But he said that when the fog cleared, an army of 60 million dog food appeared behind the army of Prince Yi's Mansion.Even though the generals in Prince Yi's mansion had already speculated about this, they still couldn't help but keep their eyelids twitching.

Transverse void, this method is too mysterious and unpredictable, far beyond their cognition, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the supernatural power of the fairy family.

This is the second time they have seen this sky-reaching method. The first time was when Jiang Yi "did the stars with his hands and moved across the void" on the night of the Five Sacred Ridges, moving tens of thousands of horses along with Kongtong Mountain to the Demon Realm of the Western Border close.

Now they have witnessed this shocking method again with their own eyes.

"The methods of the sect outside the world are so terrifying?"

Guojun King Jiang Huan stared in disbelief, and at the same time felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Dong Chengyang, one of the four patriarchs of Wen Zong, also appeared near the Dali Wang Banner at some point, and shook his head when he heard the words: "It should be with the help of some treasure, and they may not be able to do so against the sky with their cultivation methods alone. "

He was in Wushengling back then, and knew that when Jiang Yi used this method in Wushengling, he used a mysterious stone plate.

And in the "Void Crossing" in front of him, he also felt an aura similar to that of Chongbao, but it was obviously not as good as that mysterious stone plate.

With the help of Chongbao?Jiang Huan let out a long sigh of relief when he heard the words, thinking about it, if the sect outside the world really had such supernatural powers, then the secular dynasty would have perished long ago.

At the same time, the other generals who heard this sentence also breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Chengyang didn't make a sound anymore, but silently looked at the place where the dog food army appeared out of thin air, sighing silently.

He didn't tell the truth just now, in fact, that area was advanced by a large formation from the Border World Sect, and hundreds of thousands of troops were sent here by means of this large formation.

Dong Chengyang secretly lamented the mysterious means of his lord, even he didn't realize that the area was equipped with tricks, and his lord discovered it after going around for a few laps.

Only then did the next layout come into being.

Under Hanshan City, the army of Prince Yi's Mansion was still silent, and there was no chaos caused by the sudden appearance of hundreds of thousands of enemy troops.

With the sound of the horn, the 10,000+ army in the back turned in unison, aiming the soldiers at the dog food army that suddenly appeared.

Several figures appeared on the wall of Hanshan City, and the leader was the Emperor in Jinyi. After seeing the cavalry army appearing from the south of the dog food army, his expression became ugly.

How could Prince Yi's mansion know?

His head was in a mess. In order to set up this large teleportation formation, the sect behind it used so many rare treasures that it was impossible to set it up again.

But I also know that now is not the time to think about these things, and now there is no choice but to charge the whole army.

"Order the army in Hanshan City to attack!"

"Your Majesty, Prince Yi's Mansion is obviously well prepared. If the army in Hanshan City goes out to fight, wouldn't it just fall into their trap?" A dog food general hesitated.

The Emperor in Jinyi glanced at the other party: "If you don't go out of the city to fight, can you just watch hundreds of thousands of troops being pinched by the north and the south?

What's more, the battle formation we planned in advance must have the army in Hanshan City go out of the city to charge and kill in order to exert the maximum lethality! "

The generals around him didn't say anything more.

In an instant, the battle drums under Hanshan City shook the sky, and battle formations rose from the ground, full of murderous aura.

When encountering on a narrow road, the brave wins, and when armies of more than one million collide, the competition is bloody and brave, without any tricks.

Seeing the armies of the two sides colliding violently, the Emperor Jinyi of the Dog Food Dynasty became more and more uneasy.

When did the Kerhan Eight Banners appear in the rear?The other cavalry that launched a surprise attack from behind together with the Kerhan Eight Banners was no weaker than the Kerhan Eight Banners in military strength. Could it be the newly formed Blackwater Eight Banners?

And why is it a woman who is in charge of the Dali Wang Banner?Where did Prince Yi Jiang Yi go?

The Emperor Jinyi panicked inexplicably, faintly feeling that the matter had gone beyond their control.

