The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 1017 The real Huanglong comes to the 3 realms, and makes his debut!

The king of Baoxiang Kingdom tightly grasped the letter in his hand, his voice was choked up, and he read out every word with tears, but it was an endless longing.

On the letter, every word and sentence is even more tear-jerking:

"The unfilial daughter Bai Hua bowed her head a hundred times in front of the Dragon and Phoenix Hall of Long Live the Great Virtuous Father. She was plundered by monsters and lost for many years. She couldn't do her best to beautify her face and serve her filial piety with all her heart. The unfilial daughter is ashamed...

Fortunately, a monk from the Tang Dynasty passed by and sent a letter from his family. He looked forward to his father's mercy and sent the general to the Boyue Cave of Wanzi Mountain to catch the yellow-robed monster and save his daughter back to the court.Hastily condescending, the face does not listen to each other. "

"The rebellious girl Baihua pauses again in shame."

There are only a few sentences in the letter, but it has already expressed the pain that Baihua has been suffering for more than ten years in the shame of returning home, which made tears flow down my cheeks.

The King of Baoxiang Kingdom beat his chest and stamped his feet, his face was full of pain. It is conceivable how uncomfortable the King of Baoxiang Kingdom has been after being separated for so many years.

Chu Hao couldn't bear to tell the truth,

In fact, the king and princess of Baoxiang are also extraordinary people.

She was originally a jade girl who served the incense in the Temple of Fragrance. Because of her sincere love for Kui Mulang, after Kui Mulang went down to the realm, she gave up her position as a fairy and wanted to go down to the realm to accompany Kui Mulang.

It's just that this matter has already been arranged by Xitian, and Baihuayu was reincarnated and robbed, his memory was scattered, and he was reborn as the daughter of the king of Baoxiang Kingdom.

In order to live up to Baihua's shame, Kui Mulang turned into a monster, occupied a famous mountain, took her to the cave, and married her for 13 years.

Kui Mulang and Baihuashou are serious true love, but they were separated by Xitian, and Chu Hao also saw Baihuashou's appearance, he is not haggard at all, and he is well maintained.

Thinking about the past 13 years, Kui Mulang did not neglect her.

Moreover, Baihuashu may not have awakened memories, after all, the number of days is chaotic, and many things are not superficial.

After reading the letter, the king was already in tears, and hurriedly turned his head to worship Tang Sanzang:

"If the elder has the means, use magic power, catch the demon, and save my daughter back to court!"

"I promise you whatever you want!"

Tang Sanzang stroked his beard,

I don't know where the queen is, is she pretty?

Ahem, of course, Tang Sanzang mainly wanted to comfort the queen who had lost her daughter for many years. What bad intentions did Tang Sanzang have?

Of course not.

"It's done, don't worry, the poor monk will definitely save the wife of Kuimu Lang, oh, no, it's the king's precious daughter!"

Tang Sanzang showed a kind smile on his face.

The king of Baoxiang Kingdom didn't think too much about it. Who could doubt a kind-hearted Tang monk?


The king of Baoxiang Kingdom said respectfully:

"Then please!"

Tang Sanzang turned around, looked at Chu Hao, and said respectfully:

"Dijun, then please!"


Chu Hao: "???"

Chu Hao twitched the corners of his mouth, wanting to save someone | Why is my wife relying on me?

However, Chu Hao happened to have something to do during this trip, so he waved his hands and said, "Then let's go."

Zhu Bajie grinned beside him,

"Only the emperor is good in the world, and a child with an emperor is like a treasure."

Tang Sanzang actually wanted to shake Sun Wukong back, but thinking about it, with the emperor here, even if Chu Hao didn't make a move, one word would be enough,

Then there is no need to call Monkey King over.

Everyone bid farewell to the king of Baoxiang Kingdom and set off for Boyue Cave.


However, since Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva received the decree of the Buddha and knew that everything can only be done by himself, he was terrified in his heart.

She knew that the problem Journey to the West is facing now is not just Chu Hao, but also those Asuras and demons who are peeping in the dark and may rush out at any time.

But now in Journey to the West, there is only one Dainichi Tathagata with serious combat power.

Guanyin Bodhisattva also knows that this matter is a bit fatal. After all, the matter of Journey to the West is extremely important, so there can be no problems.

But at this time, no one in Journey to the West can use it, which makes Guanyin Bodhisattva extremely distressed.

Although there is still a Tathagata, but the last time he was directly pressed and beaten by the Asura and the Demons, it is more unreliable.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is full of thoughts, who else can use it?

She flew all the way, slowing down her pace, thinking of strategies all the time.

But at this time, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva felt a very familiar breath for no reason!

Guanyin Bodhisattva followed that breath, and in front of Magu Cave in Erxian Mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva saw familiar figures one by one!

"Brother Huanglong!!!" Guanyin Bodhisattva yelled.

In the Magu Cave, suddenly a middle-aged man with a sword in his hand and a white crane on his feet flew over,

Guanyin Bodhisattva was even more overjoyed when he saw the visitor,

Sure enough, what he saw was the real Huanglong!Back then, he was one of the disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun along with Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and Daoist Huanglong was ranked third among the Twelve Immortals!

Although Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's impression of Daoist Huanglong is only one word, but at this moment, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva can't see Daoist Huanglong's cultivation.

I'm afraid that Master Huanglong's cultivation has reached the point where Guanyin Bodhisattva can't even reach it.

The real Huanglong had originally received Yuanshi Tianzun's order to investigate the situation from the lower realms. He thought that as time passed by, not many people would know him.

Moreover, this trip Yuanshi Tianzun specifically told him that it was only to investigate the situation and not to be contaminated with cause and effect, so the real Huanglong hid back to the cave as soon as he came down.

But I didn't expect to be called out today.

However, when he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva, he was stunned.

Looking at this iceberg beauty in white gauze, he was dumbfounded for a moment,

"This fellow Taoist, you are... wait, this aura, you are not brother Cihang!"

Daoist Huanglong suddenly realized that this must be the Cihang Taoist who practiced with him under Yuanshi Tianzun back then!

It's just that later Ci Hang Taoist joined the Western religion and turned into a daughter, and no longer practiced under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect, so Master Huanglong didn't recognize him all at once.

However, at their level, gender doesn't matter, it's just something that mortals pay attention to.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is now in a female body, just chuckled,

"I don't know when the senior brother is here. Could it be that the master ordered something?"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had already had a little thought in his heart, but his face was just pretending to be happy to meet again after a long absence.

Huang Long is a big bully, not only in strength, but also in EQ and IQ.

Facing Guanyin Bodhisattva reunited after a long absence, Taoist Huanglong, a middle-aged man who likes to show off and talk big, can't help bragging:

"You don't know it, since I became a god, I have been cultivating under the master's door, and now I have been promoted to a great power!"

"However, today's opportunity has changed, the Three Realms are in chaos, and Journey to the West is in chaos. Master wants to know what happened in the lower realm, so he specially ordered me to come and investigate the situation in the Three Realms."

"To be honest, I am the only one who is reliable under Master's sect now!"

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