and rotten shrimps in front of Tang Sanzang, and they are not enough for Tang Sanzang to fight.

And their biggest reliance, the so-called reincarnated Buddha, lasted only half a second in front of Tang Sanzang, and died on the spot before finishing his lines.

And those generals and ministers also wanted to escape, but Kui Mulang cast a spell secretly and completely sealed off the surrounding area.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was stopped by Chu Hao, and he had no energy and opportunity to take care of Kui Mulang. He didn't know that Kui Mulang was secretly helping Tang Sanzang.

And Tang Sanzang's wanton massacre made the king of Baoxiang Kingdom bewildered to watch,

Is this the true strength of Tang Sanzang?I didn't see it before, but now I know how powerful it is!

No wonder, no wonder he dared to travel thousands of miles to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures. With such violent strength, would the Buddha dare not hand over the Buddhist scriptures?

At the same time, the king of Baoxiang Kingdom is also full of longing for the legendary Tang Dynasty.

The so-called one side's water and soil support one side's people, Xiniu Hezhou is full of evil spirits, and the people's basic cultivation methods are completely deprived by Western religions.

Everyone who wants to seek asylum can only go to worship the heavens and worship the Buddha. This is an infinite cycle, a purgatory on earth under the control of the Western Paradise, which cannot be escaped forever!

On the other hand, in the Tang Dynasty in Nanzhan Buzhou, the people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope!

A monk who devotes himself to learning scriptures and worshiping Buddha for the people can also have such a powerful strength, not to mention the strength of the people shown in the previous Tang Dynasty,

All of them are extremely strong, traffickers and pawns, all able to stand on their own feet, they don't need to be forced at all, they have faith in their hearts, and what they believe in is people-oriented, for the country and the people!

The thoughts of the king of Baoxiang Kingdom changed in an instant,

But a bold idea formed in his mind,


How about surrendering to Datang?

Abandon the darkness and turn to the light, to pursue the light, to seek a world that is not cruelly oppressed by the Western Paradise, what will happen? !

The answer, it will be cool!

But the road must be extremely tortuous...

The king of Baoxiang Kingdom is very clear that his current country is under the control of Jingliuli World,

As long as the Jingliuli World exists, Baoxiang Kingdom will never be able to escape Xitian's control.

After all, no matter how powerful the Tang Dynasty is, far water cannot save near fire, and if Baoxiang Kingdom surrenders, it will have to bear the oppression of the entire Xiniu Hezhou, and that pressure is not something that my little Baoxiang Kingdom can bear.

The king watched Tang Sanzang's incarnate tiger killing wildly in the arena, but he had great expectations in his heart, his face was full of admiration, and he murmured in his heart:

"Da Tang, what a powerful country, if one day you can escape from Xiniu Hezhou and come under the jurisdiction of Datang, this life will be worth it."

"Baoxiang Kingdom has been suffering from the West for a long time, and the world has been suffering from the West for a long time, so there is nothing to do..."

"Western Heaven has stood for hundreds of millions of years. How should we, the people like ants, struggle?"

The king does not know that the days have changed,

Western Heaven has ruled for countless tens of thousands of years, and nothing has happened until now.

Then there is an extremely terrifying storm, which is about to sweep over!

This is a catastrophe that the Western religion has never faced!

Of course, this is a follow-up.

But at this moment Tang San is hiding in that scene, wreaking havoc,

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva finally got out of Chu Hao Schrödinger's Tang Sanzang theory, but suddenly saw that the palace was covered with blood and corpses were everywhere!

Guanyin Bodhisattva widened his eyes,

"This, this, how should this be done!!!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was extremely frantic, watching Tang Sanzang transformed into a fierce tiger in the field, and even started killing wildly,

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's face is full of despair,

She always felt that this scene,

Seems similar!

It was the same with the mad killing in the Wave Moon Cave last time. At that time, Tang Sanzang had already released his demonic aura, and the killing was almost insane!

Unexpectedly, history is one cycle after another, and the massacre of that year was once again shown in the palace!

The person standing in front of him was still Chu Hao,

Guanyin Bodhisattva found that he still couldn't stop it,

Rounding yourself or being a crap?

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva showed a look of decadence and loss on his face,

Seeing this, Chu Hao took the initiative to comfort him:

"Little Guanyin, don't be sad, since everything has happened, we must muster up the courage to face it!"

"Although it's useless... But at least you faced it, didn't you?"

Chu Hao's voice was full of encouragement, and Guanyin Bodhisattva was greatly encouraged for a while,

She looked at Chu Hao pitifully,

"Then I ask again, will you let me pass?"

Chu Hao grinned,

"Of course not. This moment is just like that moment. It's really useless for you to face it."


Ahhh!Prison God Chu Hao, I hate you! ! ! !

Heartless man, if you have the ability, don't fall into my hands! ! !

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