But thinking that there will be more than 100 million reinforcements in Hanshan Pass soon, I feel calmed down a lot, just hold on until the reinforcements arrive.

In addition, those two mysterious ancestors will come in person. These two ancestors have the ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth. At that time, the fifth ancestor of Wenzong and the eighth realm of martial arts will all be crushed.

At the moment when the Luofu Cave's Tianyin skin completely fell off, and at the same time as the battle broke out under the Hanshan City, several places in the Manghuang Continent also kicked off the prelude to the Great World War:

On a mysterious mountain, two figures covered in black robes stood up and looked at each other.

"After so many years, I can finally walk out of this forbidden area openly! Manghuang Continent, here I come!"

A female voice also said immediately: "Yeah, thanks to the coincidence, we have arranged a void teleportation formation, and with the power of this formation, we can leave here and enter the Manghuang Continent!"

"Haha, when the time comes, the entire Manghuang Continent will be ours, let's become saints and ancestors together..."

The man's laughter suddenly stopped, and then a pair of palm-sized flywheels came out of his clothes, directly killing the companions around him, and he did not forget to reprimand:

"You poor maidservant, you dare to use poison on me!"

"Hehe, this is called preemptive action. You think I don't know, you have already planned to kill me at this moment, so that you can enjoy the ancestral land of mankind to yourself!"

"You already knew?" The male voice, Soi Ying, calmed down instead of taking a single blow.

"I'm not a fool, I'm also greedy, and I also want to be the supreme existence in the Manghuang Continent." The girl said, "The Manghuang Continent is too tempting to accommodate the ambitions of the two of us."

"When did you realize that I was going to kill you?"

"I don't need to know, because I've already made up my mind to kill you." The girl giggled.

The male voice said unwillingly: "Actually, I'm afraid we are all a bit whimsical. You must know that the Luofu Cave Sky Seal is in our ancestral land. Once the holder successfully obtains the fruit of luck, our clansmen will flock to the Manghuang Continent. Our ambition It's simply impossible."

"Hehe, you still want to deceive me? I know that you handed in the Luofu Cave sky seal, and I also know that the Luofu Cave sky seal is fake. Our spirit race doesn't even have a Luofu Cave sky seal!

You handed in a fake one, and then took the initiative to invite Ying to enter this forbidden area to take the lead, isn't it just waiting for this day?

I want to be the last peach picker, so I am waiting for that day too. "

"You want to kill me just because of this indiscriminate method of poisoning?" The male voice said disdainfully.

"Who said it's poisonous? It's the same life Gu." After the female voice finished speaking, red pupae appeared between the teeth for a while.

The male voice's complexion changed drastically, and he flew forward, but how quickly he got past his teeth, the female voice moaned and bit her teeth lightly, and the blood chrysalis instantly turned into a stream of blood.

The flying figure also turned into a puddle of blood in mid-air, leaving only a black robe left on the ground.

The face of the remaining female voice turned pale in an instant, and half of its cultivation was cut off.

"The Same Fate Gu is really domineering, killing one thousand enemies will cause eight hundred damages, but even with only half of the cultivation level left, it is enough to dominate the Manghuang Continent!

Now you only need to go to Hanshan City, use the blood and bones of the millions of battlefields under Hanshan City to use the secret method to enter the Luofu Cave and get the luck fruit, and you're done! "

The female voice Sombra couldn't help but was interrupted by a sudden cold voice:

"I thought it would be a difficult life-and-death struggle, but I didn't expect that you would fight among yourself, and your cultivation level... I don't think it would be difficult to kill you..."

"Zhu Wuyan!" The black shadow of the female voice was ashamed, and wanted to ask why Zhu Wuyan was able to enter this forbidden area, but unfortunately there was no chance.

After easily killing the opponent, Zhu Wuyan blinked and murmured: "The biggest threat is so easily solved? The animal is really lucky."

"But it seems that I can also take the opportunity to go back and expand the gate of Xiayin Mountain?"

"You have to make plans to gain a foothold in Prince Yi's Mansion in the future..."

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