The Journey to the West goes nine to five in heaven

Chapter 100 Monkey King making trouble in the Heavenly Palace?

Chu Hao chuckled, "Did Fairy Nishang invite me to go home to see my mother-in-law? If so, I'll clean up now, so I won't let my mother-in-law laugh at me."

Fairy Nishang was worried, and said angrily: "What time is it, you are still poor! I know you are the law enforcement prison god, you can't just sit idly by...but..., I'm afraid something will happen to you!"

Chu Hao smiled lightly and thought for a while. Anyway, according to the plot, Sun Wukong would be trapped by Tathagata Buddha and be crushed under Five Fingers Mountain.

However, at this moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Today's task: The monster monkey is making trouble in the heavenly palace, how can I just sit idly by?Defeat the monster monkey and stabilize the heaven!

[Reward: Demon Emperor Sword (Acquired Treasure)

Have a mission?

Then Chu Hao is no longer lazy.

Chu Hao grabbed Fairy Nishang's shoulder, looked at Fairy Nishang seriously, and said warmly:

"If I don't take action, the monstrous monkeys will make trouble in the Heavenly Court. I don't know how many immortals will suffer. If it causes a catastrophe for the common people, it will be a catastrophe. I believe you don't want to see the blood in the Heavenly Court, and the world is in chaos, right? "

"Since I am the law enforcement prison god of the Three Realms, I have the responsibility to stop the monster monkey."

"But..." Fairy Nishang worriedly grabbed Chu Hao's hand, her eyes were red.

Everyone knows the importance of responsibility, and they will sympathize with the chaos of the people.

But more than anything else, the safety of your sweetheart is the most important thing.

Who would want to take risks with their sweetheart?

Unless you don't love him enough...

Chu Hao smiled slightly, suddenly let go of his aura, and said in a gentle voice:

"Don't worry, no matter how strong that monster monkey is, it won't be my opponent. Because soon, I will be promoted to Da Luo."

Sensing Chu Hao's mana breath, Fairy Nishang's face changed in surprise, she was ecstatic,

"Really?! It's amazing!"

Fairy Nishang hugged Chu Hao involuntarily, with a look of pride that her sweetheart was so powerful.

But in the next second, Nishang Fairy suddenly realized that she was hugging the Law Enforcement Prison God of the Three Realms who was about to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian.

Immediately, Fairy Nishang blushed and let go of Chu Hao,

"Xianjun, Nishang is being rude..."

Chu Hao hugged Fairy Nishang into his arms, and said with a soft smile, "You are going to marry me soon, so why not be rude?"

Immediately, Nishang Fairy blushed and pushed Chu Hao away, "I will marry you, whoever promised, no, let's go, Ni Zukai!"

Although she said so on her lips, the smile on Nishang Fairy's face could not be hidden at all.

Chu Hao smiled all over his face, and jokingly said: "Be good and wait for me to come back, and I will go to see my mother-in-law with you when I come back."

"Go away!" Nishang Fairy's face was so red that it dripped water.

Chu Hao licked his tongue, Xiaonizi is indeed the most beautiful woman in the heaven, Chang'e fairy, this beauty is really second to none.

Fairy Nishang was so heartbroken by Chu Hao's sight, she ran away quickly, lest Chu Hao see her gaffe.

Chu Hao looked at the back of Fairy Nishang, which was protruding forward and backward, and couldn't help but whispered: "Even the back is so beautiful..."

Unexpectedly, Nishang Fairy also heard this, blushing and speeding up her pace.

Chu Hao touched his nose, it's over, Nishang, listen to my explanation, I'm not a pervert!

Soon, Chu Hao picked up his mood, and took Xiao Qiong to the Lingxiao Palace calmly.


At this moment, Lingxiao Palace is in chaos.

After Monkey King broke open the gossip furnace from Tushita Palace, the Taishang Laojun did not stop him, and Monkey King arrogantly beat from Lihentian to Lingxiao Palace.

A wishful golden cudgel, hit from top to bottom.

Six Ding Liujia, Nine Obsidian Stars, Five Generals, 28 Mansions, Four Heavenly Kings, 12 Yuanchen...

All the main generals of the direct descendants of the Heavenly Court will all go to battle.

However, although these gods of the heavenly court are loyal, loyalty will not bless their strength.

All the gods of the direct line took action, but they only trapped Monkey King for a while.

Sun Wukong, who came out of the gossip furnace, has completely digested those elixirs, and his strength is much stronger than before!

There is even a pair of golden eyes that can see the original form of all monsters in the world.

This level of strength is no longer something that weak gods can contend with.

To be qualified to fight Monkey King, one must be a successful Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Give it to me, get out!"

Monkey King let out a roar, and his evil spirit was released!

Nine obsidian stars, five generals, 28 constellations, four heavenly kings, 12 Yuanchen...all lying on the ground, dying.

The difference is not one or two points.

Outside Lingxiao Palace, Monkey King glared at Nantianmen.

"Old Jade Emperor, come out for me!"

"My old grandson has come to settle accounts with you!"

Monkey King came to the place where the dream started with a golden cudgel.

Originally, Heavenly Court had a chance to let Sun Wukong submit to him, or even let Monkey King work for Heavenly Court, as long as he was given a moderate position.

But the Heavenly Court humiliated Sun Wukong again and again, and did not take him seriously at all!

What is the Monkey King? !

Monkey King roared in front of the Lingxiao Palace:

"I am Monkey King!"

"I am equal to the sky, and those who humiliate me will die!"

Rebellious, domineering and crazy [violent!

This is the nature of Monkey King, this is the real Monkey King!

And Liu Xian, the commander-in-chief of the Tianbing Battalion, also quickly brought a large number of heavenly soldiers and generals to surround Monkey King.

However, even the strength of the chief captain of the Tianbing Battalion is only in the realm of a real fairy.

None of the strong men who could really come out to fight.

Outside the Nantian Gate, Monkey King fought with millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, but no god came out to fight.

Sitting in the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor was already furious, but also a little sad.

As the Lord of the Heavenly Court, as the Great Heavenly Venerable of the Three Realms, he stands aloft and the head of all immortals.

However, a little Monkey King acted recklessly in the Lingxiao Palace, but there was no one to fight, not even anyone who shouted angrily.

If it is really necessary to wait until the Jade Emperor personally takes action, then this loss of face will not be so big!

If someone casually causes trouble in the company, but a chairman is required to solve it in person, this chairman is not as good as a security guard!

But there is no way, after all, the current heaven is not of one mind.

Although he is the Jade Emperor who was proclaimed by the Taoist ancestor, in the final analysis, there are too few people who really belong to the Jade Emperor!

To put it bluntly, even the current Four Royals, Gouchen, Ziwei, Changsheng, and Qinghua, are all more famous than the Jade Emperor.

Emperor Gouchen, Emperor Ziwei, Emperor Changsheng, Emperor Qinghua, and the four emperors are all quasi-sages.

There are many strong men under their hands, such as Marshal Tianpeng, Marshal Tianyou, Yousheng Zhenjun, and Yisheng Zhenjun under Emperor Ziwei; .

There are countless capable ministers and generals under his command!

The four princes are said to be assisting the Jade Emperor, but they are so powerful that they have vaguely rivaled the Jade Emperor.

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